Link to original articleaccidental discovery

In 1928 scientist Alexander Fleming returned to his laboratory after a 2-week holiday.  A petri dish of bacteria accidentally left on the lab bench, somehow became cross-contaminated with Penicillium notatum mould.  Fleming noticed the mould inhibited the growth of the bacteria. This accidental discovery marked the dawn of the antibiotic era and a turning point in medical, and perhaps human history. Continue reading “The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery by JULIE SLADDEN”

Lindsay Graham, a remnant of the Bush era Neocon fold, has been a busy bee in the past year.  He has visited Ukraine at least three times since the war with Russia began, called for the assassination of Vladimir Putin, called for the US to directly attack Russian planes, and he’s even demanded that the US put troops on the ground in Taiwan to fight the Chinese.  It just goes to show that there are certainly a number of politicians that identify as GOP Republicans that do not represent the will of most conservatives and moderates. Continue reading “Lindsay Graham Meets With Zelensky – Says Ukraine War ‘Best Money We’ve Ever Spent’ by TYLER DURDEN”

Democrat President Joe Biden’s “climate czar” John Kerry is calling for farmers to stop growing food in order to meet the administration’s radical “net zero” goals for lowering “emissions.” Continue reading “John Kerry: Farmers Must Stop Growing Food to Meet ‘Net Zero’ Goals for ‘Emissions’ by Frank Bergman”

Biowarfare Through the Food Supply

In an April 17, 2023, opinion piece in STAT News,1 Dr. Peter Lurie and Beth Ellikidis argue for the genetic engineering of food, claiming “newer technologies can make highly targeted changes at the base-pair level — one specific rung on the DNA ladder — enhancing precision and reducing the likelihood of ‘off-target effects’ in which the base pairs are unintentionally added to or deleted from the genome.” Continue reading “Biowarfare Through the Food Supply by Dr. Joseph Mercola”

The World Health Organization (WHO) is facing scrutiny as Congress launches an investigation into its pandemic prevention initiative, the Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET). Continue reading “Congress Launches Investigation into WHO’s Surveillance Program to Police Americans’ Speech for ‘Misinformation’ by Kyle Becker”

The ostensible goal of the operation is to provide “support and assistance to the Special Operations of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces and National Police of Peru,” including in regions recently engulfed in violence. 

Unbeknown, it seems, to most people in Peru and the US (considering the paucity of media coverage in both countries), US military personnel will soon be landing in Peru. The plenary session of Peru’s Congress last Thursday (May 18) authorised the entry of US troops onto Peruvian soil with the ostensible purpose of carrying out “cooperation activities” with Peru’s armed forces and national police. Passed with 70 votes in favour, 33 against and four abstentions, resolution 4766 stipulates that the troops are welcome to stay any time between June 1 and December 31, 2023.

Continue reading “Why Are US Military Personnel Heading To Peru? by Nick Corbishley”

Throughout the world, corporate media has blacked out all evidence that “vaccination” may be having deadly consequences, while vilifying those who’ve called attention to such evidence, says Mark Crispin Miller who has been tracking and publishing corporate media reports of people across the world who have “died suddenly” since March last year. Continue reading “Propaganda Is Betrayal And Corporate Media Has Betrayed Us All by Rhoda Wilson”

The Ukraine Defense Contact Group, which is centered out of Ramstein Air Base, is an alliance of 54 countries supporting Ukraine militarily against Russia.

In a new press briefing marking the 12th meeting of the group, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin revealed the total tally of funds and military aid pumped into Kiev. “In total, the Contact Group has committed nearly $65 billion in security assistance,” while stressing the Western allies are “as united as ever.” This total figure is separate from the Washington overall commitment as far as Ukraine aid goes, which is even larger. Continue reading “54-Nation Alliance Reveals How Many Billions Pumped Into Ukraine by TYLER DURDEN”

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A LifeSite petition against Target’s sale of “pride” swimwear for “trans kids” and LGBT onesies for babies has reached over 10,000 signatures in less than a day.   Continue reading “LifePetition to boycott Target reaches 10,000 signatures as company stock plummets $9 billion by Clare Marie Merkowsky”

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(LifeSiteNews) — BlackRock is one of the most powerful organizations in the world, and its nefarious role in global economics and politics is becoming more apparent. Continue reading “Everything you need to know about BlackRock, the company that owns the world by Andreas Wailzer”

The Norman Lear Center at USC’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism has issued new guidelines for   the use of guns in Hollywood.  “Trigger Warning: Gun Guidelines for the Media is a new resource guide created to better understand the presence of gun use in the entertainment industry.” Continue reading “Hollywood Gun Guidelines Released With Recommendations to Manipulate Audiences by Margaret Flavin”

Gaslighting • The American People Are Trapped in a Textbook Abusive Relationship

Imagine this.

A woman, for the sake of my story, is in a marriage with a partner who does not respect her. He insults her regularly, belittles her efforts to improve herself or her situation, and minimizes her feelings.

Continue reading “Gaslighting • The American People Are Trapped in a Textbook Abusive Relationship by Daisy Luther”