By Sean Adl-Tabatabai – The People’s Voice

German government tell children to prepare for World War 3

German children have been instructed by the government to “prepare for World War 3” and expect loved ones, including their parents, to potentially die in battle. Continue reading “German Gov’t Tells Children To Prepare for World War 3: “Your Parents Will Die””

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Venezuelan migrant TikToker Leonal Moreno is going viral for sharing a video to his 500k followers urging them to “invade” Americans’ homes and occupy them using progressive squatting laws. Continue reading “Venezuelan Migrant Urges Followers to ‘Invade’ Homes in America Using Squatting Laws”

By Clarissa Ward – CNN 

The message went out the day before on several WhatsApp groups: A chance to meet Daniella Weiss, the godmother of the Zionist settler movement, for an informational session on the reestablishment of Israeli settlements in Gaza after the war. Continue reading “The grandmother who wants to lead Israelis back to a Gaza without Palestinians”

By Didi Rankovic – Reclaim The Net

The presidential election fever in the US is rising, and from pretty much every corner its participants are trying to “stack the chips” in their (candidate’s) favor. Continue reading “California Lawmakers Push Online ID Verification Bill That Would Require Platforms To ID “Users With Large Audiences””

By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

The Pentagon is desperately seeking to stay in Niger despite the military-led government telling US troops to leave in the wake of accusations from American officials that Niger could be poised to transfer uranium to Iran. Niger was outraged at the allegations and rejected them.

“The Pentagon is working with Niger officials, seeking a way for U.S. troops to stay in the country — a key base for counterterrorism operations in sub-Saharan Africa — following a weekend directive that they leave,” The Associated Press reports.

Continue reading “US Military Desperately Seeking To Stay In Niger Despite Order To Leave”

By Baxter Dmitry – The People’s Voice

Professional athletes are supposed to be among the healthiest people on the planet but in the past few years thousands have collapsed with sudden and inexplicable heart conditions. Continue reading “Third Professional Footballer Suffers Heart Attack During Game In Last 3 Days”

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

A new documentary “October 7” was released in full on Wednesday documenting how the attack took place and how the Israeli government with backing from the US lied about the events and spread atrocity propaganda to justify leveling Gaza. Continue reading “WATCH: New Documentary ‘October 7’ Exposes Israel’s Lies And Atrocity Propaganda”

By Hayden Cunningham – The Postmillennial

OMG: James O'Keefe confronts trans Pentagon employee who said 2A should be repealed, border opened

The latest video released by James O’Keefe’s O’Keefe Media Group details the shocking beliefs of a transgender Pentagon official who believes that the Second Amendment should be repealed, all guns should be confiscated, and the border opened. Continue reading “OMG: James O’Keefe confronts trans Pentagon employee who said 2A should be repealed, border opened”