Month: August 2018
SAN FRANCISCO – On Sept. 8, an ungainly, 2,000-foot-long contraption will steam under the Golden Gate Bridge in what’s either a brilliant quest or a fool’s errand.
Dubbed the Ocean Cleanup Project, this giant sea sieve consists of pipes that float at the surface of the water with netting below, corralling trash in the center of a U-shaped design. Continue reading “A giant floating trash collector will try to scoop up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch”
A new trend on Instagram has thousands of teens using thread pages to share advice. But experts warn that the tips given on these pages could do more harm than good.
Over the past year, Instagram has been taken over by a trend known as “thread” accounts. Usually run by teenagers, they feature screenshots from other social media platforms, like Twitter, and are focused on sharing life advice with the millions of young people flocking to Instagram. The owners of these accounts post about things like skin care, beauty tips, weight loss, and mental health, and have racked up hundreds of thousands of followers. They’ve become mini content empires all their own, and earn thousands of dollars in ad revenue. Continue reading “These Teens Are Making Thousands Of Dollars Promoting Risky DIY “Self-Care” Tips”
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Archive: TWFTT 8-8-18
Blocking sunlight to cool the Earth will not save humanity’s farmland from climate change, according to a new study that dismisses a leading global warming prevention theory.
Researchers had speculated that injecting particles into the atmosphere would lower rising global temperatures enough to stop crops from dying out.
But scientists analysing the past effects of Earth-cooling volcanic eruptions showed that shielding the atmosphere damages crops as much as it helps them. Continue reading “Blocking sunlight to cool the Earth will not work”
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
Cincinnati, OH — A disturbing story out of Cincinnati is making headlines this week after a police officer tasered an 11-year-old girl after he suspected her of stealing food. The officer who tasered the girl has been put on administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation.
“Tasing someone…a child, for shoplifting? That’s ridiculous,” one witness told WLWT. “There is no reason for that.” Continue reading “Hungry 11yo Girl Taken to Hospital After Cop Tasered Her in the Back for Stealing Food”
Free Thought Project – by John Vibes
Toledo, Ohio – This Tuesday, Toledo City Councilman Rob Ludeman suggested that criminals be implanted with microchips so they can be tracked by police and the courts. Ludeman also made comments essentially describing people charged with crimes as animals.
The councilman said, “this can’t be inhumane because we do it to our pets.” Continue reading “Lawmaker Proposes Implanting Microchips in People to Track Non-Violent Offenders Like “Pets””
King County, Washington, is considering the institution of a requirement that gun stores and gun ranges post signs on their premises warning of the health risks associated with firearm ownership and/or usage.
The signs are being pushed by King County Council Chair Joe McDermott (D), who included the signage proposal in his recently introduced Gun Safety Action Plan. Continue reading “Washington County Considering Health ‘Warning Signs’ for Gun Stores and Gun Ranges”
A Medicine Hat, Alta., man is facing charges of inciting hatred in public after complaints from a local business about someone displaying money stamped with with an anti-Semitic message.
When police arrested the man on July 31, a search of the suspect’s backpack turned up several $5 and $20 bills that had been stamped with hateful markings directed toward Jewish people. Continue reading “Medicine Hat man charged with inciting hatred in public”
CEDAR FALLS, Iowa (KRON/CNN) – You wouldn’t think a little girl selling cookies would be a controversial thing, but in one Iowa neighborhood, it is.
Police in Cedar Falls say they’ve received three different calls to police in the span of five days.
They are all because of a 10-year-old girl selling water and homemade cookies. Continue reading “Police called multiple times on girl selling homemade cookies”
Baltimore Sun – by Luke Broadwater
Baltimore City Council members concerned about lobbying efforts to privatize the city’s water supply unanimously approved legislation Monday that, if approved by voters, would make Baltimore the first major city to ban the sale or lease of the water system.
City Council President Bernard C. “Jack” Young waived council rules to allow for fast-tracked approval of a charter amendment that will go to voters on the November ballot. Continue reading “Baltimore could become first major U.S. city to ban sale of its water system”
Washington Examiner – by Caitlin Yilek
Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., is calling on other tech companies to ban more sites like InfoWars, and says the survival of American democracy depends on it.
“Infowars is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses sites like Facebook and YouTube to tear our nation apart. These companies must do more than take down one website. The survival of our democracy depends on it,” Murphy tweeted Monday. Continue reading “‘Survival of our democracy’ depends on banning sites like InfoWars, Dem senator says”
A leaf 100 feet (30.5 meters) up in a tree needs Calcium. It sends that message down the tree to its roots where it is delivered to the biological life teeming in the soil which in turn fills the leaf’s need in exchange for sugars the leaves made during photosynthesis. The leaf receives its Calcium 90 seconds after its initial request. And the soil receives its Carbon from the earth and sun above.
Did anyone ever teach you that in high school? Continue reading “Our Future Depends On Understanding Dr Elaine Ingham”
Watts Up With That – by Bob Bradley
“If the current pace of the buildup of these gases continues, the effect is likely to be a warming of 3 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit [between now and] the year 2025 to 2050…. The rise in global temperature is predicted to … caus[e] sea levels to rise by one to four feet by the middle of the next century.”
— Philip Shabecoff, “Global Warming Has Begun.” New York Times, June 24, 1988.
It has been 30 years since the alarm bell was sounded for manmade global warming caused by modern industrial society. And predictions made on that day—and ever since—continue to be falsified in the real world. Continue reading “Failed Prognostications of Climate Alarm”