US Senator David Vitter – August 7, 2013

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) today is urging the President and Congressional leadership to change the recent decision by the Office of Personnel and Management (OPM) that requires that all Members of Congress, all Congressional staff, the President, Vice President, and all political appointees in the Administration must purchase their health insurance on the Obamacare Exchange without the help of taxpayer-funded subsidies. Vitter plans to work on a legislative fix in September if the Administration does not act first.   Continue reading “Obamacare Fix for Bureaucrats is Why American People Despise Congress”

World Events and the Bible

(NRO) – In the familiar pattern, the Western media are focused on the military raids against Islamic supremacists in Egypt but ignoring the latter’s use of violence and of women and children as human shields. After all, the “protesters” say they are “peaceful.”

When not similarly ignored, Islamic supremacist aggression against Egypt’s Christians — which was a prominent feature of Muslim Brotherhood governance — is disingenuously reported. Take this AFP report of the fact that the Brotherhood and its allies are torching Coptic churches. The AFP endeavors to exculpate the Islamic supremacists by editorializing, in the report, that these were “reprisal” attacks.   Continue reading “‘Peaceful’ Brotherhood Protesters Torching Coptic Christian Churches”

World Events and the Bible

(VideoMyWayNews) – Egypt is bracing for more violence after the Muslim Brotherhood called for nationwide marches after Friday prayers and a “day of rage” to denounce this week’s unprecedented bloodshed in the security forces’ assault on the supporters of the country’s ousted Islamist president that left more than 600 dead.

The government has authorized the use of deadly force against protesters targeting police and state institutions while the international community has urged both sides to show restraint and end the turmoil engulfing the nation.   Continue reading “Ariel Video of Egypt Burning, 638 Killed 4,000 Injured, Day of Rage Planned by Brotherhood”

A general view of the large former monitoring base of the U.S. intelligence organization National Security Agency (NSA) is pictured during sunrise in Bad Aibling south of Munich, August 6, 2013. REUTERS/Michaela RehleReuters – by Eric Beech

The National Security Agency has broken privacy rules or overstepped its legal authority thousands of times each year since 2008, the Washington Post reported on Thursday, citing an internal audit and other top-secret documents.

Most of the infractions involved unauthorized surveillance of Americans or foreign intelligence targets in the United States, both of which are restricted by law and executive order, the paper said.    Continue reading “NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times per year: report”

chickenNatural News – by Mike Adams

Today we announce the first investigation conducted at the Natural News Forensic Food Laboratory, the new science-based research branch of Natural News where we put foods under the microscope and find out what’s really there.

Earlier today I purchased a 10-piece Chicken McNuggets from a McDonald’s restaurant in Austin, Texas. Under carefully controlled conditions, I then examined the Chicken McNuggets under a high-powered digital microscope, expecting to see only processed chicken bits and a fried outer coating.  Continue reading “McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets found to contain mysterious fibers, hair-like structures; Natural News Forensic Food Lab posts research photos, video”

Abdul-Baki Todashev, FBI deathThe Guardian – by Richard Luscombe

The father of a Chechen man shot and killed by FBI agents investigating the Boston Marathon bombing has hired two prominent Florida civil rights attorneys in his attempt to uncover the truth about his son’s death.

Abdulbaki Todashev spoke at a Tuesday press conference in Tampa at which the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim advocacy group, announced that lawyers Barry Cohen and Eric Ludin had been retained to represent the dead man’s family as three separate investigations into the 22 May shooting progressed.   Continue reading “Lawyers to investigate FBI shooting death of Boston suspect’s friend”

chemtrailloopsAnyone want to bet whether or not this toxic gunk is being sprayed over Martha’s Vineyard?

Zen Gardner

[A gripping, true account of a brave woman who dared to take action. Save this story, it has been “disappeared” so many times and from so many places on the internet it took me almost a year to finally get a full copy. This wonderful woman has not been daunted by these incidents and continues in her campaign for truth and exposure to this day, sharing research and information as fast as she can for the empowerment of others. – Zen]   Continue reading “Chemtrail Researcher Harrassed by Mercenaries”

NBC Washington

Approximately 1,000 dead fish have been found floating in a pond at the National Mall, the National Park Service has confirmed.

Park Service employees spent Thursday scooping up the dead bluegills out of the Constitution Gardens pond into trash bags.

However, the number is not unusual for that pond, officials said, due to the construction and design of the area.   Continue reading “Hundreds of Dead Fish Found in Pond at National Mall”

Keeping this article on top as per several requests.

Video Rebel’s Blog – by horse237

Susan Lindauer used to be Senator Ron Wyden’s press secretary. She worked as a back channel representing the CIA and the DIA from 1995 to 2003 with Libya and Iraq before being arrested under the Patriot Act. I have written down her salient points from the video below with my comments in in parentheses. Her video is a little too long for most people to appreciate.

911 put the military establishment in charge of our country. (Not exactly. The military and NSA work for the bankers who have run America since 1913.)   Continue reading “Video: Susan Lindauer On Advanced Knowledge of 911”

Max Velocity Tactical

I received an interesting email about rationalizing training with combat; a request for a blog post on the subject. The question posed is here:

“……we trained a great deal of the drills and principles you teach, but I never saw combat.  One thing I don’t understand completely is how the drills relate to actual combat, in the details.  I have watched lots of helmet-cam combat footage from GWOT, and it never looks anything like the drills, or even like the footage of the drills being run live-fire.  The GWOT footage, even when SOF is involved, is best often described as “hiding behind a wall spraying bullets at the desert”.   Continue reading “Rationalizing Training Drills with Combat Reality”

kerryCNS News – by Susan Jones

At a joint news conference with his Brazilian counterpart on Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry praised Brazil for its commitment to climate change initiatives, and he promised that the Obama administration also is determined to do something about it.

“So the challenge is ahead of us, for all of us, and I know that the United States has a great commitment under President Obama to take our own initiatives, not even to wait for congressional action, but to move administratively in order to do our part. I know we can continue to work with Brazil on this issue of climate, and we look forward to doing so.”   Continue reading “Kerry: Obama Will Act on Climate Change Without Congressional Approval”

BEIRUT (AP) — A powerful car bomb tore through a bustling south Beirut neighborhood that is a stronghold of Hezbollah on Thursday, killing at least 18 and trapping dozens of others in an inferno of burning cars and buildings in the bloodiest attack yet on Lebanese civilians linked to Syria’s civil war.

The blast is the second in just over a month to hit one of the Shiite militant group’s bastions of support, and the deadliest in decades. It raises the specter of a sharply divided Lebanon being pulled further into the conflict next door, which is being fought on increasingly sectarian lines pitting Sunnis against Shiites.   Continue reading “Powerful car bomb kills 18 in south Beirut suburb”

President Barack Obama makes a statement to the media regarding events in Egypt, from his rental vacation home in Chilmark Mass., on the island of Martha's Vineyard, on Aug. 15, 2013. ABC News – by Mary Bruce

In a widely expected move, President Obama today canceled next month’s joint U.S.-Egyptian military exercises, saying “our traditional cooperation cannot continue as usual when civilians are being killed in the streets and rights are being rolled back.”

More significant, however, is what the president is not doing, despite the interim government’s crackdown on Egyptian protesters that has left hundreds dead and thousands injured.   Continue reading “Obama Cancels US-Egypt Military Exercises but Not Foreign Aid”