Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

The Heritage Manufacturing Rough Rider is an Old West six-shooter in .22 long rifle, which is perfect for plinking and putting on a hurting on some empty soft drink cans.

The Rough Rider is simple to operate. It is single action, like the revolvers of the Old West, and this means you have to cock the hammer back before every shot. (For those of you who love six-shooters, there is something special about hearing the action of the gun every time you cock it.) And the gun is accurate, which makes shooting it all the more fun.  Continue reading “Heritage Rough Rider: An Old West Six-Shooter Perfect for Plinking”

Activist Post – by Jon Rappoport

During the reign of Barack Obama, mass shootings prompted a White House declaration that community mental health centers would be created across America, in order to spot and treat persons before they committed violent acts. Now, under Trump, we are seeing a similar reaction, with a twist.  Continue reading “Psychiatry in Charge of Gun Control: Utter Disaster”

Times of Israel

WASHINGTON — Spend some time on YouTube and you can learn quite a bit about Jews.

They are responsible for the assassination of John F. Kennedy; they are behind the worldwide distribution of pornography; they are the enemies of the Catholic Church; and they peddle an undue influence on American policy — the United States Congress, for instance, is controlled by Jewish money.  Continue reading “How YouTube became an open, lucrative stage for anti-Semitic conspiracy theories”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Either Bill de Blasio is looking to take the focus off of his poll numbers, which are far below the Federal Funds Rate and may stay that way even if we implement NIRP, or he is now just purposefully trying to come up with ways to annoy his constituents in New York as of some type of sick sociopathic novelty.

Regardless of intent, it’s being reported that de Blasio, having solved all other issues in New York and across the country, is now considering the idea of making bicycle riders get licenses and registrations, similar to automobiles, according to the New York Daily News and the Washington TimesContinue reading “Bill de Blasio Is Considering Requiring NYC Cyclists To Have Licenses And Registrations”

Yahoo News

Texas governor Greg Abbott on Thursday issued eight executive orders aimed at preventing mass shootings after two massacres last month left the Lone Star State shaken.

“Mental instability, racial hatred, extremist ideology, a desire to sow domestic terror, and other factors have contributed to these horrific mass shootings in varying degrees,” the executive orders said. They also pointed out that police had been alerted to both shooters before they carried out their attacks.  Continue reading “Texas Governor Issues Spate of Executive Orders Designed to Prevent Mass Shootings”

Daily Mail

Shocking footage has emerged of an out-of-control man locked in an altercation with a sheriff before gaining control of her gun and firing it at her.

The bullets fired at the officer missed and she luckily escaped the incident without life-threatening injury.

The San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputy had responded to calls from a distressed mother in Victorville who pleaded with police to remove her son from her home, shortly before 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.  Continue reading “Shocking moment a thug punches a female cop to the ground before taking her gun and firing repeatedly at her – but MISSES her every time”


The argument we usually hear from those who would ban civilians from carrying firearms, openly or concealed, is that women, mostly, would end up either shooting themselves or have the gun taken away from them and shot.

What we don’t usually hear is that if a person has a gun, they’ll freak out, panic, and accidentally shoot and maim half-a-dozen bystanders to a purse-snatching, but that’s present David Frum sees.  Continue reading “David Frum: People should not carry guns because they’ll maim half-a-dozen bystanders over a purse-snatching”

Overdrive – by James Jaillet

Still in the works in the California legislature is a bill that trucking groups say will likely kill the leased owner-operator model in the state, though time is waning for the state’s lawmakers to clear the legislation this year.

The California legislature has a little more than a week — until Sept. 13 — to pass the bill this legislative session. Otherwise, the legislation would be on hold until next year.  Continue reading “Pivotal days ahead for bill that could wipe out California owner-operators”

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Intel News – by Joseph Fitsanakis

An Iranian engineer who was recruited by Dutch intelligence helped the United States and Israel infect computers used in Iran’s nuclear program with the Stuxnet cyber weapon, according to a new report. Discovered by researchers in 2010, Stuxnet is believed to have been designed with the aim of sabotaging the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The virus targeted the industrial computers —known as programmable logic controllers— that regulated mechanical and electronic hardware in Iranian nuclear installations. By compromising the software installed on these computers, Stuxnet manipulated the rotor speed of nuclear centrifuges at Iran’s Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant. By increasing the centrifuges’ rotor speed to unmanageable levels, Stuxnet rendered many of these machines permanently inoperable.  Continue reading “Iranian engineer recruited by Holland helped CIA and Mossad deliver Stuxnet virus”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The United States offered millions of dollars to the captain of an Iranian oil tanker currently at the center of a diplomatic spat, according to the Financial Times and confirmed to the AFP by the US state department.

US special representative to Iran, Brian Hook, emailed the captain of the Adrian Darya 1 about sailing the vessel to a country willing to impound it on behalf of the Trump administration.  Continue reading “US Offers Iranian Tanker Captain Millions To Hand Over Ship”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

California — In the state of California—up until this week—citizens who were “able-bodied persons 18 years of age or older,” would be charged with a crime if a police officer asked them for help and they refused. All that has since changed, however, after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill that no longer required or forced citizens to help police officers. Continue reading “New Law Allows Citizens to Refuse to Help Police Officers Who Ask for Assistance”

ArsTechnica – by Timothy B Lee

Mark Zuckerberg has “repeatedly lied to the American people about privacy,” Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) said in a recent interview with the Willamette Week, a Portland alternative weekly newspaper. “I think he ought to be held personally accountable, which is everything from financial fines to—and let me underline this—the possibility of a prison term.”

Zuckerberg, Wyden said, has “hurt a lot of people.”  Continue reading “Senator: Mark Zuckerberg should face “the possibility of a prison term””


ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — The government’s watchlist of more than 1 million people identified as “known or suspected terrorists” violates the constitutional rights of those placed on it, a federal judge ruled Wednesday.

The ruling from U.S. District Judge Anthony Trenga grants summary judgment to nearly two dozen Muslim U.S. citizens who had challenged the watchlist with the help of a Muslim civil-rights group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations.  Continue reading “US judge: Terror watchlist violates constitutional rights”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

As if the US embassy’s move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in recognition of the US designating the ancient city Israel’s capital wasn’t contentious enough, a local controversy has exploded after the soon to be completed embassy compound’s perimeter wall began to be constructed.

Both Arab and Jewish residents in the area are outraged at the mammoth 5.8 meter high ‘defense wall’ going up (or nearly 20 feet) in the south Jerusalem neighborhood of Arnona.  Continue reading “New US Embassy’s Massive 20-foot ‘Defense Wall’ Has Enraged Jerusalem Residents”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Asbury Park, NJ — On a regular basis, individuals contact the Free Thought Project and ask us how they go about exposing cops who have violated their rights. TFTP often responds to these individuals by advising them to gather evidence and seek out an attorney or file a complaint with another department. Because of the nature of so many of our stories that we cover, many of these folks tell us that they are scared to file complaints with the departments out of fear of retaliation. As the following incident illustrates, this retaliation is real and is carried out by cops on innocent people for attempting to hold them accountable.  Continue reading “Cops Arrested for Wearing Disguises, Destroying Elderly Man’s Cars After He Filed a Complaint Against Them”