Iran’s PressTV state news agency published an interview with an alleged American “scholar” Wednesday who branded President Donald Trump a “child rapist” and claimed American laws require the executions of Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo over the airstrike on Iranian terror chief Qasem Soleimani. Continue reading “Iranian Media ‘Scholar’ Demands Execution of ‘Child Rapist’ Trump over Soleimani Strike”
Year: 2020
In case you didn’t fully realize that something big is about to take place in America, file these two facts in your brain:
Fact #1: The U.S. military, Carrier Strike Group Four (CSG4), is jamming GPS signals from Jan 16th – 24th, which may overlap the planned deep state false flag event in Richmond, Virginia. Richmond is just at the margins of the range of the GPS jamming exercise map released by the military (see below). The epicenter of the so-called “exercise” is off the coast of Georgia. The official FAA announcement claims no jamming will take place on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week, but we don’t trust the FAA, so your mileage may vary. Remember, too, that 90% of the American population below the age of 30 has never read a paper map and can’t use a compass. Continue reading “Military to jam GPS signals across East Coast through Jan. 24th; FBI asserting imminent domain to seize night vision devices from distributors”
Health Impact News – by Alliance for Natural Health
What happens when you cross a proven natural treatment with a crony medical system? A monopoly. Action Alert!
New information has come to light that poses a threat for continued consumer access to intravenous vitamin C (IVC), a potent, safe, and natural treatment for viral and bacterial infections and some cancers. It is a blatant example of our crony medical system. If we don’t stand up and send a strong message to Congress and the FDA, affordable IVC will be a thing of the past. Continue reading “FDA-Created Monopoly on IV Vitamin C Threatens Consumer Access to Popular Therapy”
CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr reports that Saudi Arabia has paid the United States an estimated $500 million to assist the cost of US troop deployments in the kingdom, according to one unnamed US defense official:
The payment was made in December last year. President Donald Trump asserted last week in an interview with Fox News that Saudi Arabia had “already deposited $1 billion in the bank.”
Continue reading “Top Official Confirms Saudis Paid US $500 Million To Cover Troop Costs”
Virginia Capitol Protest Against Gun Control:
-Caged in protest area.
-Single entrance.
-State of Emergency declared ahead of time, with gun ban.
-VSP ready to violate your rights.This is what we call the Charlottesville playbook, folks.
— CEO Erick Hayden (@CEOErickHayden) January 16, 2020
Ever since Virginia’s Democrats retook the state assembly and Senate in November, Democratic Gov. Ralph “blackface” Northam and the legislature have been gearing up to pass a draconian gun control bill. Continue reading “Virginia Gun Sales Soar As Dems Consider Draconian “Assault Weapons” Ban”
Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns
St. Johns County, FL — At least three St. Johns County deputies have been placed on administrative leave after cell phone video surfaced of them savagely beating Christopher Butler. Predictably, police were quick to determine Butler was high on PCP but his lawyer says he was suffering from a diabetic event and was not able to follow police officer commands.
Butler was booked into the St. John’s County jail and is still being held on resisting arrest and felony assault on a police officer charges. His mother decried the way the men who were supposed to protect and serve her son treated him. Teri Morgenstern claimed: Continue reading “Cops Mistake Medical Emergency for Drug Use, Viciously Beat Man with Batons”
Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith
At this hour, there is a USAF U-28A aircraft circling the Capitol. Continue reading “Special Operations Surveillance Aircraft Circling Richmond”
Three more alleged members of a US neo-Nazi hate group have been arrested in Georgia, authorities say, in what appears to be a national operation.
The arrests came on the same day that three suspected members of the same group were detained in Maryland and Delaware. Continue reading “FBI arrests three more members of right wing extremist group ‘The Base’”
(Reuters) – President Donald Trump took aim at Virginia Democrats and their push to stiffen the state’s gun laws, saying that the U.S. Constitution was under attack just as thousands of armed militia members began arriving in Richmond for a Monday gun rally.
Trump doubled down with his support of gun enthusiasts in the state, which Hilary Clinton won in 2016 and where Democrats took full control of the state legislature for the first time in a generation in November, as candidates made passing stronger gun control laws a central campaign theme. Continue reading “Ahead of tinder box Virginia gun rally, Trump says Constitution under attack”
New York Times – by Ellen Barry
OLD TOWN, Maine — During the deepest part of last winter, a van pulled off the highway and followed the two-lane road that skims along the Penobscot River, coming to rest beside the hulk of a shuttered pulp mill. The van’s door slid open and passengers climbed out: seven Buddhist monks from China.
Andrew Edwards, a mill superintendent from the nearby town of Lincoln, led them to a room where he had stockpiled the things they had requested for the ceremony: oranges, limes, apples and seven shovels, one for each monk.
Continue reading “A Maine Paper Mill’s Unexpected Savior: China”
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) praised the NRA while announcing a gun ban, and the NRA responded by letting him know they were interested in holding on to gun rights not platitudes.
On January 15, Breitbart News reported that Northam declared an “state of emergency,” temporarily banning the exercise of Second Amendment rights on Virginia Capitol grounds. The ban runs Friday, January 17, through Tuesday, January 21, effectively barring thousands of attendees to Monday’s pro-Second Amendment rally from being armed. Continue reading “NRA to Ralph Northam: You Keep Your Platitudes, We’ll Keep Our Gun Rights”
What is happening to our neighbors, to our fellow Washingtonians stranded in Skykomish due to the snowstorm is a damning indictment of local government. This is a shameful situation that is unfolding as we speak. Continue reading “Dori: Shameful that Jay Inslee abandoned snowed-in people of Skykomish”
BRYAN, Tex. (KBTX) – A gas smell inside a Bryan home is now gone but the homeowner doesn’t know if she’ll ever be able to move back.
The mystery first started in the fall of 2018 and then an evacuation on Dec. 19 that year.
Last week we told you about a $1 million lawsuit filed against a nearby energy company. This week the homeowner’s attorney met us for an update at the home and gave us a tour inside the house. Continue reading “Bryan homeowner still unable to live in home more than one year after gas leak”
National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow, a top economic adviser to President Donald Trump, said Wednesday that the White House plans to unveil a plan for additional tax cuts later in 2020. “I am still running a process of Tax Cuts 2.0. We’re many months away – it’ll come out sometime later during the campaign,” Kudlow told CNBC. “Tax Cuts 2.0 to help middle-class economic growth: That’s still our goal…. We will unveil this perhaps sometimes later in the summer.”
Continue reading “Lunatic Larry Promises Trump Candyland for Election Year”