Christopher Bollyn

Israeli Transtech Control “Airfield Management” software provided by a senior Israeli spymaster was running on the computer systems of many of the airports and U.S. Air Force bases involved in the events of 9/11.

“The deathly precision” and “magnitude of planning” behind the 9-11 attacks would have needed “years of planning.”  Such a sophisticated operation would require the “fixed frame” of a state intelligence organization, something not found in a “loose group” of terrorists like the one allegedly led by Mohammed Atta while he studied in Hamburg.
– Eckart Werthebach, former president of German intelligence service to Christopher Bollyn, December 2001   Continue reading “The Computer Crimes of 9/11: How Critical U.S. Airport Computers Were Compromised with Israeli Spyware”

Campus Reform – by Toni Airaksinen

Eugene Lang College, part of The New School in Lower Manhattan, will offer a course next semester for students who wish to fight “heterosexist” explanations of animals and nature.

Taught by Heather Davis, “Queer Ecologies” is a four-credit course offered by the school’s Culture and Media department for students who wish to “disrupt prevailing heterosexist discursive and institutional articulations of sexuality and nature.”    Continue reading “Course disputes idea that heterosexual sex is ‘natural’”

Free Thought Project – by Rachel Blevins

Lehigh County, PA – A disturbing video was posted on Facebook that shows a police officer open fire and shoot multiple rounds at a man who appears to be slowly walking towards him, on the side of the street, near an amusement park.

The man has yet to be identified, and the details released by the South Whitehall Township Police Department have been scarce. Police Chief Glen Dorney confirmed that the man was killed in the shooting, and told WNEP News that the incident started around 6 p.m. on Saturday.
Continue reading “Cop Opens Fire Near Busy Family Park, Kills Unarmed Man For Walking Toward Him”

Free Thought Project – by  Matt Agorist

Chesapeake, VA — A mother is grieving and also crying foul after police say her 19-year-old daughter killed herself during a routine traffic stop. According to the mother, police told her that her daughter was handcuffed when she somehow got a gun and shot herself. But witnesses tell a different story.

Dawn Wilson, the mother of 19-year-old Sarah Wilson has come forward to speak out about the inconsistencies in the case and the possibility of something far more sinister than a suicide.   Continue reading “Police Say Handcuffed Teen Shot Herself in the Head In a Traffic Stop, Witnesses on Video Say Otherwise”

Breitbart – by John Binder

Pro-mass immigration GOP mega-donor billionaire Koch brothers are threatening to support Democrats who push for open borders and multinational free trade in the upcoming midterm elections.

During a conference with millionaire and billionaire donors, officials with the Kochs’ network of organizations said that they would gladly put funding in the pockets of Democrats so long as they support aspects of their agenda, which include promoting mass immigration and job-killing free trade deals.   Continue reading “Midterms: Billionaire Koch Brothers Threaten to Support Democrats Pushing Open Borders, Free Trade”

Futurity Science and Technology – by Josh Brown

A flexible material made from multiple layers of chitin from crab shells and cellulose from trees could one day replace plastic packaging film.

“The main benchmark that we compare it to is PET, or polyethylene terephthalate, one of the most common petroleum-based materials in the transparent packaging you see in vending machines and soft drink bottles,” says J. Carson Meredith, a professor in Georgia Tech’s School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.   Continue reading “How crab shells and trees could keep food fresher”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Finally, a journalist for a mainstream UK media outlet is methodically tracking weapons shipment serial numbers and English-language paperwork recovered from al-Qaeda groups in Syria, and he’s literally showing up at arms factories and questioning arms dealers, including officials at the Saudi Embassy in London, asking: why are your weapons in the hands of terrorists?    Continue reading “Robert Fisk: “I Traced Al-Qaeda Missile Casings In Syria Back To Their Original Sellers””

Metro – by Rob Waugh

A chilling simulation has revealed just how easily a new pathogen could wipe out a huge slice of the world’s population – up to 900 million people.

Researchers at John Hopkins University simulated the spread of a new illness – a new type of parainfluenza, known as Clade X.   Continue reading “Pandemic ‘could wipe out 900 million people,’ experts warn”

Mint Press News – by Whitney Webb

NEW YORK — The Group of 77, a bloc of developing nations at the UN, has chosen Palestine’s delegation as its chair for 2019, a move that will likely be seen as a diplomatic win for Palestine and a loss for Israel and the U.S. The latter two countries have been arguing against increasing Palestine’s political power in the international body until a peace agreement, such as the “peace” plan soon to be released by the Trump administration, has been accepted by the Israeli and Palestinian governments.  Continue reading “UN Bloc of Developing Nations Elects Palestine as Leader in Snub to Israel, US”

The term patriot is thrown and bandied about from so many directions and perspectives that it has become meaningless.  The enemies of freedom and liberty love the word because they understand it for the misnomer that it is.

A patriot in communist red China is the man or woman who turns his or her neighbor into the government police, for speaking against the policies thereof.

A patriot in Israel is a megalomaniac who snipes unarmed Palestinian children for coming too close to a fence that the military occupation of Israel has declared cannot be crossed.   Continue reading “What is a Patriot?”


In the latest salvo against civil forfeiture, 21 Republican Members of Congress sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday that demanded the Justice Department “immediately return” up to $22 million that was “seized unfairly by the government.” Using civil forfeiture, the Internal Revenue Service raided bank accounts from hundreds of owners for alleged “structuring” offenses, which involves making a series of cash transactions under $10,000 to skirt federal reporting requirements.

“What was done was not fair, just or right in most cases,” the letter declared, which was co-signed by House Ways and Means Chair Kevin Brady (R-TX), Oversight Subcommittee Chair Lynn Jenkins (R-KS), and former Oversight Subcommittee Chair Peter Roskam (R-IL). “The IRS’s actions led to the destruction of many lives and small businesses, some of which will never fully recover.”   Continue reading “Congress Demands Justice Department Return Millions ‘Seized Unfairly’ From Taxpayers”

Steemit – by Carey Wedler

Laurens County, South Carolina, passed a resolution this week urging the state to reject the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)’s indefinite detention provisions, making the county the eight local government in the country to resist the language, which was initially passed in the 2012 version of the military funding bill.

According to a press release from People Against the NDAA (PANDA), which has long campaigned against indefinite detention, “Resolution 2018-31 provides inhabitants of Laurens County their first legal defense against indefinite detentions since passage of the 2012 NDAA.”   Continue reading “SC County Passes Resolution to Nullify NDAA’s Infamous Indefinite Detention Provisions”

Video Rebel’s Blog

America is the first Undeveloping country of the 21st century. Gerald Celente

America has trillions of dollars in unfunded repairs to its infrastructure that it must make if it plans to survive. Obama had a shovel ready jobs program that had to be scrapped when feminists complained that the term shovel ready seemed to favor hiring men. Iran, China and Russia need not worry. After eight years of Obama, the infrastructure debt became worse. Trump is proposing we spend a trillion dollars but would require we privatize our best infrastructure. That means we pay for it and the leadership of the Jewish-Globalist Lobby winds up owning our utilities and roads while they gouge us for fees to use what we built.   Continue reading “Iran Waits With Mach 14 Missiles While The US Collapses”


Body camera footage has been made public, which shows the chasing of and the shots that killed Thurman Blevins, an African American whose death in June led to mass protests in Minneapolis.

The video shows two officers, Justin Schmidt and Ryan Kelly, driving in a car as they were responding to a 911 call about a man firing a gun into the air in the northern part of the city.    Continue reading “Graphic video of Thurman Blevins shooting that sparked mass protests is released by police”