ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Several aftershocks rattled a remote Aleutian Island region off Alaska in the hours after a major 7.0 temblor struck with a jet-like rumble that shook homes and sent residents scrambling for cover.

At least three dozen aftershocks, including one reaching magnitude 6.1 in strength, struck after the major quake Friday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. “I heard it coming,” said Kathleen Nevzoroff, who was sitting at her computer in the tiny Aleutians village of Adak when the 7.0 temblor struck at 8:25 a.m. local time, getting stronger and stronger. “I ran to my doors and opened them and my chimes were all ringing.”   Continue reading “Alaskan island area hit by big quake, aftershocks”

AFP Photo / Lionel BonaventureRT News

Microsoft and Google announced Friday they are going forward with a lawsuit against the US government for the right to reveal more information about official requests for customer data by American intelligence.

The companies originally filed suits in June following revelationsprovided by Edward Snowden of their relationship with the National Security Agency and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which oversees the government’s requests of the companies’ systems.    Continue reading “Microsoft, Google sue US for right to reveal nature of surveillance requests”

Lew Rockwell – by Karen Kwiatkowski

The other day, while driving home from the lovely Blue Ridge Mountains of western NC to the lovely upper Shenandoah Valley, it occurred to me that the metaphor of our time has been before us all my life.

Watch for falling rocks.  I do watch, but I’ve never seen it happen.  Sometimes, you see rocks that have fallen, and sometimes you see the debris after a rockfall cleanup.  But I personally have never yet seen the rocks actually falling.  Honestly, it’s on my bucket list.   Continue reading “The State Seems Solid ….. Watch for Falling Rocks”

Fox News

University of South Florida researchers have begun work to excavate graves at a former reform school known for extreme abuse.

USF spokeswoman Lara Wade has confirmed that measuring and marking work began Saturday morning at the now-closed Dozier Arthur G. Dozier School. Digging will follow.  Continue reading “Grave excavation work begins at Florida reform school site known for abuse”


Facebook is considering incorporating most of its 1 billion-plus members’ profile photos into its growing facial recognition database, expanding the scope of the social network’s controversial technology.

The possible move, which Facebook revealed in an update to its data use policy on Thursday, is intended to improve the performance of its “Tag Suggest” feature. The feature uses facial recognition technology to speed up the process of labeling or “tagging” friends and acquaintances who appear in photos posted on the network.   Continue reading “Big Brother’s reach extends far beyond Facebook’s facial recognition announcement”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

It appears the Missouri Legislature, which is led by Republicans, will look to override Governor Jay Nixon’s veto of a gun bill that would expand gun owner rights and nullify federal gun laws. The vetoed gun bill is entitled the “Second Amendment Preservation Act.”

The Associated Press reports:   Continue reading “Missouri Aims to Override Governor’s Veto & Nullify Federal Gun Laws”

American Revolution 2Militia News – by Christian J. Yingling, August 1, 2013

I am no linguist, I am no scholar, I am NOT the be all, end all of warfare. What I am is a Father, a Christian, and a Veteran… in that order. I am also the Commanding officer of my militia unit, The Westmoreland County Militia, Regulators 1st Battalion. . . with my people placing their lives in my hands, in hopes that I will keep them safe and ultimately lead them to victory and someday a better life than what is being presented to them now. This is a very large responsibility and one I do NOT take lightly. I have lost A LOT of sleep because of it. I promise you.   Continue reading “Are We Prepared For What Is About To Happen?”

Barack-Obama-Liar-TraitorMilitia News, May 6, 2013

Barack Hussein Obama is a traitor.

The treasonous acts by Obama start with him and his conspirers hijacking the political process by registering as Democrats when, in fact, they make up a combination of socialists, progressives, communists, Marxists, anarchists, and UN-American detractors. A prime example of this is how Obama originally campaigned with the “Democratic Progressive Party” (DPP) scattered all throughout America, although they are not legally recognized as a valid political party in America to enter campaigns which would gain them enough votes to be seated. Therefore, they deliberately schemed to hijack the Democratic Party. This was led previously in part by Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and others who believed the Democrats were too timid to put forth their agenda, in 1991, they formed the progressive caucus within the halls of the United States Congress and used that status as a means to lend false credibility to their cause and illegitimate platform.   Continue reading “Barack Hussein Obama Is A Traitor”

Activists and homeowners march in front of the Philadelphia convention center following a protest against hydraulic gas drilling, or "fracking," Wednesday, September 7, 2011. The several hundred activists and homeowners who gathered outside the convention center where an industry conference was being held claim that fracking and shale gas drilling in general have led to polluted air and water and made people sick. (AP Photo/Mark Stehle)Mint Press News- by Martin Michaels

“They said you’re going to be a millionaire in a couple of years, but none of that has happened,” said Don Feusner, an owner of a dairy cattle farm in Northern Pennsylvania. “I guess we’re expected to just take whatever they want to give us.”

Like many landowners in Pennsylvania, Feusner was promised generous royalties from the natural gas wells on his farm. ProPublica reports that the issue has become a widespread problem, not only in Pennsylvania, but across the United States. Oil and gas companies appear to be withholding billions of dollars in royalties owed to landowners like Feusner who agreed to lease land for fracking operations.   Continue reading “Landowners Shorted Billions In Fracking Revenue From Oil Companies”

No time for this, we have another war to fight to protect Israel.


Editor’s note: Few issues are as important to our state and nation as the treatment of our veterans. That’s why the Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting is taking the unusual step of distributing and prominently featuring the work of another journalism group, NEWS21. Its groundbreaking series on veterans called, “Back Home: The Challenges Facing Post-9/11 Veterans Returning from the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,” comes to the Center through our membership in the Investigative News Network.   Continue reading “In six-year period, 49,000 vets took their own lives”

The Lonely Conservative

Wow! Nancy Pelosi sure has done a 180 when it comes to war and Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. In 2007, as Speaker of the House, she ticked off the Bush administration for meeting personally with Assad. At the time he assured her that he was looking for peace, and she believed him. She was also quite vocal in her opposition to the Iraq war and the surge, even though the Iraq war was authorized by Congress. But today, she’s all gung-ho for attacking Syria, with no input from Congress.   Continue reading “Pelosi The War Monger”

This World is Mad – Luis Manuel

Israeli authorities went out of their way on Thursday to calm fears of a regional war, even as military sources said they anticipated US-led intervention in Syria early next week.

“There is no need to change our routine at this time,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a YouTube video released Thursday(Hebrew link) of him speaking at the start of a meeting with defense officials at IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv. “Israel is prepared,” he said.   Continue reading “Netanyahu: ‘Low probability’ Israel will be drawn into Syria fighting”

NBC News – by M. Alex Johnson

With a U.S. military strike looming, U.N. weapons inspectors left Syria ahead of schedule early Saturday for a dangerous predawn drive to Lebanon, carrying unknown evidence of what the U.S. says was a chemical weapons attack on its own citizens by the Syrian government.

The inspectors had been expected to leave about 9 a.m. Saturday (2 a.m. ET), but they were seen leaving their hotel in Damascus, the capital about 5:30 a.m. in vehicles bound for Beirut, Lebanon. They made no comment as they arrived at the Beirut airport.   Continue reading “UN weapons inspectors pull out of Syria ahead of schedule”

Weed - Shocking Study: Marijuana is the Most Frequently “Used” “Illegal Substance” in the WorldMarijuana – by Barry Poppins

Marijuana is not a drug that people use–it’s a plant that people use to medicate or chill out. And while it’s stil erroneously an “Illegal Substance,” it’s the most popular “drug” on this planet. And it also causes significantly less (as inzero) deaths (and life-altering addictions) than its pain-killing,  ”counterparts”: legal pain killers.

A recent study in the journal Lancet (with loose data) concluded that people love weed, and pain-killers ruin more lives than any other substance on this planet.     Continue reading “Shocking Study: Marijuana is the Most Frequently “Used” “Illegal Substance” in the World”

US warplane F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraftThe Guardian – by Mona Mahmood and Robert Booth

The Syrian air force is considering using kamikaze pilots against attacks by western forces, a Syrian army officer operating air defences near Damascus has claimed in an interview with the Guardian.

The officer said 13 pilots had signed a pledge this week saying they would form “a crew of suicide martyrs to foil the US warplanes”.   Continue reading “Syrian army may use kamikaze pilots against west, Assad officer claims”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Just in time for Barack Obama to launch terror attacks againt Syria, the largest city in Syria has just dropped off the internet, assuring that US terror attacks upon the sovereign nation will not make it out to the world uncensored. This story was originally published on the Washington Post and brought over to you on Beforeitsnews from US Web Daily. A video report is also below.   Continue reading “Syria’s Biggest City Drops Off Internet!”

Syrians inspect the rubble of damaged buildings due to heavy shelling by Syrian government forces / APWashington Free Beacon – by Bill Gertz

The U.S. military, struggling after defense cuts of tens of billions of dollars, will be unable to pay for attacks on Syria from current operating funds and must seek additional money from Congress, according to congressional aides.

President Barack Obama, meanwhile, said on Friday he has not made a final decision on a military strike against Syria. He sought to play down both the scope and duration of the anticipated punitive missile and bombing campaign.   Continue reading “Pentagon Can’t Afford Syria Operation; Must Seek Additional Funds”

Information Clearinghouse – by William Bowles

I think it’s true to say that the days of creating ‘dodgy dossiers‘(pdf)[1] are now over, at least if the latest ‘dodgy report’ is anything to go by. Put out by the UK’s Joint Intelligence Committee, it purports to offer proof that Assad gassed his own people. But aside from the fact that it offers not a shred of proof, it’s also amateurish and clearly put together in a panic.

We…have a limited but growing body of intelligence which supports the judgement that the regime was responsible for the attacks and that they were conducted to help clear the Opposition from strategic parts of Damascus. Some of this intelligence is highly sensitive but you have had access to it all. – UK Joint Intelligence Organisation, 29 August 2013   Continue reading “Chemical Hallucinations”