Yahoo News

TULSA, Okla. (AP) — A white former Oklahoma volunteer deputy who fatally shot an unarmed black man says he’s sorry for the man’s family, but that the shooting also disrupted his own life.

“I feel very bad about it,” Robert Bates told KTUL-TV in his first public comments since the 2015 shooting that killed Eric Harris. “It has been a very disruptive thing in my life. I feel sorry for his son, his ex-wife and family. It bothers me,” Bates said in the interview that aired Thursday.   Continue reading “Ex-deputy says he feels ‘very bad’ about killing unarmed man”


The gunman behind the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, Robert Bowers, was active and outspoken on social media, publishing bizarre posts in which he slammed Jews, diversity, and Donald Trump.

Moments before entering the synagogue on Saturday morning, the 46-year-old wrote on the social network Gab that he was “going in,” stating that he couldn’t “sit by and watch my people get slaughtered.” That comment was in reference to the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), which he says “brings invaders in that kill our people.”   Continue reading “‘Trump controlled by Jews’ & other anti-Semitic conspiracies of synagogue shooter”

I remember when I was a child in junior high school, once a month or so the local, or state police would come to our school and give speeches and answer questions, mostly defending their jobs.

The speeches were along the lines that, it is an evil world out there, and you guys really don’t know how bad it is. The subjects ranged from child sacrifice to ouija board serial killers.(real thing!!) Only to go home and be fed horror TV by the likes of Amityville horror and Creepshow, which was fairly decent reinforcement of what these” law enforcement officers “were telling us.   Continue reading “The Beginning of Propaganda”

Middle East Eye

The Israeli army carried out scores of air strikes across the besieged Gaza Strip in the early hours of Saturday, in the highest-intensity offensive on the coastal Palestinian territory since the summer.

The Israeli army launched at least 87 air strikes, Israeli news outlet Ynet reported, saying it was in response to some 34 rockets fired from the enclave into southern Israel.  Continue reading “Israeli Forces Launch 87 Overnight Airstrikes Against Gaza Strip”

North Jersey towns are stepping up security and being more vigilant after a mass shooting killed eight and injured many at a Pittsburgh synagogue on Saturday.

A man has been taken into custody after multiple people were shot at Tree of Life synagogue,including three police officers.    Continue reading “North Jersey towns step up security after Pittsburgh synagogue shooting”

After listening to Henry and Mark converse on Marks show on 10/25, it goes to show us the importance of our leaders being together on how things will progress when the inevitable war for freedom lights off. Henry’s point being, what control mechanism will be in place as common law must be first and foremost, apart from any form of admiralty law, period. Mark’s point being, there has to be some sort of command to keep order, because if there isn’t, pandemonium will take hold, accomplishing nothing, insuring chaos.   Continue reading “Henry Shivley and Mark Koernke – Two Strong Leaders Who Together Give Us Confidence”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Update (11:25 am ET): Police have cleared the synagogue with a robot and are now seeking to clear it for bombs with a canine.

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Update (11:15 am ET): Police have the shooter in handcuffs and are in the process of clearing the synagogue. According to scanner reports, at least 11 people have been tagged “dead on arrival.”   Continue reading “At Least 11 Dead, 1 Cop Wounded, After Shooting At Pittsburgh Synagogue; Gunman Shouted “All Jews Must Die””

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

new report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) shows President Trump’s temporary tent city for unaccompanied alien children (UAC) at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) Tornillo, Texas Land Port of Entry (LPOE) has dramatically expanded its capabilities over the last several months.

Tornillo’s tent city was designed to temporarily house 450 children under the supervision of HHS in June, when Trump’s zero-tolerance policy separated over 2,500 migrant children from their parents.   Continue reading “As ‘Caravan’ Crosses Mexico, Trump’s ‘Temporary’ Tent City For Migrant Kids Balloons In Size”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Eagle Point, OR — A family is heartbroken this week after learning that the officers who took their son’s life will not be charged and were ruled justified in his killing—over improperly crossing the street. Matthew Graves, 33, was shot in the back twice by police last month after they followed him into a Carl’s Jr. bathroom because they suspected him of jaywalking.

Prior to his interaction with police, Graves was unarmed, had harmed absolutely no one, had no warrants, and was simply walking to Carl’s Jr. to get a bite to eat. However, because he crossed the road in a manner not fit for the police state—otherwise known as jaywalking—Graves would be killed in cold blood by public servants and die on the floor of a fast food restaurant bathroom.   Continue reading “Unarmed Man Shot in the Back, Killed By Cops in a Bathroom Over Jaywalking Stop”

Daily Mail

An 18-year-old who claims to be a former member of the feared Latin mafia MS-13 has backed President Trump’s controversial claim that the migrant caravan contains gangsters and criminals.

Trump has faced a barrage of criticism for insisting that the brutal Central American street gang’s operatives are embedded in the sprawling human convoy.    Continue reading “Ex member of MS-13 says Trump is RIGHT and he knows nearly a dozen gangsters hiding in caravan”

Medium – by Caitlin Johnstone

Media headlines have been dominated for the last two days by the news that pipe bombs are being sent to Democratic Party elites and their allies, a list of whom as of this writing consists of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, George Soros, Maxine Waters, Eric Holder, Robert De Niro, and the CNN office (addressed to former CIA Director John Brennan who actually works for NBC). As of this writing nobody has been killed or injured in any way by any of these many explosive devices, and there is as of this writing no publicly available evidence that they were designed to. As of this writing there is no evidence that the devices were intended to do anything other than what they have done: stir up fear and grab headlines.   Continue reading “Nation Transfixed In Horror By Toy Bombs While Destroying Lives With Real Ones”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Phillipsburg, KS — The parents of children at a middle school in Kansas are likely regretting their decision to allow the school to drug test their students this week after their children came home with large patches of missing hair. The hair was used in the random drug testing process of 11 to 14-year-old children.

The school district is now on the defensive after multiple students complained to their parents about the hack jobs they received as the state searched their bodies for illegal substances.   Continue reading “Parents Outraged After School Shaved Large Patches of Hair from Kids’ Heads to Drug Test Them”