by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. The Defender

The U.S. Supreme Court today said it will hear cases challenging Texas and Florida laws that prohibit social media companies from censoring content posted on their platforms, in what The New York Times said will lead to “a major ruling on how the First Amendment applies to powerful tech platforms.”

supreme court tech censor media feature

Continue reading “U.S. Supreme Court to Weigh in on State Laws to Prevent Tech Giants From Censoring Social Media Content”

By Ari Hoffman – The Post Millennial

EXCLUSIVE: Washington state moves to remove community notification, restrictions for sex offenders

The Post Millennial has learned that Washington’s Sex Offender Policy Board is working with the state’s Sentencing Guideline Commission in an attempt to roll back restrictions and sentence guidelines for sex offenders, claiming “these laws actually undermine public safety, the exact opposite of what lawmakers and the public so confidently assume they accomplish.” Continue reading “Washington state moves to remove community notification, restrictions for sex offenders”

By Jim Hᴏft – The Gateway Pundit

Photo: Saul Loeb – Pool/Getty Images

The United States House of Representatives has approved an additional $300 million aid for Ukraine. The decision came late Thursday night with a 311-117 vote. Continue reading “GOP-Controlled House Approves Security Assistance to Ukraine – Here Are the Republicans, Including McCarthy, Who Voted with Democrats”

By Katie Daviscourt – The Postmillennial

Charges pending against trans-identified male student after video of violent assault against female student at Oregon middle school

Criminal charges are now pending against the trans-identified male student who was seen on video violently beating a female student at Hazelbrook Middle School near Portland, Oregon. Continue reading “Charges pending against trans-identified male student after video of violent assault against female student at Oregon middle school”

By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

In 2014 Europe was under siege, with millions of African and Arab migrants marching into the EU and using asylum claims to quickly enter the region without vetting.  With the union facing an unprecedented surge of foreigners not seen since WWII or the collapse of Yugoslavia, some among the public called the event a crisis.  EU officials did not see it that way.  Instead of securing their borders and repelling the invasion, top representatives like Angela Merkel announced they would open their borders completely to migrants and refugees in 2015. Continue reading “Too Little Too Late? Europe Finally Realizes Mass Immigration Is Destroying Them”