North Carolina – by Ol’ Remus

The coming free fall into squalor and horror will be particularly shocking to those who rely on designer “resilient communities” and “sustainable life styles” of the five hundred acres and independence kind. There will come a time when they’ll wish they had less expertise in their pet’s dental hygiene and more in how to keep little Suzy off the menu of feral dogs with bad gums. With them, survival means comfort and convenience in the midst of other people’s annoying travails.   Continue reading “Shock”

Setting Up a Phone TreeMilitia News

Every militia should take preparatory measures in setting up a phone tree.

A phone tree is a network of people organized in such a way that they can quickly and easily spread information amongst each other. Phone trees are especially common among parents, who often want to be able to communicate quickly about canceled events and other issues, and they are also used by activists and a variety of other groups as well. Setting up a solid phone tree takes time, but many people feel that it is well worth the effort, since the phone tree can be used again and again.   Continue reading “Setup A Phone Tree.”

Police SWAT team searchMilitia News

Two SWAT teams were deployed and an entire neighborhood in Ft. Collins, Colorado was shut down for four hours to search for a man suspected of stealing a bicycle and a grocery cart full of merchandise from Wal-Mart.

A sheriff’s deputy on scene said the SWAT teams were searching for a robbery suspect who had been tracked to the area.   Continue reading “Two SWAT Teams Shut Down A Neighborhood In Colorado.”

image by @mhess4RT News

The New York Times’ website has been disabled for the second time in under a month, with the newspaper attributing the outage to a “malicious external attack” widely thought to have come from hackers affiliated with the Syrian Electronic Army.

“Many users are having difficulty accessing the New York Times online,” the paper wrote on its Facebook page. “We are working to fix the problem. Our initial assessment is the outage is most likely the result of a malicious external attack. In the meantime we are continuing to publish key news reports.”    Continue reading “Syrian Electronic Army takes down New York Times website”

After just one year, some schools around the country are dropping out of the healthier new federal lunch program, complaining that so many students turned up their noses at meals packed with whole grains, fruits and vegetables that the cafeterias were losing money.

Federal officials say they don’t have exact numbers but have seen isolated reports of schools cutting ties with the $11 billion National School Lunch Program, which reimburses schools for meals served and gives them access to lower-priced food.   Continue reading “Some school districts quit healthier lunch program”

Yahoo News – by Oliver Knox

The United States restated Tuesday that it means to drive Bashar Assad from power in Syria, but denied it would use potential U.S.-led military strikes in response to his forces’ alleged chemical weapons attack to do so.

“I want to make clear that the options that we are considering are not about regime change,” White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters at his daily briefing. “They are about responding to clear violation of an international standard that prohibits the use of chemical weapons.”   Continue reading “U.S.: Not trying to take out Assad with Syria response”

John McCainThe Daily Beast – by Josh Rogin

As the Obama administration considers striking the Syrian regime as soon as Thursday, President Obama and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey are coming under increased criticism for their handling of the ballooning crisis.

Administration officials have told various news outlets that Obama is considering limited cruise-missile or bomber strikes against regime targets, likely for a period of three days. The strikes would be a punishment and deterrent aimed at Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in response to his reported use of chemical weapons against civilians near Damascus on August 21. Opposition sources have said they were told by “Western powers” that strikes could begin within the next few days.   Continue reading “McCain Says Obama Gave ‘Green Light’ to Syria to Use Chemical Weapons”

Veterans Today – by Mohamed Khodr

A shocking crime was committed on the unscrupulous initiative of few individuals, with the blessing of more, and amid the passive acquiescence of  all”.


This quote has been repeated in many forms by many American Presidents since George Washington, by patriotic American politicians, diplomats, militiary officers, academicians, few journalists, and a few courageous American citizens of all faiths especially Christians, and Jewish Americans who stand firm despite the hate, death threats, and alienation from the Jewish community.   Continue reading “Pity the American People for They Live in a Jewish Run Democracy” Destroyer Report – by Tony Cartalucci

The US has accused the Syrian government of delaying UN inspectors from accessing the site of an alleged chemical weapons attack in Damascus. But now, according to Reuters, the US appears to be preparing to strike Syria militarily before the UN’s now ongoing investigation is concluded and evidence revealed to either support or conflict with the West’s so far baseless allegations.

Reuters’ article, “Syria strike due in days, West tells opposition: sources,” states that:     Continue reading “Reuters: US to Strike Syria Before UN Evidence Collected”

elysium-1The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

Elysium is a dramatic and dystopian vision of a post-apocalyptic Earth. The movie in not unlike the movie Hunger Games in which the majority of humanity is condemned to live in an overpopulated, diseased-ridden and violent planet.

The elite in Elysium occupy their orbiting paradise without want or illness, while today’s elite have massive underground structures beneath such places as Denver International Airport. While the rank and file of America is cursed with Obamacare, this dichotomy parallels the life extension technologies being employed by the elite in which our overlords, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Brzezinski and Soros are older than dirt but still keep enslaving humanity with youthful vigor as they have access to life extension technologies which emanates from transhumanism, the most evil application of science in our collective history. These overlords are Satan’s best emissary’s on this planet.   Continue reading “Conditioning Humanity for the Inevitable”

Syrian army soldiers are seen deployed in the Jobar neighbourhood of Damascus on August 24, 2013. (AFP Photo)RT News

Moscow has voiced “regret” over a US decision to put off bilateral talks over Syria. Russia has sought to placate calls for military action over the alleged use of chemical weapons, saying there is no evidence of the Assad regime’s complicity.

The US government announced it was postponing bilateral talks with Russia late Monday, citing “ongoing consultations” over the Syrian government’s alleged use of chemical weapons.    Continue reading “Russia ‘regrets’ US decision to shelve Syria talks”

RT News

White House officials say the United States may launch a limited military strike on Syria as early as this Thursday as the intelligence community prepares to release a report justifying action and allies are rallied.

Senior officials in the Obama administration told the Washington Post for an article published on Tuesday that the White House is weighing a limited strike on Syria and said on condition of anonymity that “We’re actively looking at the various legal angles that would inform a decision.”   Continue reading “Obama reportedly considering two-day strike on Syria”

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s parliament has approved fast tracking debate on a bill that seeks to sue the U.S. for its involvement in the 1953 coup that overthrew the country’s democratically elected prime minister.

Lawmakers will begin deliberations Wednesday over how to launch a formal complaint accusing the U.S. government of intervening in Iran’s internal affairs and inflicting damages on the Persian state. The 290-seat house approved the urgent debate of the bill Tuesday in a session broadcast on state radio.   Continue reading “Iran to debate suing US over 1953 coup support”


SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — A second 16-year-old arrested in the beating death of an 88-year-old World War II veteran is scheduled to make a court appearance Tuesday as the first was being held on $2 million bail.

Demetrius L. Glenn made an initial court appearance Monday afternoon. He is charged in Spokane County District Court with first-degree murder and first-degree robbery. The charges carry a potential life sentence.   Continue reading “2nd teen in court following death of WWII veteran”

The guided-missile destroyer USS Gravely (DDG 107)Press TV

Senior American officials say the United States has planned to launch missile strikes against Syria “as early as Thursday” in order to punish Damascus over the alleged use of chemical weapons.

The unnamed officials told NBC News on Tuesday that the “three days” of strikes would be limited in scope, and aimed at “sending a message to Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad rather than degrading his military capabilities.”    Continue reading “US begins war on Syria as early as Thursday, officials say”

Washington’s Blog

Americans Are Sick of War

We noted last month than Congress is less popular than North Korea, cockroaches, lice, root canals, colonoscopies, traffic jams, used car salesmen, Genghis Khan, Communism, BP during the Gulf oil spill, Nixon during Watergate or King George during the American Revolution.   Continue reading “Americans Would Rather Get a Root Canal or a Colonoscopy than Launch War Against Syria”