NHK Newsline, Sept. 19, 2013 (Transcript Excerpts): The people in charge of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant have yet another problem on their hands. They say they found cracks in the brace supporting an exhaust pipe. Authorities are concerned the pipe could collapse in another earthquake […] Officials with Tepco say they spotted cracks in 8 places on the steel brace that holds the pipe upright. […] Overseers at the nuclear regulation authority are demanding that company officials investigate immediately. They want to know if the structure can withstand another earthquake.   Continue reading “TV: Officials concerned about 400 ft. tall pipe near Fukushima reactors collapsing during quake — 8 cracks found in support brace — Gov’t orders immediate investigation — Tepco unsure how to access area as radiation levels around it are 10 sieverts per hour”

Rep. Phil Gingrey, R-Ga. on June 28, 2013 (© Bill Clark-CQ Roll Call-Getty Images)MSN

Man, Congress is a dead-end job. You’re surrounded by fat-cat lobbyists making twice as much as you, you hear nothing but complaints from your constituents and you take home a measly $174,000 a year.

It’s enough to get one Congressman, Phil Gingrey of Georgia (pictured), tied up in knots. He complained about it in a closed-door meeting Wednesday, and his comments have spread like wildfire.   Continue reading “Congressman laments $172,000 salary”

Veterans Today – by Preston James PhD


Its Purpose is to destroy America and Fold its remains into a NWO Globalist One-World Government System.

But it’s not over yet and things are not going so well for the Banksters. They are about 13 years behind schedule.   Continue reading “Killing America”

Toni Bloomfield (pictured with her partner Paul Bolton) pays £98 extra a month in bedroom taxThe Independent – by EMILY DUGAN

More than 50,000 people affected by the so-called bedroom tax have fallen behind on rent and face eviction, figures given to The Independent show.

The statistics reveal the scale of debt created by the Government’s under-occupancy charge, as one council house tenant in three has been pushed into rent arrears since it was introduced in April.   Continue reading “UK: 50,000 people are now facing eviction after bedroom tax”

Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey has been with the Centers for Disease Control for 12 years.CNN

Atlanta (CNN) — An official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been arrested and charged with two counts of child molestation and one count of bestiality, police said.

Police arrested Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey, 44, in DeKalb County, Georgia, on Sunday.

Authorities also charged Lindsey’s live-in boyfriend, Thomas Joseph Westerman, 42, with two counts of child molestation.   Continue reading “CDC official accused of child molestation, bestiality”

GoogleLos Angeles Times – by Jessica Guynn

SAN FRANCISCO — Google Inc. believes that making big gambles can yield revolutionary advances, whether it be cars that drive themselves, wearable computers connected to the Internet or air balloons that beam wireless Internet access to remote areas of the world.

Now it’s searching for ways to keep people alive longer.   Continue reading “Google launches healthcare company Calico to extend life”

china-flagWND – by Bob Unruh

A California city has decided that for at least one day, the flag of communist China will get equal time with the “Star-Spangled Banner” flying “o’er the land of the free.”

Despite the objections of residents and human rights groups, the city council of San Leandro, Calif., decided in a 4-3 vote to fly the flag over its city hall Oct. 1 to honor “the formation of the sovereign state in 1949 by communist leader Mao Zedong,” the San Jose Mercury News reported.   Continue reading “China’s flag to wave ‘o’er land of the free’”

Photo - United States Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., answers a question during a news conference in Goose Creek, S.C., on Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013. The senator said while South Carolinians and the rest of the nation are weary of war, the situation in Syria demands an American response because events there are linked to the developments in the rest of the Middle East. (AP Photo/Bruce Smith)Washington Examiner – by BYRON YORK

Sen. Lindsey Graham is one of the strongest advocates of an American military strike against the Assad regime in Syria. He was unhappy when President Obama decided to seek congressional authorization for an attack, and then unhappy when his fellow lawmakers voiced disapproval of the president’s plan. Graham believes the diplomatic path chosen by the administration will lead to a debacle.

Given all that, Graham now says he will work with a bipartisan group of senators to craft a resolution authorizing the president to use military force — not against the Syrian regime but against Iran. In an appearance on Fox News’ Huckabee program over the weekend, Graham argued that such a resolution is essential, because American inaction in Syria will encourage Iran to go forward with its nuclear weapon program, eventually leading toward a Mideast conflagration if the U.S. doesn’t intervene.   Continue reading “Sen. Lindsey Graham to seek authorization for U.S. attack on Iran”

mind_controlPolice State USA

A declassified Army document titled “Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons” describes a series of technologies that the military has developed, including one with the ability to transfer radio-frequency (RF) energy into a human target.  The energy is perceived by the brain as sounds inside the target’s head as the microwaves are absorbed by the target’s body.  This technology has already been proven capable of carrying modulated frequencies that sound like recognizable speech to the recipient.  If fully developed, such a technology could be a powerful tool — for good, by silently transmit messages to hostages surrounded by captors — or for evil, by driving an unwitting man insane with voices in his head.  Has the U.S. government ever used it?   Continue reading “Army document describes technology that can transmit a voice into someone’s head”

AlterNet – by April M. Short

Marijuana Policy Project, the nation’s largest marijuana policy organization, released a list of the “Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users” in the United States on Wednesday. At the top of the list is none other than our hypocrite…er…commander in chief Barack Obama, who has sent more pot smokers and other nonviolent drug offenders to prison in his five years as president than any before him. Just below Obama are media mogul Oprah Winfrey, former President Bill Clinton, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and television show host Stephen Colbert. Others include the Daily Show’s host Jon Stewart, entertainer and entrepreneur Jay-Z, Secretary of State John Kerry, business magnate George Soros, and comedian Bill Maher. So much for the notion that ‘stoners’ are lazy work-o-phobes.    Continue reading “Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users”

Signs of the Times – by Linda Bonvie, Food Identity Theft

When Dr. Dana Flavin was asked by Life Extension magazine several years ago to write an article about high fructose corn syrup, she approached the idea a bit skeptically. Corn syrup, after all, had been around for ages, so could HFCS be much different? “I thought, that’s ridiculous,” she said, recalling how even her mother had used corn syrup to make cake icings.

But what Dr. Flavin, a former Food and Drug Administration toxicologist and physician subsequently learned about the “danger” and “toxicity” associated with high fructose corn syrup “flabbergasted” her. “When I began to read about it, it was like removing the wool from my eyes,” she told Food Identity Theft in a phone interview from Germany.    Continue reading “Former FDA official: HFCS consumption ‘destroying the youth of the U.S.”

Signs of the Times – by Joe Quinn

Yet another apparently motiveless massacre has taken place in the U.S., this time in the nation’s capital.

It’s 16th mass shooting in the U.S. since Obama came to power.

Once again, the initial reports described ‘multiple shooters’. Once again, those reports were replaced by ‘the lone shooter’ narrative, this time a former U.S. Navy reservist named Aaron Alexis.    Continue reading “Washington Navy Yard Shooting: What’s The Point?”

Germs Gone Wild: The Horrific Secrets of Plum IslandTruTV – by MICHAEL BRAVERMAN

What Is on the Island?

Lurking in the dark waters of Long Island Sound is a mysterious place known as Plum Island. Just ten miles off the coast of Connecticut, this tiny speck of land has long been rumored to be the epicenter of top-secret biowarfare research. The U.S. government acknowledges that the island is home to a scientific facility. Its stated purpose is to study animal-borne diseases. But investigators are beginning to uncover startling new facts about this forbidding place. Insiders and ex-employees have come forward to tell their stories. From security breaches in germ labs, to escaped diseases and potential mass epidemics, this is the real Plum Island story.   Continue reading “Germs Gone Wild: The Horrific Secrets of Plum Island”

Activist Post – by Heather Callaghan

It’s only been 5 years since consumers slowly started hearing about a secret ingredient that has resided in some meat products for 20 years, now dubbed “pink slime.” To hear the American Meat President talk of ammonium hydroxide gas treated “Lean Finely Textured Beef” you’d think this stuff was manna from heaven, sent to feed the world.  Continue reading “Pink Slime Back in Schools? It Never Actually Left…”

The Oakland Express – by MICHAEL WEISSENSTEIN

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Mexico’s government said that 58 people were missing after a massive landslide smashed through a tiny coffee-growing village deep in the country’s southern mountains, where fresh waves of rain threatened to unleash more danger for rescue workers trying to evacuate the last residents from the isolated hamlet.   Continue reading “58 more missing after massive Mexico storm; 80 dead”

KSL_COMMENTS-3.jpgKSL.com – by Officer Anonymous

SALT LAKE CITY — First off, I am not talking about those silly wild haired dolls with jewels in their belly buttons. I am also not speaking about the ones that live under bridges and eat small children. I am speaking about the spineless bottom feeders who sit at their computer all day bullying other people with inflammatory comments and remarks.

A troll’s sole purpose in life is to comment about an article, statement, question in a forum or other Internet venue so that comment will upset the target person or persons to the point where they are yelling at their computer and punching the monitor. The upset person will even go so far as to Google search the user name “wizardslayer7” to see if somehow there is an address associated with it.   Continue reading “Ask a cop: Trolling should be illegal”


ST. LOUIS (AP) — Pfc. John Eddington was preparing for deployment to Europe in World War II when he learned his wife gave birth to a daughter. He penned a letter, sweetly telling the little girl how much he loved her and longed to see her.

But he never got to meet her, and the letter and his Purple Heart medal ended up in a box thousands of miles away from Peggy Smith, the daughter who was told nearly nothing about him. Years after a Missouri woman found the box of mementos and underwent an exhaustive search to find the daughter who grew up hesitant to ask about her father because it upset her mother, the letter and medal will be handed over to Smith on Saturday in what figures to be an emotional ceremony in Dayton, Nev., where Smith lives.   Continue reading “7 decades later, Purple Heart given to daughter”


GROSSPRIEL, Austria (AP) — In Austria, hunting game such as deer and wild boar is a hallowed way of life, one that follows age-old codes of honor and requires a license bestowed only after passing rigorous exams. In that exalted world, Alois Huber was a brazen outlaw even before he went on a murderous rampage that left four people dead.

Not only did he poach game illegally in the middle of the night, he violated one of hunting’s most sacred rules: Kill for meat, not just the trophy of the wild animal’s head. Huber shot countless deer in the forests outside Vienna, sawed off their antlered heads to mount at home — and left their decapitated bodies to rot in the underbrush.   Continue reading “Austrian hunter’s obsession turns to murder”