800px Harvesting soybeans U.S. Government Agencies and Politicians Lobby for the Use of Genetically Modified Seeds in RomaniaNew England Center for Investigative Reporting – by Vlad Odobescu

In March of this year, the lower Chamber of the Romanian Parliament hosted a crucial vote that would impact the future of local biotech agriculture in the Eastern European country. A draft law calling for a ban on growing, importing and marketing of products containing genetically modified organisms was soundly rejected – 218 opposed, 72 in favor.

Most of the politicians who proposed the law in 2010 were now against it. Four days before the vote, the Foreign Agricultural Service of the US Embassy in Bucharest expressed its concern about the pending decision in a report to the US Department of Agriculture: “If approved, the new draft law would clearly place at risk biotech seeds producers (…).”   Continue reading “U.S. Government Agencies and Politicians Lobby for the Use of Genetically-Modified Seeds in Romania”

ebt_cardThe Organic Prepper

One in 7 Americans receives food stamps and the government wants the number to be even higher.

Yes, I said higher.

The USDA is soliciting people to receive food stamps in the manner of a drug dealer on a grade school playground.  ”Psst – hey you!  I’ve got something for you…it’s free…come on, try it.  You’ll like it!”   Continue reading “The USDA Is Pushing Food Stamps Like a Drug Dealer at a Grade School”

obama-articles-of-impeachmentTea Party Tribune – by Dr. Richard Swier

The National Black Republican Association (NBRA) based in Sarasota, FL, headed by Chairman Frances Rice, filed Articles of Impeachment against President Barack Obama with the following language:

We, black American citizens, in order to free ourselves and our fellow citizens from governmental tyranny, do herewith submit these Articles of Impeachment to Congress for the removal of President Barack H. Obama, aka, Barry Soetoro, from office for his attack on liberty and commission of egregious acts of despotism that constitute high crimes and misdemeanors.   Continue reading “Black American citizens file “Articles of Impeachment” against Obama”

9/11: The pyrotechnic and explosive link. 50781.jpegPravda.Ru – by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

An article published in a Journal of Chemical Physics, signed by no less than nine experts, analyzing the results of studies on particles taken from the 9/11 event at the World Trade Center in New York City in 2001 makes the most shocking conclusion: “highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material” was discovered.

Remember when the World Trade Center collapsed? Quite apart from the shock and awe experienced by most civilized people around the world at the sheer scale of the act of mass murder, quite apart from the indignation at seeing passenger aircraft flying into the buildings, were there not little subconscious question marks chalked up at the way the buildings fell, almost as if in an implosion?   Continue reading “9/11: The pyrotechnic and explosive link”

Pine RidgeMail.com

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — Native Americans on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation — home to some of the highest rates of unemployment, domestic abuse and suicide in Indian Country — have voted to end prohibition and legalize alcohol so the tribe can use the profits for education and treatment.

A majority of voters on Tuesday approved the measure, but the outcome was left hanging because of 438 challenged ballots that were more than the difference between the yes and no votes. Francis Pumpkin Seed, Oglala Sioux Tribe Election Commission chairman, said workers on Wednesday checked each of those ballots to confirm they were cast by enrolled members. After that process was complete, the result was 1,871 for legalization and 1,679 against it, he said.   Continue reading “Vote to legalize alcohol on SD’s Pine Ridge passes”

upside-down-carOddity Central – by Spooky

Jeff Bloch, a.k.a. Speedycop, is an American race-car enthusiast who likes to create all sorts of crazy contraptions for the popular 24-hour LeMons Race. His latest achievement – an upside-down vehicle he describes as “a frightening fusion of a wretched 1990 Ford Festiva and a horrible 1999 Chevy Camaro, with a not-so-subtle twist”.   Continue reading “Awesome Upside-Down Car Turns Driving Literally on Its Head”

1984-book-cover-picCrisis Magazine – by Sean Fitzpatrick

The second most terrifying thing about George Orwell’s 1984 is the supposition that it is possible to destroy humanity without destroying humankind. The first is how many aspects of our democratic nation resemble his dystopian nightmare.

George Orwell wrote 1984 in 1948 as a political satire of a totalitarian state and a denunciation of Stalinism. Orwell himself was a socialist, who fought for the republicans in the Spanish Civil War and was wounded by a sniper bullet to the throat. As the West became aware of the horrors of Stalin, Orwell became disillusioned.   Continue reading “Orwell’s 1984: Are We There Yet?”

Dr-Diane-HarperBefore It’s News – by N. Morgan

Too bad her conscience didn’t kick in until AFTER there were deaths. However, at least she is now. Not surprising, we knew these vaccines were apart of population control and destroying the family. The question is now, how do we convince the masses to stop giving them to their children? Dr. Diane Harper was the lead researcher in the development of the human papilloma virus vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix. She is the latest to come forward and question the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines.   Continue reading “Vaccine Maker Tells The Truth To Clear Conscience, 44 Girls Have Died Since Having Gardasil And Cervarix”

nationaldebtstory.jpgFox News

The federal government has been low-balling the public for years on how much debt it actually has, a University of California, San Diego economics professor says, adding that the real amount is $70 trillion – not $16.9 trillion.

James Hamilton’s claim the United States is in a much deeper financial hole than many realize comes as Congress gets ready for another budget battle when lawmakers return in September. Both sides have been digging in on their policy positions over the debt, spending and the country’s future fiscal health.   Continue reading “California economist says real US debt $70 trillion”

The Independent -by Robert Fisk

Has John Kerry no shame? First he cuddles up to both Palestinians and Israelis and announces the renewal of a “peace process” which the Palestinians don’t trust and the Israelis don’t want. Then Israel announces that it will build 1,200 new homes for Jews – and Jews only – on occupied Palestinian land. And now Kerry tells the Palestinians – the weak and occupied Palestinians – that they are running out of time if they want a state of their own.   Continue reading “Any other ‘statesman’ who negotiated peace like John Kerry would be treated as a thief”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Every move on the globe is being engineered for a desired outcome. Remember, just weeks ago Egyptian General Sisi called for the people to come out in the streets and protest so the military could step in. They asked for this.

(VideoAP) – Egyptian authorities on Thursday significantly raised the death toll from clashes the previous day between police and supporters of the ousted Islamist president, saying more than 500 people died and laying bare the extent of the violence that swept much of the country and prompted the government to declare a nationwide state of emergency and a nighttime curfew.   Continue reading “Egypt in State of Emergancy After 525 Killed, 3717 Injuried in Latest Military Clashes”

Cops to Distribute Bags of Chips at Hempfest (Really!)The Stranger – by BEN LIVINGSTON

As thousands of stoners prepare to convene at the world’s largest pot rally this weekend, the Seattle Police Department is planning to distribute information to Hempfest attendees about the state’s new legalization law—on stickers attached to bags of chips.


Because while stoners have no problem ignoring a leaflet, police recognize that it’s nearly impossible to turn down a bag of Doritos.   Continue reading “Seattle Cops to Distribute Bags of Chips at Hempfest (Really!)”

Meet The PressPat Dollard

Excerpted from Global Affairs – Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) suggested Wednesday that Secretary of State John Kerry bears some responsibility for the Egyptian army’s brutal crackdown on protesters.

“As we predicted and feared, chaos in Cairo,” McCain tweeted after dozens of pro-Morsi protesters were killed when their sit-in camps were raided. “Sec Kerry praising the military takeover didn’t help.”   Continue reading “McCain Suggests Kerry Is Partly To Blame For Violence In Egypt”

featured-img[They have changed the name to ‘Million American March’]

Fox Nation

The American Muslim Political Action Committee is planning a one million Muslims march to Washington D.C. on September 11th.

The group claims: We at AMPAC (American Political Action Committee) are planning an historic event for 9.11.13 where one million Muslims will march to Washington D.C. and demand that our civil rights be protected by our government.   Continue reading “Million Muslim March Planned in DC on Anniversary of 9-11”

Devin Langford, 23, of Florida was arrested for drunk driving Daily Mail

A Florida man urinated all over a sheriff’s patrol car after he was arrested for drunk driving last month, the Smoking Gun reports.

Devin Langford, 23, was pulled over on July 10 for speeding by Deputy Brian Bell of the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office.

Langford had ‘red, glassy, and bloodshot eyes’ and a ‘plethora of empty beer cans’ in his truck, so Bell had him perform a series of field sobriety tests, the officer reported.    Continue reading “Man arrested for DUI attempts to urinate out the window of a moving police cruiser and instead sprays the inside of the vehicle”