USA Today

HAGATNA, Guam – With sustained winds of 178 mph as its eye passed directly over the tiny U.S. island of Tinian early Thursday, Super Typhoon Yutu was the strongest storm on record to ever hit a U.S. territory, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

It was also the second-strongest storm on record to ever hit any part of the United States, trailing only the 185-mph hurricane that hit the Florida Keys in 1935, according to the Weather Underground.

Continue reading “Deadly Super Typhoon Yutu strongest storm to ever hit US territory, second strongest to hit US overall”

USA Today

TECUN UMAN, Guatemala — Several hundred migrants from Honduras had gathered in the center of this bustling border town Thursday with more streaming in by the hour in what could be the beginning of another mass exodus of people headed to the U.S. through Mexico.

Some of the migrants in the town’s main plaza said Thursday that they were waiting for a wave of new migrants to arrive that could number between 1,500 and 4,000 people, similar to the huge caravan of migrants that passed through this town just five days earlier.   Continue reading “Migrants gather on Guatemala border, as another mass exodus to the U.S. takes shape”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Update2: President Trump announced the apprehension and arrest, and says the suspect will be “prosecuted to the full extent of the law.”

Update: NBC News has identified the suspect as Cesar Sayoc Jr.   Continue reading “Man Arrested In Connection To Suspected Explosive Packages, Identified As Cesar Sayoc Jr.”


Parents everywhere should be scared because a company that makes its money selling alcohol monitoring devices just published a scary drunk driving Halloween infographic.

Scram Systems makes millions of dollars selling continuous alcohol monitoring bracelets, breathalyzers and GPS ankle bracelets.   Continue reading “Halloween drunk driving infographic designed to scare parents and kids”

Yahoo News

MIAMI (Reuters) – Federal authorities arrested a man in Florida on Friday suspected of sending at least a dozen parcel bombs to high-profile critics of U.S. President Donald Trump days ahead of congressional elections, officials said.

The man was taken into custody in the parking lot of an AutoZone store in Plantation, near Fort Lauderdale, where two witnesses told Reuters they heard a loud blast at the time of the arrest.   Continue reading “FBI arrests man in Florida suspected of sending parcel bombs”

Mint Press News – by Whitney Webb

WASHINGTON — A recently unsealed lawsuit has accused two U.S. military contractors of treating American citizens working as military translators in the Middle East like “slaves.” The two contractors — DynCorp and its subcontractor, Global Linguist Solutions (GLS) — are alleged to have housed American translators in Kuwait within a poorly maintained tent city and to have threatened the workers with prison time if they tried to escape. The suit is the second lawsuit to be made public this year that accuses a prominent military contractor of treating its employees as slaves.   Continue reading “Lawsuit: US Military Contractor DynCorp Accused of “Enslaving” American Employees in Kuwaiti Tent Cities”


BELLMAWR, N.J. (AP) — A quick eye by Goodwill workers in southern New Jersey turned up framed pages from an original 1774 Philadelphia newspaper with an iconic “Unite or Die” snake design on the masthead.

The frayed Dec. 28, 1774, edition of the “Pennsylvania Journal and the Weekly Advertiser” boasts three items signed by John Hancock, then president of the Provincial Congress, who pleads for the Colonies to fight back “enemies” trying to divide them.   Continue reading “Goodwill workers in NJ find original 1774 ‘rebel’ newspaper”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

A Boeing C-17 Globemaster military transport plane accidentally dropped a Humvee onto a community in Harnett County, North Carolina, Wednesday afternoon, Fort Bragg officials confirmed.

The incident occurred around 1 pm in the small town of Cameron, which CNN said the Humvee landed approximately seven miles north of the intended Fort Bragg drop zone.   Continue reading “Military Plane Accidentally Drops Humvee On North Carolina Neighborhood”

World Events and the Bible

We had the opportunity to visit the Georgia Guidestones which is a monument located in Georgia. While I have known about these stones for a very long time, I learned quite a bit more about them on our visit, and made one very interesting observation which we will cover shortly.

As we headed down the road to visit the site, the thoughts came through my mind again…  Continue reading “The Mystery Of The Georgia Guidestones”

Natural News – by Tracey Watson

Magnesium is arguably one of the most important minerals necessary for the optimal functioning of the human body. Responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions, magnesium is present in our bones, cells and organs. Unfortunately, the combination of our modern diet and the minerally-depleted “tap” water that we drink have left the vast majority of us severely depleted of this important mineral. As we age, levels of magnesium decrease even further, leaving us vulnerable to a host of diseases directly linked to a lack of this essential mineral, including stroke and heart disease.   Continue reading “Higher levels of magnesium intake associated with reduced rates of high blood pressure and heart disease”

The Organic Prepper – by Meadow Clark

Does your favorite cereal contain glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller? The answer is most likely YES! Oatmeal, cereal, snack bars, and other dry goods now found to contain glyphosate at levels deemed “unsafe.”

After months of reports trickling in with tests showing that glyphosate is absolutely found in the food supply – yes, even non-GMO foods! – a large non-profit group has finally tested dozens more breakfast foods only to confirm the bleak suspicions.  Continue reading “Want Some Weedkiller for Breakfast? Here’s What You Can Do to Avoid the Poison in Nearly All Dry Breakfast Foods”

Washington Examiner – by Anna Giaritelli

The Department of Homeland Security on Thursday defended claims by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that violent criminals are a component of the Honduran caravan making its way through Mexico toward the U.S., after reporters at the White House questioned how they know that.

“@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories,” DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening.  Continue reading “DHS ‘can confirm’: Gang members, criminals are in the caravan”

NDTV Profit

New Delhi: Global realty brand ‘Trump Towers’ will make its debut in North India through real estate firms M3M India and Tribeca Developers, which launched a luxury residential project on Wednesday under the marquee in Gurugram entailing investments of Rs. 1,200 crore.

M3M and Tribeca will develop 250 ultra luxury residences under a brand licence from The Trump Organisation, which is currently led by Donald Trump Jr, son of US President Donald Trump.   Continue reading “M3M, Tribeca To Invest Rs. 1,200 Crore In ‘Trump Towers’ Gurugram”

Barack Obama gets $400,000.00 a speech. Why, I have no idea, but he gets it, and that’s fine and dandy, but why am I paying for his worthless performance as a president, in retirement?

We pay his retirement, full medical and other everyday costs making him one of the most wealthy ex-presidents on the planet, for doing nothing. He was useless as a president, and is just as useless in retirement.   Continue reading “Ex-Presidents Giving $400,000 Speeches – Why Are We Paying Their Retirement?”

Times of Malta

Transport company boss Chris Blackburn is contemplating spending almost a million pounds for a chance to keep his trucks on European roads if Britain leaves the EU without a deal in March.

Upgrading the emissions standards of his fleet would allow him to compete for the 984 annual European travel permits allocated for British trucks next year.   Continue reading “With Brexit talks in gridlock, British truckers plan for the worst”

Fox News

Hundreds of U.S. troops are set to make their way to the southern border to help Homeland Security and the National Guard as a caravan with thousands of migrants pushes north with the goal of crossing into America, a U.S. official confirmed to Fox News on Thursday.

The official said roughly 800 soldiers will be sent to the area to offer “logistical support,” including providing tents and vehicles.   Continue reading “Hundreds of US troops heading to the border to deal with migrant caravan, official says”

Daily Mail

A transgender girl accused of assaulting two students at a Texas high school alleges that she was being bullied and was merely fighting back.

Shocking video shows a student identified by police as Travez Perry violently punching, kicking and stomping on a girl in the hallway of Tomball High School.

The female student was transported to the hospital along with a male student, whom Perry allegedly kicked in the face and knocked unconscious.   Continue reading “Transgender girl charged in brutal Texas high school attack caught on camera ‘was hitting back at bully after receiving a death threat’”