Reuters/Jose Luis GonzaleRT

Ohio state officials have announced they are running out of the drug used in lethal injections, a problem that is becoming increasingly common throughout the US, and potentially forcing authorities to consider new methods of executing prisoners.

A recent court filing indicated that Ohio’s supply of the sedative pentobarbital will be gone by the end of September. The filing does not specify what drug Ohio plans to use to replace pentobarbital with but a change is expected by October 4, according to the Associated Press.     Continue reading “Lethal drug shortage has states scrambling for new execution methods”

The Last Resistance – by Frank Camp

Adlai Stevenson said: “A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation.”

Hypocrisy and politics go hand in hand. They are best friends, walking down the street, skipping and holding hands. Our society has evolved in such a way that politicians make grand statements, telling people how they should live their lives, while simultaneously doing the exact opposite in their own lives. It’s become such an ingrained part of society, we almost don’t even notice it anymore.   Continue reading “The Story of Al Gore: A Big Bag of Wind Without A Sail”

SHTF Plan – by Joe Wurzelbacher

SHTFplan Editor’s Note: When Joe ‘The Plumber’ Wurzelbacher challenged then candidate Barrack Obama face-to-face on his plans for “spreading the wealth around” ahead of the 2008 Presidential election, it should have been a wake up call to America. Unfortunately, more than half of our voting population ignored the warnings. Now, many of those who supported the President’s policies and ideas are waking up, but the damage has already been done. The hope he promised is quickly fading away. In the following article, graciously contributed by Joe For America, Joe outlines the sheer hypocrisy of this President, who ran on a platform of transparency and change. Yeah, things have definitely changed, and it’s clear that the changes have been for the worse – at least for those of us living on Main Street.    Continue reading “If the Rest of Us Followed What President Barack Hussein Obama Said and Did…”

American Thinker – by Jeffrey W. Barrett

Mark Levin, the well-known constitutionalist talk show commentator, has written still another very good book.  This book, called the Liberty Amendments, is essentially an operator’s manual on how constitutionalists in America might restore constitutional government while bypassing the entrenched federal interests in Washington DC.

Levin’s strategy lies in taking advantage of Article 5 of the US Constitution that gives the power to the states to call a convention, propose amendments, send the amendments out to the state legislatures for passage and all the while, the states can completely ignore the powers in Washington DC.  (See Thomas Lifson’s book review.) Levin provides a list of suggested amendments which, if passed, would force the federal government to reverse its century old expansion of federal power and gradually restore a more balanced form of constitutionalist government that the Founders originally intended.    Continue reading “How to Make Mark Levin’s Vision of Constitutional Reform a Reality”

Little Green Footballs – by Charles Johnson

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, has released the following Statement on NSA Compliance, in response to the Washington Post’s leaked internal NSA audit.

“By law, the Intelligence Committee receives roughly a dozen reports every year on FISA activities, which include information about compliance issues. Some of these reports provide independent analysis by the offices of the inspectors general in the intelligence community. The committee does not receive the same number of official reports on other NSA surveillance activities directed abroad that are conducted pursuant to legal authorities outside of FISA (specifically Executive Order 12333), but I intend to add to the committee’s focus on those activities.   Continue reading “Feinstein: No Evidence of Intentional NSA Abuse of Authority”

Passing along disinformation distracts from needed efforts and erodes from credibility.Examiner – by David Codrea

“Check this out … is this legit?” an email received over the weekend asked. The question was wholly appropriate, revealing a correspondent on his toes and interested in due diligence.

Attached was a genuine-looking document on apparent United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs letterhead, replete with bar and QR codes (the latter being too blurry in the jpg to read), lending it an air of authenticity (see photo accompanying this article). Titled “Disarmament Commission — Civilian Weapons Confiscation Study Group, New York, 29 -31 July 2013,” the August 5-dated document says its distribution is “restricted,” and proceeds to outline a seven-stage strategy for making civilian possession of “military grade weapons” illegal, progressing down to outlawing all firearms and ammunition, and ultimately establishing “a United Nations Police Taskforce with the specific mission of assisting member nations with the collection of weapons from civilian hands.”   Continue reading “Purported U.N. disarmament document long on hysteria, short on provability”

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

An internal NSA audit has identified 2,776 “incidents” or violations of the rules or court orders for spying on Americans or foreign targets in the United States.

As the graph below shows, since 2011 those illegalities and violations were separated by authority and the majority are listed as presidential executive order violations.   Continue reading “Presidential Executive Orders Violated Privacy Laws More Than FISA In NSA Audit”

Passengers queue outside Terminal 3 at Heathrow Airport in London, Friday, July 12, 2013.  (AP Photo/Sang Tan)The Epoch Times – by Jack Phillips

London’s Heathrow Airport has been placed on high alert by U.K. officials over fears that female suicide bombers might hide explosives in breast implants.

U.K. experts said there is evidence that al-Qaeda could go after flights out of London

These implants are special, officials added, because if they are injected with another liquid, it could cause an explosion capable of taking down a plane, according to a report from a British tabloid.   Continue reading “Breast Implant Bombs? Heathrow Airport on High Alert”

Alfredo Moser (pictured) has been using plastic bottles filled up with water and a splash of bleach to illuminate dark rooms since 2002Daily Mail – by SARAH GRIFFITHS

A Brazilian mechanic has invented a way of lighting his house during the day without relying on electricity.

Alfredo Moser has been using plastic bottles filled up with water and a splash of bleach to illuminate dark rooms since 2002 and now the idea has now spread across the world.

It is predicted that his lighting system, which works using refraction of sunlight, will be fitted in over a million homes by the end of this year.   Continue reading “Watt a bright idea! Brazilian mechanic uses plastic water bottles and bleach to create LIGHT – illuminating 1million homes”

 photo funny-pictures-head-up-your-ass-Afq.jpgCare and Washing of the Brain

To put it bluntly, that means having your head stuck up your ass, a condition or maybe affliction is more precise, that is happening to more and more Americans.

What is causing this horrid disease which has no known cure, save for the infected to finally engage their mind and start thinking for themselves?

Some say TV, in all its digital glory, a switch which was mandated by the government who even went so far as to give away free set top digital converter boxes to those who couldn’t afford some glitzy 46″ Made in Japan or Korea or China digital mind-warping TV.   Continue reading “America: Suffering from a Cranium-Rectal Inversion”

Washington’s Blog

America is the Odd Man Out

On July 29, 2013, the Supreme Court of Israel ruled that Israel must stop adding fluoride into public water supplies in one year, following a a decision on fluoride’s potential toxicity to humans by the Israeli health minister.

Israel is not the odd man out.   Continue reading “Israel Joins Most of the World In Banning Water Fluoridation”

Why Did a Tennessee Grade School Ban Pork?Fox News – by Todd Starnes

A Tennessee elementary school banned students from eating ham sandwiches, BLT’s and anything else made with pork, but eventually lifted the ban after parents complained.

Third grade teachers at Sunset Elementary School in Brentwood, Tenn. sent home an “Approved Snack List” for the school year and it specifically banned anything that comes from a pig.   Continue reading “Why Did a Tennessee Grade School Ban Pork?”

barrett brownThe Sleuth Journal

You may have heard about this — it’s crazy. We’ve entered an age where copying-and-pasting a link can land you in jail.

Barrett Brown, a journalist who often reported on the activities of Anonymous, has been locked up for almost a year for just that. Barrettcopy-and-pasted a link from one chatroom to another to share with his peers during his research on the activities of private intelligence firm, Stratfor. The link contained data which had been hacked but was already publicly available information at that point. Now he’s facing 105 years in prison.   Continue reading “Prison For Copy and Paste?”

Bloomberg Smokes PotAmmoLand – by Jeff Knox

Manassas, VA –( About a month after the US Senate voted down a series of gun control amendments back in April, an article in the New Republic magazine boldly declared “This is How the NRA Ends: A Bigger, Richer, Meaner Gun Control Movement has Arrived.”

The article was a long diatribe regurgitating much of the stale tripe and distortion we’ve been hearing from the anti-rights movement for decades, and singing the praises of the movement’s new messiah, Mike Bloomberg, the three-term Mayor of New York City.   Continue reading “Nanny Bloomberg’s War on the Constitution”

Ban on Ammo is a Ban on HuntingSlow Facts – by Rob Morse

Besides the low-information urban voter, California hunters face three challenges new challenges.  First, lead ammunition might be outlawed in California.  The second challenge is that California has a long dry season and a no-burn wildfire policy for wild lands and mixed use terrain.  Finally, non-lead ammunition can spark fires.  Put those three things together and California hunters need to their problems before California Assembly Bill 711 becomes law.  The bill banning lead ammunition has passed the State Senate but has only had its first reading in the California State assembly.   Continue reading “California Gun Owners Stalked and Targeted by New Legislation”

Atlantic Wire – by Phillip Bump

Newly declassified documents, obtained by George Washington University’s National Security Archive, appear to for the first time acknowledge the existence of Area 51. Hundreds of pages describe the genesis of the Nevada site that was home to the government’s spy plane program for decades. The documents do not, however, mention aliens.

The project started humbly. In the pre-drone era about a decade after the end of World War II, President Eisenhower signed off on a project aimed at building a high-altitude, long-range, manned aircraft that could photograph remote targets. Working together, the Air Force and Lockheed developed a craft that could hold the high-resolution cameras required for the images, a craft that became the U-2. Why “U-2”?   Continue reading “Government Now Admits Existence Of Area 51”

Information Clearinghouse – by Thom Hartmann

What does America do when she no longer needs her slaves or surplus workers?

The 1880’s reconstruction era was the first time in our history that America had seen a large surplus of non-white labor.

In the 1870’s many former slaves were integrated into the labor force, but white backlash in the 1880’s and 1890’s led to a permanent underclass through nearly a century of “separate but equal.”   Continue reading “What Do You Do When You No Longer Need Your Slaves?”


The Blaze – by Jason Howerton

A radical Muslim political advocacy group has sparked controversy with its plans to hold a “Million Muslim March” on Washington, D.C., on the 12th anniversary of the 9/11. The gathering is intended to condemn the discrimination of Muslims following 9/11 and urge the U.S. government to reveal the “truth” about the attack.    Continue reading “Million Muslim March Labeled “Radical” for “Truther” Affiliation”

Les Stukenberg/The Daily CourierIn this screen capture from video, Superintendent Eric Marsh leads the Granite Mountain Hotshots down Granite Mountain during a training hike in 2010.Arizona Daily Star – by Doug Kreutz

The widow of one of the 19 firefighters killed in a June 30 wildfire near Prescott Thursday called for a special session of the Arizona Legislature to address benefits issues for firefighters’ families.

Roxanne Warneke, widow of firefighter BillyWarneke of the Tucson area, said her husband was one of 13 seasonal employees on the stricken Granite Mountain Hotshots unit. Their families are slated to receive fewer financial benefits than the six permanent members.   Continue reading “Widow: Arizona lawmakers must address hotshot crew benefits”