Tech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

Reverse warrants are the new tech-related toy law enforcement is experimenting with. Oddly, a lot of what’s come to light so far originates in the Midwest, an area not exactly known for early adoption. Outside of the NYPD and feds confirming they use warrants to seek a list of possible suspects (rather than targeting any specific suspect), most reporting has covered deployments by law enforcement agencies in Minnesota.  Continue reading “Feds Used A ‘Reverse’ Warrant To Try To Track Down Bank Robbers In Wisconsin”

The End of the American Dream – by Michael Snyder

When you have done things a certain way for almost your entire career, it can be exceedingly difficult to admit that you were wrong.  This is true in any field, but it is especially true for those in the ministry.  So Benny Hinn showed an enormous amount of courage when he completely repudiated the “prosperity gospel” on Monday night during a Facebook Live broadcast.  This represents a 180 degree turn for his ministry, and it could be a watershed moment for American evangelical Christianity as a whole.  For decades, an extreme emphasis on wealth and prosperity has virtually drowned out the message of the cross on Christian television, and this has greatly damaged the evangelical movement.  Having high profile leaders such as Benny Hinn renounce the “prosperity gospel” would do much to heal the damage that has been done, and he should be greatly applauded for his public repentance. Continue reading “A Watershed Moment For American Evangelical Christianity – Benny Hinn Has Just Renounced The Prosperity Gospel”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

The Midland-Odessa shooter who attacked innocents on Saturday reportedly acquired his gun privately in order to avoid drawing attention to himself via a background check.

Gov. Greg Abbott (R) noted Monday that the Midland attacker had “previously failed a gun purchase background check in Texas.” At that time no one knew the means by which the gun used in Midland was acquired, but on Tuesday CBS DFW reported the shooter acquired the gun privately “to evade the background check where he would have been flagged.”  Continue reading “Report: Midland Shooter Acquired Gun Privately, Seller May Face Charges”

Winter Watch – by Russ Winter

Editor’s Note: Without an understanding of the Tavistock-Levin method, the reader will have a hard time grasping what happened at Jonestown or what is happening in the world in general. Read this first: “The Tavistock Method of Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry.”

On Nov.18, 1978, at a remote airstrip in the northwest corner of Guyana, an armed cadre of followers from Jim Jones’ Peoples Temple in Guyana assassinated congressman Leo Ryan and killed four others.  Continue reading “The Jonestown Massacre: A Horrific Tavistock-Style Brainwashing Experiment”


MERCER COUNTY, W.Va. (WVVA) As mass shootings become more and more commonplace, Walmart and Kroger are both changing their policies regarding  guns.

Walmart is no longer selling ammunition for hand guns and short-barrel rifles, requesting customers to refrain from openly carrying firearms including ‘open carry’ states.  Continue reading “Gun owners respond to Walmart and Kroger gun policy change”


Walmart and the parent company of Fred Meyer stores are both asking customers not to openly carry firearms into their stores, even if it’s legal in their state.

Walmart announced that they would be taking the step on Tuesday, and Fred Meyer’s parent company Kroger followed suit.  Continue reading “Fred Meyer’s parent company, Kroger, joins Walmart in asking customers not to open carry”

Chicago Sun Times

This is it.

Jussie Smollett is smokin’.

The actor, once a star of the hit-TV series “Empire,” is making one last attempt to get a city lawsuit against him tossed out of federal court before it proceeds to trial.  Continue reading “Jussie Smollett lawyers: Even if actor faked attack, it was cops’ call to investigate it so vigorously”


A vegan woman is taking her neighbors to court over the smell of their backyard barbecue, according to Australia’s 9News. 

Cilla Carden, who lives in the Australian city of Perth, has filed a complaint with her region’s highest court over the issue. Carden’s claim states that her neighbors cook fish so often that she’s unable to even go outside.  Continue reading “Vegan woman in Western Australia takes neighbors to court because she can smell their barbecue”

The Verge – by Nick Statt and Vjeran Pavic

Chinese drone juggernaut DJI has made substantial adjustments to pricing and availability on its product lineup in response to increased tariffs on Chinese goods imposed by the Trump administration. The price hikes were first reported by DroneDJ earlier today, and they represent perhaps the first reported case of a Chinese gadget manufacturer, or a brand that manufactures predominantly in China, passing the cost of Trump’s tariffs onto US consumers.  Continue reading “DJI is now making you pay Trump’s tariffs when you buy its drones”

The New Republic – by Lena Solow

When teachers and other school staff in West Virginia walked off the job in 2018, news coverage of the historic strike focused on bread-and-butter issues like their rising health-care premiums and low wages. There were horror stories of teachers working extra jobs and struggling to pay for emergency medical costs. But there were other galvanizing factors that, though less discussed, were no less galling—indignities that have become increasingly familiar to workers across the country.  Continue reading “The Scourge of Worker Wellness Programs”

The Blaze – by Aaron Colen

In a move that seemed to confuse even the police officer who greeted him at the station, a Texas man turned in his legally owned AK-47 to his local police station in an attempt to do his part to stop mass killings, according to KTBC-TV.

The man, identified in the story only as Billy from Austin, made sure to alert the media of his intentions so KTBC could send a reporter and a camera to document him bringing his weapon to an officer who appeared unsure what to do with it at first. Billy called for other legal gun owners to have the courage to follow his lead.  Continue reading “Texas man turns in legally owned AK-47 to police in response to recent shootings, claims it takes ‘courage’ in staged news event”

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Breitbart – by Penny Starr

Mexicans living abroad, primarily those working in the United States, are adding billions of dollars to the Mexican economy, and this year marks the second-highest amount since Mexico’s central back starting keeping records 24 years ago.

Mexico Daily News reported that in July Mexicans sent home $3.27 billion — 14.4 percent higher than they sent in July of 2018. The number of transactions was up by 9.1 percent and the average amount of a transaction was up five percent to $340.  Continue reading “Report: Mexicans Sent Home $3.27 Billion in Remittances — Mostly from the U.S.”

Breitbart – by Tom Ciccotta

The University of South Carolina has ignored a state requirement to teach a course on the U.S. Constitution, instead favoring classes on tailgate cuisine and belly dancing.

According to a report by Campus Reform, the University of South Carolina is ignoring a state law that requires public universities in South Carolina to offer a course on the Constitution. To make matters worse, the University of South Carolina is home to some unusual courses. Continue reading “University of South Carolina Ignores State Law Requiring Course on Constitution”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The US military has effectively surrounded Venezuela, ahead of a possible military intervention.

We’ve reported in the past that the Pentagon is jointly working with Colombia, Brazil and other regional partners on how to crush Venezuela’s economy so that President Nicolás Maduro would step down.  Continue reading “US Military Surrounding Venezuela With New Deployment In Guyana”

Ron Paul Institute – by Ron Paul

The US Constitution never granted the federal government authority to create a central bank. The Founders, having lived through hyperinflation themselves, understood that government should never have a printing press at its disposal. But from the very beginning of America’s founding, the desire for a crony central bank was strong.

In fact, two attempts were made at creating a permanent central bank in America prior to the creation of the Fed. Fortunately, the charter for The First Bank was allowed to expire in 1811, and President Andrew Jackson closed down the Second Bank in 1833.  Continue reading “Forget the Russians: It’s the Federal Reserve Seeking to Meddle in Our Elections”