Zero jobs were created in the month of August.  June’s and July’s job creation numbers were adjusted downward 58,000.  Yet the unemployment rate remains the same at 9.1% as math and logic no longer figure in the equation.  In 2009 for the months of June, July, and August, new jobless claims were running at about 500,000 per week for a total of 6 million.  Now we will be really, really, really generous and say that a third of those found new employment, equating to 2 million, leaving 4 million who became 99ers in the last three months and were removed from the equation put forth in this most recent jobs report.

That is 4 million more unemployed Americans not being counted as unemployed because their unemployment benefits ran out.  The actual rate of unemployment in our country now has to be pushing 36%.  Now at 9.1% they are calling the situation a job crisis and say we may be entering a double dip recession.  In reality at 36% we are in the deepest depression our country has ever experienced.
Continue reading “August Jobs Report Hits the Unemployed Hard”

Well the fact that we are in a depression and there are no jobs to be had has become an undeniable fact, which is being displayed every day, as witnessed by the lines at the various job fairs put on by the Black Caucus.  So what do the mainstream propagandists at FOX, who are in reality made up of corporate elitists, have to say for themselves now?

In the past they have said unemployment benefits were the reason people were not getting jobs; as in the person who worked 30 years had just decided one day to kick back on the little bit unemployment offers and watch his house and car go back to the bank, after having to cash in his or her 401K, losing a portion to penalties and taxes.
Continue reading “No Jobs Anywhere –Blame it on the Unemployed”

The United States of Soviet America Politburo has begun meetings which can only be said to represent a communist takeover of our Legislative Branch of government.  And considering that Premier Soetoro has loaded our Supreme Court with his comrades in the Judicial, I think it is safe to say the American citizen has lost all representation within the government.   At this point in the ballgame these communists can put forth any dictate to the people with our only recourse being a revolution.

I heard one son of a bitch in the mainstream propaganda say that it was necessary for our so called representatives to meet behind closed doors as this was the best way to procure deals.  People, this is an outrage.  They are pissing on our Constitution.  We cannot just stand by and allow this to happen.
Continue reading “S.O.S. – We Need Our Armed Forces Here At Home Now”

Well it would seem the Bilderbergers have handed down their orders.  This is when we see the phony left and the phony right coming together in cause.  Both have, through their propaganda machine, done everything in their power in trying to build the illusion that Ron Paul just cannot get elected.  Now they are working frantically to put the final pieces in place for the 2012 Rick Perry versus Barack Obama election.

There is just one problem.  No one is buying into it, not even to the smallest degree.  Both the phony left CNN and the phony right FOX are broadcasting the phony results of the phony GOP Gallup Poll ad nauseum.
Continue reading “Bilderberg Perry, Bilderberg Obama, and the Bilderberg Gallup Poll”

Well the true intent of the propaganda blitz behind Big Rain Storm Irene is becoming increasingly clear.  This is nothing short of a full blown ad campaign for the federal government in general and FEMA in specific.  Though the elitists have been trying with all their might to deny it, it has become an irrefutable fact that the majority of the American people of the American race despise this overbearing, treasonous, bloated government and are solidly behind Ron Paul in his determination to cut it down to size and restore it to constitutional legitimacy.

Did you see what a fantastic job FEMA and the local, state, and federal governments did in taking care of the people of the east coast during the devastating emergency?  What a joke.  They were actually trying to compare the Big Rain Storm Irene with Hurricane Katrina.  Hurricane Katrina was a Category 3 that caused 1,386 deaths and when the levies broke in New Orleans, well we all know what happened then.
Continue reading “FEMA, the Big Rain Storm Irene, and Ron Paul”

Dateline USA:  And what is the question of the day?  Do we the people have the right to defend our lives and property if those we have elected and paid to do so refuse?  It would seem like a no brainer, but apparently we have become so indoctrinated into government command and control that we no longer know where our rights lie within our own laws.

In an article I was reading by William Gheen of Americans for Legal Immigration, Mr. Gheen was defending himself in reference to implications contained in statements he made, which implied that we the people might have to engage in illegal activities in rising up and removing the illegal aliens from within our borders.  So what are we saying here?  That it might be illegal for us to enforce our laws?
Continue reading “Illegal Immigration and US Law”

The big storm, what a joke, every news channel blacked out, covering nothing but a casual rain storm.  People forcibly evacuated from their homes, millions without electricity for no other reason than authorities flipped a switch and turned it off.  NORTHCOM on high alert, just in case.  This has been a huge propaganda blitz designed to project a need for this gluttonously huge government we have, using nothing more than hypotheticals.

Ron Paul is as right at rain, pun intended.  How much money was wasted in financing this exercise in futility?  The big hurricane.  The reporters had to go to the beach to procure enough wind to make their mics pop.  The reports in the streets were laughable.  I saw CNN’s Candy Crowley standing in the street with her shoes off and her pant legs rolled up to her ankles.  The water was barely covering her feet as she was reporting on the flooding.
Continue reading “Hurricane Irene and Our Devastation Nation”