Maggie, Hugh, and our partnering church speak with an officer.Love Wins Ministries -by Hugh Hollowell, August 24, 2013

What Happened

This morning we showed up at Moore Square at 9:00 a.m., just like we have done virtually every Saturday and Sunday for the last six years. We provide, without cost or obligation, hot coffee and a breakfast sandwich to anyone who wants one. We keep this promise to our community in cooperation with five different large suburban churches that help us with manpower and funding.   Continue reading “Feeding Homeless Apparently Illegal in Raleigh, NC”

chinaNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

As if China’s legacy of tainted food and unspeakable environmental pollution were not enough to raise some eyebrows, the most populated country in the world is now in the spotlight for a growing environmental problem that is destroying its rivers: decomposing human bodies. New reports indicate that hundreds of bodies are retrieved just from the Yellow River near Lanzhou every single year as part of a massive “body fishing” scheme, and authorities are doing nothing to try to stop it.   Continue reading “Decomposed human bodies now routinely found floating down China’s rivers”

A member of the 'Liwaa Ahrar Suriya' brigade, operating under the Free Syrian Army, is seen in a public park that separates them and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad in Sakhour area, Aleppo August 24, 2013. REUTERS/Muzaffar SalmanReuters – by Khaled Yacoub Oweis

Gulf-based supporters have sent a 400-ton shipment of arms to Syria’s outgunned rebels, one of the biggest to reach them in their two-year-old uprising, opposition sources said on Sunday.

The consignment – mostly ammunition for shoulder-fired weapons and anti-aircraft machine guns – came into northern Syria via the Turkish province of Hatay in the past 24 hours, and was already being handed out, the sources added.   Continue reading “Large arms shipment reaches Syrian rebels: opposition”

World Events and the Bible

The events in Syria are escalating very rapidly at this time. We reported on this topic yesterday morning in an article titled, “The Destruction of Damascus Draws Nigh: U.S. War Ships En-Route for Possible Cruise Missile Attack on Syria Following False Flag Event and What It Means“.

Without a shed of evidence British Prime Minister David Cameron and United States President Barack Obama have stated, “the regime of Bashar al-Assad was almost certainly responsible for the assault” which will “take the crisis into a new phase that merits a “serious response,”according to The Guardian.   Continue reading “UN: Damascus is an Active War Zone. Obama, Cameron State, “Serious Response” for Alleged Assad Chemical Attack”

Nagasaki Marks the 68th Anniversary of Atomic BombDoesn’t Japan realize that Israeli Jews have cornered the world market on pity?

The Guardian – by Harriet Sherwood

Israel has been forced to issue a formal apology to Japan over offensive comments posted on Facebook by its head of online public diplomacy.

The apology followed a complaint by the Japanese ambassador to Israel, Hideo Sato, after senior government official Daniel Seaman disparaged commemorations for the victims of the 1945 atomic bombs, causing a wave of protests in Japan.   Continue reading “Israel forced to apologise to Japan over offensive Hiroshima comments”

Alt-Market – by Brandon Smith

Even after seven years of writing macroeconomic analysis for the liberty movement and bearing witness to astonishing displays of financial and political stupidity by more “skeptics” than I can count, it never ceases to amaze me the amount of blind faith average Americans place in the strength of the U.S. dollar. One could explain in vast categorical detail the history of fiat currencies, the inevitable destruction caused by inflationary printing and the conundrum caused when any country decides to monetize its own debt just to stay afloat — often, to no avail.   Continue reading “Get Ready For The Death Of The Petrodollar”

a.JPGInstructables – by aleutianwind

This is a larger version of The Solar Baby that was in another instructable i did a while back.  This one cooks better than the last one and can cook larger meals. It seals better and has better insulation. It has the curved back and pivoting sun finding system same as the Solar Baby.The hinged lid/reflector has removable pins and can be removed and inverted over the oven for a smaller stowage area which makes it good for RV ing  The size of your oven depends on the size of the tempered glass you have.   Continue reading “The “Solar Baby 2 ” Solar Oven”

turmericNatural News – by PF Louis

The benefits of turmeric, due to its active ingredient curcumin, have been demonstrated by modern Western medical research and centuries of empirical evidence from India and China.

The problem with turmeric’s curcumin is that it has a hard time getting past the stomach and into the small intestines where it can be absorbed into the blood.   Continue reading “Six ways turmeric heals your overburdened body”

MLK-Monument-Sharpton-Jackson-620x480Pat Dollard

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Thousands, including the Rev. Al Sharpton and several mayoral candidates, converged on the national mall Saturday to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.

The original march on August 28, 1963, culminated with Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.   Continue reading “Sharpton Vows Special Laws For Black Voters: ‘Why, When We Get To Obama, Do We Need Some Special Voter ID?’”

Making Meals from Pantry BasicsThe Organic Prepper

Your pantry is only useful if you can make tasty, filling meals from it.  It is vital that you purchase “ingredients” rather than meals, so that you can make a wide variety of foods. Not only is this healthier, but it is also a much more cost-effective way to build a stockpile.

The ingredients that you buy or preserve are the basis of your future health should a situation arise in which you must rely on your pantry.  It is imperative that you have the ability to cook from scratch if you intend to use a pantry full of ingredients, so brush up on your skills by using these items now, and not just storing them away.   Continue reading “The Pantry Primer: Making Meals from Pantry Basics”

On May 2, 2012, J.T. Ready, a militia volunteer and candidate for Pinal County Arizona Sheriff, along with his girlfriend, his girlfriend’s daughter, her fiancée, and their child were murdered by a drug cartel assassination squad at Ready’s home in Gilbert, Arizona.  The mainstream media immediately reported that Ready, who they identified as a white supremacist, had killed his family and himself.

This is probably how the situation would have stood except for the fact that unbeknownst to the media putting out the propaganda, one of Ready’s girlfriend’s daughters had survived the assassination squad by hiding underneath a bed.  The retractions were short and went literally without notice within the general public.    Continue reading “Have the Mexican Drug Cartels Captured Maricopa County Arizona?”

David YeagleyBad Eagle – by David Yeagley

See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. Deuteronomy 32: 39

This past spring (2013) I was diagnosed as having “low-grade, extra-nodal lymphoma.” In July, I was also diagnosed with mesothelioma. Two kinds of cancer, in the lungs. I had lung surgery on my left lung in July. I am presently on chemotherapy.   Continue reading “In the Shadow of Death”

The National Patriot – by Craig Andersen

Is there no END to liberal stupidity?


This week, like the previous weeks and just as it will be in future weeks, liberals and socialists just keep raising the bar on their insipid activities.

This week, Bradley Manning got busted down to private before he was sentenced to 35 years in a military lock up and now, he wants his clusters removed.   Continue reading “Craig Andersen’s Friday Fume”

The Daily Caller – by Charles Rollet

A Department of Defense teaching guide meant to fight extremism advises students that rather than “dressing in sheets” modern-day radicals “will talk of individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place,” and describes 18th-century American patriots seeking freedom from the British as belonging to “extremist ideologies.”

The guide comes from documents obtained by Judicial Watch and is authored by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, a DoD-funded diversity training center.   Continue reading “Defense Department guide calls Founding Fathers ‘extremist’”