Before It’s News

It is common knowledge that the entire western world is as near as dammit to total bankruptcy, with only two other political entities still operating with their own central banks (and in the black) the US State of North Dakota and South Africa.

It’s also common knowledge that “only a war” can get us out of the current global debt trap…   Continue reading “It’s Amazing How One Common Denominator in the Middle East Wars is Ignored – the Only nations left there with their Own Central Banks are Syria and Iran.”


International growth trends in prison privatization study: 

As the growth of the U.S. prison population has stalled, American private prison companies have expanded their reach across the globe, operating prisons and detention centers in at least 11 countries, according to a new report by The Sentencing Project, a non-profit advocacy group.    Continue reading “America’s private prison companies have expanded across the globe”


Florida – The man suspected of shooting and killing a Manchester man at a downtown nightclub this month was arrested while on a Disney vacation in Florida, police said. 

Mike Cruz, 23, whose last known address was in East Hartford, was seen poolside in Orlando, Fla. Friday and later taken into custody by U.S. federal marshals and members of a fugitive task force. The task force works with the Hartford police Major Crimes Division.   Continue reading “Did Disney World’s biometrics program identify a suspected murderer in its park?”

Don’t look for this news on FOX or the MOSSAD agent Wolf Blitzer’s show.

EWTN News –  by Beit Shemesh

A monastery caught fire in Israel, after Jewish extremists threw a bomb at it and sprayed graffiti on its walls, police revealed today.

“A Molotov cocktail was thrown against the wall of the Beit Jamal Monastery near Beit Shemesh,” Israeli police said in an Aug. 21 statement.   Continue reading “Jewish extremists attack Catholic monastery in Israel”

Star Tribune – by DAVID CHANEN

Attorney hired by girlfriend says four witnesses told him Edmond Fair was killed while handcuffed.

Edmond D. Fair was fatally shot in the chest by police during a traffic stop and struggle in Brooklyn Center last week, authorities said Tuesday.

The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office, which is investigating the shooting, said it couldn’t comment on the case.    Continue reading “Man killed in clash with Brooklyn Center, Minnesota police was shot in chest”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Intercepted phone calls that will be presented by the Obama administration as proof that Bashar Al-Assad was behind last week’s chemical weapons attack in Syria actually suggest that the attack was not ordered by the Syrian government.

Phone calls by the Syrian Ministry of Defense intercepted by Mossad and passed to the US reveal that Syrian government officials, “exchanged panicked phone calls with a leader of a chemical weapons unit, demanding answers for a nerve agent strike that killed more than 1,000 people,” in the hours after last week’s attack.   Continue reading “Intelligence Suggests Assad Not Behind Chemical Weapons Attack”

An Israeli soldier rests on his armoured bulldozerThe Guardian – by Harriet Sherwood

A team of United Nations inspectors have resumed their second day of investigations at the site of an alleged chemical weapons attack outside Damascus, as western leaders moved towards military action in response to the Syrian regime’s reported use of chemical weapons against civilians.

The UN team left their Damascus hotel early on Wednesday after the operation was suspended on Tuesday following a sniper attack on its convoy on Monday.   Continue reading “Israeli intelligence ‘intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack’”

Israel_protest_082413_RJS_001.jpgAnn by RYAN J. STANTON

Center for Investigative Reporting – by Kris Hundley and Kendall Taggart

Former employees of Kids Wish Network say the Holiday, Fla.-based charity exploits sick and dying children to raise cash, then misleads donors about where their money goes.

The criticism from four ex-employees comes after Kids Wish was named in June as the worst charity in America by the Tampa Bay Times and The Center for Investigative Reporting.   Continue reading “Ex-employees of Kids Wish Network say they misled donors”

JP MorganThe Guardian – by Rupert Neate

A former JP Morgan banker has been arrested in Spain 10 days after US authorities filed charges against him over the “London Whale” affair that cost the bank $6bn (£3.9bn).

Javier Martin-Artajo, who was the direct supervisor of Bruno Iksil, the trader dubbed the “London Whale”, handed himself in on Tuesday in Madrid following a conversation with the specialist fugitive unit of the Spanish police.   Continue reading “Former JP Morgan banker arrested in Spain over ‘London Whale’ charges”

Andrew Burton / Getty Images / AFP RT News

Police violated a suspect’s Fourth Amendment rights when, in an attempt to find drugs on his person, they temporarily paralyzed him and administered an anal probe, a US federal court has ruled.

Felix Booker and his brother were driving through Oak Ridge, Tennessee in February 2010 when police stopped their vehicle. Smelling marijuana, police brought a K-9 unit to the scene, which alerted them to drugs in the car. Even though police are only authorized to give a ticket when finding less than 14 grams of marijuana, officers arrested Booker after finding .06 grams in his car.    Continue reading “Conviction overturned after police illegally paralyze man, administer invasive probe”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

With president Obama taking his role as Warmonger-In-Chief ever more seriously, it is easy to forget that the only important function before the greatest presidential teleprompter reader in history, is that of Socialized Healthcare Provider-in-Comrade. And so today, in the fog of pre-war, the Obama administration released the final rules on the “Individual Mandate” component of Obamacare, which requires most Americans to buy health insurance starting in 2014 or be fined. Specifically, the rules list lay out the amount of penalties that Americans will face if they opt out of socialized healthcare.   Continue reading “Final Obamacare “Individual Mandate” Rules Released: This Is What You Will Pay”

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

The Young Turks have a couple of video clips out which are worth the time it takes to watch them.

They point out how the media and establishment politicians continue to beat the drum “we have to attack Syria,” completely ignoring the fact that a tiny minority actually wants the U.S. to intervene in Syria while an overwhelmingly majority of Americans want the U.S. to stay out of Syria’s business.   Continue reading “US Media Is Pushing For War With Syria”

Before It’s News – by Tom Dennen


Do they really think we’re stupid or have the memories of goldfish?

Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

Nope.   Continue reading “A Dictator Using Chemical Weapons On His Own People. An American President Who Doesnt Need Congressional Approval For War And Media War Drums… Deja Vu All Over Again?”

TEPCONatural News – by Mike Adams

After a 29-month cover-up, the Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) is now calling for international help and has all but admitted Fukushima’s radiation leaks are spiraling out of control. In addition to the leaking water storage units that are unleashing hundreds of tons of radioactive water each day, Tepco now says 50% of its contaminated water filtration capability has been taken offline due to corrosion.    Continue reading “Fukushima in freefall: radioactive water filters taken offline, Tepco in desperation as leaks just won’t stop”