Israeli and American flagsVeterans Today – by Sami Jamil Jadallah

I am sure you will not see this on the front page of the New York Times or the Washington Post and if that happens only to implicate and demonize Iran. The revelation by the Guardian that the US NSA routinely shares “raw Signit” with Israel is more than any decent loyal and patriotic American citizens can accept, take or justify. It is a prima facie case of “treason” committed by our American government in favor of a foreign government and country. Why jail people for “treason” when our government does it for free?   Continue reading “America – Government by Treason”

The Ugly Truth

ed note–it was the Jews’ faith that led to them to reject and kill Jesus Christ. It is the Jews’ faith that believes that at this very moment, Jesus suffers in hell by being boiled in a vat of his own feces for having opposed the rabbis. It is the Jews’ faith that Jesus Blessed Mother Mary was a ‘whore who mated with Romans’.

Furthermore, it is the Jews’ faith that today has brought us such masterpieces in human suffering as Iraq, Syria, Libya, Gaza, Afghanistan, as well as depleted uranium, abortion on demand, pornography, usury and all the other crimes against humanity that cry out to heaven for justice, and if Jesus were here today, hearing the things being said by this man, His response would be the same as it was to Peter thousands of years ago when Peter spoke things that were contrary to the truth– ‘Get thee behind me Satan’.   Continue reading “Pope praises Jews for keeping their faith despite ‘trials’”

The participating companies mentioned in this article, must be put on notice for their treasonous intentions. The only economy that would grow from foreign workers would be the corporate coffers from paying lower wages and the foreign workers who would be employed, with the average American being left out in the cold, AGAIN!

We all know it’s near impossible to stop purchasing services and products from all these traitorous entities, but if we could just cut back on those purchases, we could turn the screw on them. Personally, there are only three on the list that I have a limited commerce with. All the others can SUCK WIND! I do without them, and will continue to do so, for as long as it takes.   Continue reading “Cheesecake Factory, Hallmark, Disney, and Others Now Pushing Amnesty”

From WREGFox News Radio – by Todd Starnes

A Tennessee mom is looking for answers after her daughter’s teacher refused to let the child write about God for a school assignment.

Erin Shead, a 10-year-old student at Lucy Elementary School in Millington, was assigned to write about someone she idolized. The girl, who is a Christian, decided to write about God.   Continue reading “School Tells Child She Can’t Write About God”

Before It’s News – by Leda Ohio 9

No matter what TPTB say, always look further into it. I do not trust ANYTHING I hear coming from the idiot box. They ALWAYS have sinister motives!

Watch what you Eat and Drink.   Continue reading “Poison? Ms O’s Drink Up Water Campaign! – Obama Approves Raising Permissible Levels of Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water. Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket”

Signs outside of Monsanto and Dupont's offices are shown in this composite image. | AP PhotosPolitico – by TARINI PARTI and JENNY HOPKINSON

Big money is making a comeback in the GMO-labeling battle, but opponents argue that the food industry’s dollars might not carry as much weight this time around.

The most prominent opponents of GMO labeling, Monsanto and DuPont Pioneer, wrote $4.5 million and $3.2 million checks, respectively, this week to fund the campaign against I-522, a labeling ballot initiative in Washington, the state’s campaign finance disclosures show.   Continue reading “Monsanto, DuPont pour millions into GMO fight”

Remington DefenseAmmoLand

Madison, N.C. –-( The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has awarded the Remington Defense Division of Remington Arms Company, LLC (“Remington”) – a subsidiary of Freedom Group Inc. (“FGI”) – a $79.7 million dollar Firm Fixed-Priced (FFP) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract to provide up to 5,150 Precision Sniper Rifles (“PSR”) and 4.6 million rounds of precision ammunition.   Continue reading “Remington Defense – Multi-Million Dollar Sniper Rifle Contract with U.S. Special Ops Command”

televisionNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

The severity of childhood obesity appears to be directly proportional to the amount of television children watch, according to a recent study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, a BioMed Central open-access journal. For every extra weekly hour of television watched, a child’s waistline expands by an average of roughly half a millimeter, or about 0.02 inches, based on the study’s findings.   Continue reading “Television turns your children into zombie-headed sloths”

LA Times – by Maria L. La Ganga

Officials in the southern Washington city of Battle Ground closed five schools Wednesday as a precautionary measure after a 13-year-old boy threatened to blow up his middle school and shoot a teacher, a police spokesman said.

The written threats were made Tuesday, said Lt. Roy Butler, and the schools were closed so police could do a thorough search. The eighth-grader was arrested Wednesday and could be charged with felony harassment.   Continue reading “Boy, 13, arrested in threats that shut 5 schools in Washington state”

A man protesting against agricultural corporation Monsanto. (Photo/John Novotny via Flickr)Mint Press – by Trisha Marczak

A burgeoning global trade agreement with nations such as Japan, Vietnam and Australia is leaving GMO-labeling advocates concerned that it could result in a ban on GMO labeling not only in the U.S., but in all countries taking part in negotiations for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.

Negotiations for the TPP have been occurring over the last few years, although under a veil of secrecy that left even America’s lawmakers out of the process. Leaked documents have revealed some specifics, leaving consumer watchdog groups suspicious over a process intended to streamline labor policies and food labeling guidelines that would align the U.S. with partnering countries..   Continue reading “Trans Pacific Partnership Might Include International Ban On GMO Labeling”

Texas State Capitol in Austin, Texas. Designed by the architect Elijah E. Myers. Built in 1882-1888. (Photo: Wiki Commons)IntelliHub – by Shepard Ambellas

TEMPLE, TEXAS — Reporter Matthew Short,, has been going around Texas with a group of citizens who are exercising their legal and lawful constitutional right to “open carry” firearms. In fact, the group has been carrying around what the mainline press has classified as “assault weapons”, showing that they themselves are not slaves to this tyrannical regime.

During an interview with one of the open carry advocates, CJ Grisham stated, “Well I think it’s definitely been an overwhelming success… we have definitely made a difference. A right that we exercise is a right well will never lose”.   Continue reading “Texas: ‘Open Carry’ Advocates Test State Capitol and Home Depot Policies”

AFP Photo / Jewel Samad RT News

Police in California have arrested a former Transportation Security Administration employee and accused him of making terrorist threats at an airport just before the anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

Nna Alpha Onuoha, 29, is in police custody after being apprehended just before midnight on Tuesday outside of a church in Riverside, California near Los Angeles.   Continue reading “Former TSA employee accused of making terrorist threats on eve of 9/11 anniversary”

AFP Photo / Nicholas Kamm RT News

A budget provision protecting genetically-modified seeds from litigation in the face of health risks was extended for three months in an approved US House of Representatives’ spending bill on Tuesday evening.

Called “The Monsanto Protection Act” by opponents, the budget rider shields biotech behemoths like Monsanto, Cargill and others from the threat of lawsuits and bars federal courts from intervening to force an end to the sale of a GMO (genetically-modified organism) even if the genetically-engineered product causes damaging health effects.    Continue reading “‘Monsanto Protection Act’ quietly extended by Congress”

Ex-UK Envoy: US Deceived by Mossad's Fabricated Intelligence on SyriaVeterans Today

TEHRAN (FNA)- A former British ambassador underlined that Britain has not had access to any conversation or document showing that the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government has used chemical weapons against its citizens, and said that the US has been deceived by the Israeli spy agency Mossad’s fabricated documents.   Continue reading “Ex-UK Envoy: US Deceived by Mossad’s Fabricated Intelligence on Syria”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: July 14th, 2013 we posted, “Israel Tests Nuclear Capable Missile While Russia Starts Largest Military Exercise in Post-Soviet Era, Update on Egypt Situation.” This nuclear capable missile is also capable of carrying chemical weapons. Israel signed the chemical weapons treaty years ago, but never ratified it.They do not intend to until the world makes peace with them. We see the world coming down on Assad for his supposed use of chemical weapons which we know is a lie. Yet, it is Israel who has attacked Syria at least four times this year in air raids and no one says a word. Don’t you find that odd?   Continue reading “CIA Document: Israel stockpiled chemical weapons decades ago”

Marissa MayerThe Guardian – by Dominic Rushe

Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo, and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook struck back on Wednesday at critics who have charged tech companies with doing too little to fight off NSA surveillance. Mayer said executives faced jail if they revealed government secrets.

Yahoo and Facebook, along with other tech firms, are pushing for the right to be allowed to publish the number of requests they receive from the spy agency. Companies are forbidden by law to disclose how much data they provide.   Continue reading “Yahoo CEO Mayer: we faced jail if we revealed NSA surveillance secrets”