Hong Kong front pages 11 June 2013The Guardian – by Ai Weiwei

Even though we know governments do all kinds of things I was shocked by the information about the US surveillance operation, Prism. To me, it’s abusively using government powers to interfere in individuals’ privacy. This is an important moment for international society to reconsider and protect individual rights.

I lived in the United States for 12 years. This abuse of state power goes totally against my understanding of what it means to be a civilised society, and it will be shocking for me if American citizens allow this to continue. The US has a great tradition of individualism and privacy and has long been a centre for free thinking and creativity as a result.   Continue reading “NSA surveillance: the US is behaving like China”

Cop Block – by Davy V


The photos below, although graphic, and disturbing, are important, in that they show what Rochester, NY Police officer Chris Burgstrom (pictured on right) is doing to our innocent family pets.

Rochester, NY U.S. Postal Service mail carriers can go their entire careers delivering mail to tens of thousands of homes, encountering thousands of dogs, and yet never have to use their work-issued pepper spray on one of them.   Continue reading “Rochester, NY Police officer Chris Burgstrom has Shot and Killed Two Innocent Family Pets in 6 Months”

Press TV

US and Israeli officials are discussing a surge in the US military aid to Israel as the two sides are in negotiations over a new 10-year military aid package.

Under an existing aid agreement between Washington and Tel Aviv signed in 2007, $30 billion of American taxpayers’ money is currently flowing to Israel, reported Defense News.    Continue reading “US, Israel discussing surge in US military aid”

henry ford hemp carThe Sleuth Journal – by Joe Martino

When we think of cars we think of gasoline, steel, pollution, etc. Well, maybe you don’t, but that’s what comes to mind for me. Even though we have some innovative and visually pleasing cars on the road today, it is difficult to ignore the sheer environmental impact that modern cars create. What if cars didn’t have to be the way they are today? If you are a researcher of any kind of alternative information, you already know this to be true -especially given that the technology already exists today to make cars smarter, safer and more eco-friendly (no fossil fuels necessary.) But did you know that Henry Ford spent more than a decade researching and building his Model-T car which was not only constructed from hemp but was also designed to run off hemp bio-fuel? Whatever happened to this idea?   Continue reading “Henry Ford’s Hemp Plastic Car is 10X Stronger”

View of the National Security Agency (NSA) in the Washington suburb of Fort Meade, Maryland (AFP Photo)RT News

While new disclosures this week have exposed inept oversight and gross privacy violations within the National Security Agency, news out of North Carolina has revealed that the NSA is spending $60.75 million on another brand new facility.

In the midst of an international debate focused on how the United States’ premier spy agency has conducted dragnet surveillance over much of the world, including at home, the NSA is expanding even further. The News & Observer reported on Thursday that North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC is receiving a $60.75 million grant from the NSA to develop a top-secret data analysis lab.   Continue reading “NSA to open new $60mln facility in N. Carolina university amid surveillance scrutiny”

Reuters / Shannon StapletonRT News

The 620,000 residents living in public housing projects should be fingerprinted as a crime-prevention measure, said New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, but many city residents protest that the proposal is an invasion of privacy.

Bloomberg, 71, who has acquired a reputation for promoting controversial ideas, including imposing a ban on the sale of large soft drinks, says his latest proposal will make public housing safer.   Continue reading “Bloomberg seeks mandatory fingerprinting for NYC public housing residents”

The Last Resistance- by Frank Camp

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said: “Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.”

Sometimes I become very agitated. I read and watch the news, and nothing ever seems to change. It’s as if this world is a living View-Master, with only so many possibilities. With every click, we go round and round, eventually finding ourselves looking at the same picture. It becomes tiresome to watch. Then—every once in a while—something changes; we get a new picture. I am beginning to see the new picture, and it is captivating.   Continue reading “Obama Loses Steam: Beginning of The End?”

Going door to door after Boston Bombing MarathonFreedom Outpost – by Fred DeRuvo

I’ve just started a new book about the growing police state in America. Because of my research, I’ve come across several things that prove to me that the police state is in fact, here already. It is simply in the process of growing. Of course, there will be much more detail in my book, but I’d like to present three areas of concern related to the existing police state.   Continue reading “War on Americans: The Coming Police State of America is Here”

Freedom Outpost – by Lawrence Sellin

In military operations, the enemy’s “center of gravity” is defined in JP 1-02 as “the source of power that provides moral or physical strength, freedom of action, or will to act.” It can also be a source of weakness and provide a point of attack.

Obama is the center of gravity for a corrupt political system. His center of gravity is transparency or, in this case, the lack thereof.   Continue reading “How to Take Down the Obama Administration and Restore the Constitution”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

As Coloradans prepare for recall elections for State Senators John Morse (D-Colorado Springs) and Angela Giron (D-Pueblo), operatives from Obama’s Organizing For Action (OFA) have allegedly been sighted in and around several Colorado towns.

In fact, Jennifer Kerns, spokeswoman for Colorado Recalls Basic Freedom Defense Fund, alleges OFA operatives are actually “running the headquarters of one of the senators [being recalled],” Senator Giron.    Continue reading “Obama’s OFA Operatives Allegedly in Colorado Prior to Gun Control Recall Vote”

World Events and the Bible

(VideoRT) – The Muslim Brotherhood may be banned in Egypt, the country’s interim prime minister’s spokesman said. The threat comes after the Islamist movement called for a week of protest against a military crackdown that left over 700 dead.

Egypt’s current Prime Minister, Hazem el-Beblawi, proposed on Saturday that the Muslim Brotherhood be dissolved. The idea is being mulled, according to a government spokesman.  Continue reading “Cairo Burns: Egypt Mulls Ban of Muslim Brotherhood As It Calls Week of Protests”

AlterNet – by Alex Kane

A massive industry profits off the government-induced fear of terrorism.

Michael Hayden, the former director of the National Security Agency, has invaded America’s television sets in recent weeks to warn about Edward Snowden’s leaks and the continuing terrorist threat to America.   Continue reading “5 Companies That Make Money By Keeping Americans Terrified of Terror Attacks”

WhitehousesigninplaceOath Keepers- by Stewart Rhodes

Oath Keepers has placed a large sign featuring President Obama as “Big Brother” at the Washington D.C. Metro stop closest to the White House, praising Edward Snowden for exposing the NSA spying on Americans and urging White House employees to follow Snowden’s example by becoming whistle-blowers.   Continue reading “Oath Keepers Places Pro-Snowden Sign at White House Stop on D.C. Metro, Featuring Obama as “Big Brother.””

Jim Stone Freelance

Thank the Holonet for making this one a reality. I have received a report from a tech saavy friend who does not get burned by garbage like this often. This particular piece of scamware hit his machine after he spent some time alerting people to developing issues surrounding Snowden. He is not an idiot that falls into traps very easily, so this particular piece of malware is quite a bit more aggressive than most.   Continue reading “An interesting new scam is affecting alternative news sites”

ENE News

Title: Detailed Analysis Results in the Port of Fukushima Daiichi NPS
Source: Tepco
Date: Aug. 16, 2013
h/t Fukushima Diary

North side of Unit 1-4 water intake channel (Highest Dose)