U.N. vehicles, carrying United Nations chemical weapons experts, arrive at Yousef al-Azma military hospital in Damascus August 30, 2013. REUTERS/Khaled al-HaririReuters – by Louis Charbonneau

A team of U.N. investigators has finished gathering evidence related to a suspected chemical weapons attack that killed hundreds of people in suburbs near Damascus last week, but will need time to complete its analysis, the world body said on Friday.

The announcement the U.N. inspectors will not be releasing their findings immediately came as Washington suggested the U.N. investigation would have no bearing on its decision about whether to attack Syria in retaliation for the alleged poison gas attack on civilians.   Continue reading “U.N. experts prepare to leave Syria, chemical probe needs time”

I’ll let Obama speak first and then I will answer his assertions.

Excerpt of Obama’s remarks on US military strikes against Syria:

I have had my military and our team look at a wide range of options.  We have consulted with allies, we have consulted with Congress, been in conversations with all the interested parties and in no event are we considering any kind of military action that would involve boots on the ground, that would involve a long term campaign.  But we are looking at the possibility of a limited, narrow, act that would help make sure that not only Syria, but others around the world understand that the international community cares about maintaining this chemical weapons ban and norm.   Continue reading “US Soviet Premier Obama Addresses the Homeland”


A North Carolina student was injured and another taken into police custody after shots were fired in an altercation during a fire drill at a high school in Winston-Salem on Friday, authorities said.

Gunfire was reported at 2:30 p.m. EDT at Carver High School as students began to walk back inside the school buildings at the end of a planned fire drill, Winston-Salem Police Chief Barry Rountree said at a press conference.   Continue reading “Shots fired during North Carolina high school fire drill”

syria warThe Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

If war breaks out in Syria the best possible outcome will be the fall of the Assad regime, approximately 2,000,000 innocent people will perish and the world will witness the installation of the Muslim Brotherhood as the new leaders in Syria. If this is all that happens as a result of Obama’s anticipated reckless actions, we should consider ourselves lucky.

The worst-case scenario includes the entry of Israel, Russia, China and possibly India into the fight. Please note that all three of the four nations have abandoned the petrodollar in favor of a gold for oil scheme, and this fact will prove to be a prime motivator leading to the expansion of the Syrian war.   Continue reading “The Chessboard of World War III”

Barack ObamaCNS News – by Terence P. Jeffrey

(CNSNews.com) – The Chicago Public Schools this year are mandating that the district’s kindergarten classes include sex education, fulfilling a proposal President Barack Obama supported in 2003 when he served in the Illinois state senate and later defended when he ran for president in the 2008 election cycle.

At a Planned Parenthood convention at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C., on July 17, 2007, a teenage girl who said she worked as a sex-education “peer educator” in the D.C. public schools asked then-U.S. Sen. Obama what he would do to encourage the teaching of “medically accurate, age-appropriate, and responsible sex education.”   Continue reading “Obama: Sex Ed for Kindergartners ‘Is the Right Thing to Do’”

Police plan DUI patrols, roadblockThe Tennessean

The Tennessee Highway Patrol and local law enforcement agencies will conduct a special “no refusal” DUI enforcement campaign in several counties across the state this holiday weekend.

Tennessee’s “no refusal” law allows officers to seek search warrants for blood samples when they suspect a driver to be impaired.   Continue reading “Tennessee Highway Patrol To Conduct ‘No Refusal’ DUI Checks”

Bakers Green Acres – by Jill

I wish I could talk about the farm today.  I have a lot of pictures to post.  The farm is doing good things as it produces chickens for sale, grows pigs, feeds dairy and beef cows, and is in full summer vegetable production.  I enjoyed a pre-breakfast snack of raspberries the other morning while I watched the sun burn the fog off the bottom fields.  These are the things I’d like to talk about.

Instead, I have the DNR, Attorney General, and a rogue government who doesn’t remember that we pay their mortgages with the taxes they take from us.   Continue reading “Intentions”

prop tvThe Organic Prepper

What is the best way to change public perceptions on any topic?

Through entertainment.

The battle to control us through changing (or creating) our opinions is as old as history.  Carefully disseminated disinformation was first documented in ancient Greece, when playwrights and poets created dramas for the sole purpose of indoctrinating their audience to a certain set of morals, standards, and beliefs.  When creating his empire, Macedonian king Alexander the Great inundated the places he conquered with his image, on the coins, adorning building, and in the form of statues.  Grand stories were written and shared about his generosity and the legends that were created on his behalf to this day make him larger than life.   Continue reading “Biotech’s Next Line of Defense: Cartoons Are Used to Program Kids to Accept GMOs”

ATF's Jones, VP Biden and AG Holder will be happy to increase their control over gun owners at the request of collectors.Examiner – by David Codrea

The Obama administration’s proposed regulatory amendment regarding background checks for principal officers of gun trusts will still require a chief law enforcement officer sign-off, and the rule change itself was initiated by a petition from a group representing National Firearms Act gun collectors. That information comes from a draft Department of Justice notice made public this morning by firearms industry consulting attorney Joshua Prince.   Continue reading “NFA firearms collectors group initiated ATF gun trust rule change”

Obama Issues Two More Anti-gun Executive OrdersThe New American – by Bob Adelmann

At the swearing-in ceremony at the White House on Thursday of Todd Jones as the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (still known as ATF), President Obama’s point man on gun control, Vice President Joe Biden, announced that the ATF was issuing new rules concerning the re-importation of U.S. military surplus weapons. Where such importation was previously allowed only with government approval, now all requests for such importation will be denied altogether (except for museums and the government itself).   Continue reading “Obama Issues Two More Anti-gun Executive Orders”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

They are falling like flies… following the British vote not to join Obama in his latest crusade, it s now NATO’s turn as Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen tells Dutch TV2 that “NATO will have no role in any military action in Syria.” Of course, there’s still the French; and as Rasmussen notes, should any retaliatory action take place to endanger NATO member Turkey then the situation may well change. Quoted as urging a political resolution rather than military, and supportive of the UN inspectors, Rasmussen added “A sustainable solution is a political solution. But an international reaction is necessary.”   Continue reading “And Another Deserts As NATO Says Obama On His Own”

CNS News – by Patrick J. Buchanan

The next 72 hours will be decisive in the career of the speaker of the House. The alternatives he faces are these:

John Boehner can, after “consultation,” give his blessing to Barack Obama’s decision to launch a war on Syria, a nation that has neither attacked nor threatened us.   Continue reading “Will Boehner Stop Our Rogue President?”

US Secretary of State John Kerry (AFP Photo / Jewel Samad) RT News

United States Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday that the US intelligence community has concluded that the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is responsible for killing more than 1,000 people with chemical gas last week near Damascus.

In a statement released in tandem with Kerry’s remarks from the State Department headquarters in Washington, DC Friday afternoon, the US government says they assess “with high confidence” that the government of Pres. Assad carried out a chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburbs on August 21, 2013.   Continue reading “US intel report stops short of confirming Assad is responsible for chemical attack”

Photo: U.S. Embassy, Turkey. Infowars – by Kurt Nimmo

During his State Department speech today, Secretary of State John Kerry grossly misrepresented the facts about the chemical attack at Ghouta near Damascus.

“The United States government now knows that at least 1,429 Syrians were killed in this attack, including at least 426 children,” Kerry said. “I’m not asking you to take my word for it. Read for yourself, everyone… the evidence from thousands of sources, evidence that is already publicly available,” he added.   Continue reading “Kerry Misrepresents Syria Chemical War Dead”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Below is the government’s assessment of the “Syrian Government’s Use of Chemical Weapons on August 21, 2013.” It is exactly as expected, putting the full blame on Assad.

What however is absolutely mindblowing is the following:   Continue reading ““Proof” Assad Used Chemical Weapons Is One Hundred YouTube Clips: Full Report Attached”