Why Syria? Follow the Money- by Jerry Robinson, Editor-in-Chief

As Western military forces congregate in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea in anticipation of a “limited strike” on Syria, it is time to ask ourselves a simple question: Why?

FTMDAILY – In the summer of 2011, just weeks after civil war broke out in Syria, the Tehran Times released a report entitled, Iran, Iraq, Syria Sign Major Gas Pipeline Deal. The report provided details on how Iran planned to export its vast natural gas reserves to Europe through a pipeline that traversed both Iraq and Syria. This Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline would be the largest gas pipeline in the Middle East and would span from Iran’s gas-rich South Pars field to the Mediterranean coastline in Lebanon, via Iraq and Syria.   Continue reading “Why Syria?”

Huffington Post – by Khaled Yacoub Owens

AMMAN, Aug 29 (Reuters) – President Bashar al-Assad’s forces have removed several Scud missiles and dozens of launchers from a base north of Damascus, possibly to protect the weapons from a Western attack, opposition sources said on Thursday.

The move from the position in the foothills of the Qalamoun mountains, one of Syria’s most heavily militarised districts, appears part of a precautionary but limited redeployment of armaments in areas of central Syria still held by Assad’s forces, diplomats based in the Middle East told Reuters.   Continue reading “Syrian Army Moves Scud Missiles From Damascus As Western Strike Looms”

New Covenant Theology – by Gary Anderson

Zionism is the reason that many Jews seek war in the middle east. These Jews (not all Jews) do not want to live in peace with the Arab neighbors. No, these Jews want to dominate those neighbors and this is similar to how God’s chosen nation of Israel dominated in the Old Testament.

But the only problem is that Israel is no longer God’s chosen nation as a nation, in the New Covenant age.   Continue reading “Jewish Yinon Zionism Is a False Religious and Imperial Plan for the Middle East”

The Daily Caller – by Mike Piccione

The White House announced on Thursday that it intends to “ban almost all re-imports of military surplus firearms to private entities” through executive order, which would effectively shut down the 110-year-old Civilian Marksmanship Program.

In a Fact Sheet published on Whitehouse.gov today referencing the upcoming executive order the ban on importing military weapons is designed to “keep military-grade firearms off our streets.” Exceptions for import may be allowed for museums.   Continue reading “Obama’s new executive order will kill the 110-year-old Civilian Marksmanship Program”

Photo: Wikimedia CommonsIntelliHub – by JG Vibes

The primary “witness” that the mainstream media is using as a source in Syria has been caught staging fake news segments.  Recent video evidence proves that “Syria Danny”, the supposed activist who has been begging for military intervention on CNN, is really just a paid actor and a liar.

While Assad is definitely a tyrant like any head of state, a US invasion of the country is a worst case scenario for the people living there.   Continue reading “CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors”

Aircraft Carrier - War With SyriaThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

If Barack Obama is going to attack Syria, he is going to do it without the support of the American people, without the approval of Congress, without the approval of the United Nations, and without the help of the British.  Now that the British Parliament has voted against a military strike, the Obama administration is saying that it may take “unilateral action” against Syria.    Continue reading “25 Quotes About The Coming War With Syria That Every American Should See”

British destroyer HMS Diamond sailing through the Suez Canal (file photo)Press TV

Egypt’s Tamarod (rebellion) movement has called on Egyptian authorities to close the Suez Canal to vessels carrying weapons for a potential US strike on Syria.

The Egyptian movement said in a Wednesday statement that “it is a national duty to support the Syrian army.”    Continue reading “Egypt should shut Suez Canal to anti-Syria warships: Tamarod movement”

Zero Hedge- by Tyler Durden

The UK may be out, but Saudi Arabia isn’t taking any chances. Moments ago, Reuters reported that the regime which as we reported is behind the entire conflict in Syria (hint: nat gas) has raised its level of military alertness in anticipation of a possible Western strike in Syria, sources familiar with the matter said on Friday.  Saudi Arabia’s defense readiness, their version of DefCon, has been raised to “two” from “five”, a Saudi military source who declined to be named told Reuters. “One” is the highest level of alert. “It is a must, no one knows what will happen,” he said. And so all those who thought there would be no war and sold off gold and crude, are suddenly caught short.   Continue reading “Saudi Arabia Goest To “DefCon 2””

24.07.2012 Сирия повстанцы мятежник оппозиция война оружие боевик Voice of Russia

In an interview with Dale Gavlak, a Middle East correspondent for the Associated Press and Mint Press News, Syrian rebels tacitly implied that they were responsible for last week’s chemical attack.

“From numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families….many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the (deadly) gas attack,” he writes in the article.   Continue reading “Syrian rebels take responsibility for the chemical attack admitting the weapons were provided by Saudis”

The Week

Blocked at the UN by Russia and stripped of British backing, US President still ready to launch assault.

The US is facing the prospect of attacking Syria without UN approval and without the support of its closest ally following last night’s defeat of a Commons motion approving Britain’s involvement.   Continue reading “Syria latest: Obama set to attack despite falling support”

World Events and the Bible

Barack Obama‘s plans for air strikes against Syria were thrown into disarray on Thursday night after the British parliament unexpectedly rejected a motion designed to pave the way to authorizing the UK’s participation in military action.

The White House was forced to consider the unpalatable option of taking unilateral action against the regime of Bashar al-Assad after the British prime minister, David Cameron, said UK would not now take part in any military action in response to a chemical attack in the suburbs of Damascus last week.    Continue reading “UK Votes Against Syrian Strike While Obama Presses on Adding Fifth Destroyer to Region”

A Lightning War for Liberty – by Mike

Throughout history, one of the ways in which the human spirit has overcome or dealt with the brutish forces of authoritarian regimes has been through the use of humor. As such, it is no surprise that clever Americans from sea to shining sea have figured out ways to mock the NSA while also making a dollar or two. One of these folks is Dan McCall, founder of politically themed T-shirt company Liberty Maniacs. Several days after the spy scandal erupted, Dan created a shirt that read NSA: The only part of the government that actually listens. See below:   Continue reading “Nothing Better to Do – The NSA Goes After Parody T-Shirts”

Channel News Asia

Two years ago, Channel NewsAsia obtained footage from within Japan’s 20 km Fukushima exclusion zone featuring a farmer who defied government orders to exterminate his cattle. While residents are now being allowed to return, nothing has been said about the changes now seen on the cattle.

JAPAN: The 1986 Chernobyl nuclear meltdown taught the world that long-term radiation exposure can cause DNA and immunological changes in living organisms.   Continue reading ““White spots” on Fukushima cattle ignored by Japanese officials”

Before It’s News

Click here to see how the “MSM” makes an incredible boom look like ‘bad planning’even though North Dakota’s oil production increased from 2.5 million barrels per month in 2004 to more than 16.5 million barrels per month by the end of 2011, more than a six-fold increase, passing California as the third-largest oil-producing state in the nation, behind Texas and Alaska…none of which showing a budget surplus since the beginning of the Greater Depression.   Continue reading “Mainstream Blackout on North Dakota Economic Miracle?”