Every civilization and every generation has their defining voices.
The voice does two things. It tells the story of the times; and it injects the telltale emotions, moods, and attitudes of that story.
The public swallows the tale with all its lies and omissions, and accepts the way in which the whole act is spooled out by the sound of the narrative voice.
According to the Propaganda Ministry Americans are overwhelmingly in favor of new gun control laws. They really do think that WE THE AMERICAN NATIONALS are “Some kind of really stupid” to accept all this drivel.
All of the horrors are coming to pass. We are now living the nightmarish existence of a people with no rights or recourse. No justice or peace. Hard life and no liberty, hopelessly denied the pursuit of happiness.
Things that we once believed could only happen in distant banana republics have become the American way of life. Our police brutalize us regularly, and with impunity, using tear gas, tasers, beatings, and bullets. Our property is stolen by government thugs, with taxes, fines, asset seizures, and eminent domain. Our children are being brainwashed to serve the dictator, betray their parents, ignore our morals, and forget their history. Corrupt judges imprison the innocent for use as slaves, sex toys, or just to be killed for knowing too much. Political dissidents disappear without charges into mental institutions for chemical lobotomies. Your dictator helps to destroy the economy, while using the military to plunder foreign nations. You have to pay for it all. Continue reading “It comes to this…”
Obama, holding true to his communist campaign slogan, “Forward”, announced yesterday the merger of Amerika’s psychiatrists with our secret police. Few and far in between, are those who truly understand the full implications of these new executive dictates. Without going into a tirade, we will summarize. When fully enacted, these draconian laws will allow for any American national to be dispossessed of their 2nd Amendment right without any due process of the law. This is what you get when you allow any infringement.
The 1934 gun control act established the treasonous notion that our 2nd Amendment right could be infringed. The 1968 gun control act expanded on the infringement in declaring that those convicted of felonies could have their 2nd Amendment right removed. In 1994, an additional infringement was added via the background checks, a complement of course to the 1968 infringement addressing convicted felons. Continue reading “Premier Obama Introduces Desperate Measures”
North Haven, CT –-(Ammoland.com)- Two of the keys to successful personal defensive training are selecting a properly-equipped firearm that you can depend on, and a trainer who has the real-world experience to prepare you to confidently use that defensive tool.
Mossberg continues its partnership with Marine Corps veteran and former SWAT team member, Clint Smith, who serves as President and Director of Thunder Ranch training facility in Lakeview, Oregon, by adding three new Thunder Ranch firearms designed for personal defense or competitive shooting. Continue reading “Mossberg Expands Thunder Ranch Tactical Series”
I am sure this will get censored under the current conditions but it is a good read for anyone. I won’t say who this is meant for, he will just know.
The math behind why you cannot be effective about growing food indoors without either a nuclear reactor or the light of the sun.
The most efficient light bulbs will only convert approximately 15 percent of the input electricity to light. Of this light, you will be lucky if you manage to get more than 75 percent of it to your plants. This means, in an ideal setup, you will get about 12 percent of your input power to the plants in a usable form. Continue reading “Indoor Hydroponics Cannot Feed You: The Math”
One of the great myths of modern society is that the police are heavily armed and have both ammo and personnel in huge numbers. In reality, it’s quite the opposite: police and sheriffs are dangerously under-staffed all across the country in nearly every city and town. Furthermore, severe budget cuts have left law enforcement with dwindling ammunition supplies. In some departments, it’s so bad that nearly the only ammo available is what officers are carrying on their duty belts. Continue reading “Nationwide ammo shortage so severe that even cops can’t buy bullets; ammo rationing imminent”
(Editor’s Note: This claim, that a photo used on a Policy Mic story and claimed to be from the Sandy Hook school shooting was actually used on this ABC news story from June 12th, 2012 from a hoax yacht explosion distress call from Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The two stories, with pictures, can be found here and here. Two photos, two ‘Sandy Hook’ hoaxes? Strange…) Continue reading “Sandy Hook Photo From June 12th, 2012!”
When will the insanity end? Two 6-year old children have been suspended from school for pointing their fingers at each other as if they were playing cops and robbers. Meanwhile, another school has been locked down due to a Nerf toy gun. When will enough be enough? Why do I have a bad feeling that another false flag is right around the corner? Continue reading “2 Kids Suspended For Pointing Fingers: Nerf Toy Gun Causes Another School To Go On Lockdown”
If you needed another reason to avoid visiting a doctor, Obama just gave you a new one: as part of Obama’s 23 executive orders announced today, doctors will be transformed into gun control snitches who are ordered by Obama to ask patients about guns they might have at home.
My kitchen is about 95% clean. No, I’m not talking about the standards of hygiene or the crud that tries to take up residence in the grout – I’m talking about the contents of my pantry and refrigerator.
I’ve worked hard to banish GMOs, pesticides and chemical additives from the premises. With the proliferation of “dirty” food-like substances that fill the grocery stores, it’s been a challenge to build a clean long-term food supply, especially on a tight budget. Continue reading “Clean Your Kitchen: How to Trash the Toxins in Your Pantry”
I do not know who else to turn to regarding the emergent need, I believe, that exists for teachers in Washington State to be armed with handguns in their classrooms.
US Premier Obama will be announcing his formal dictates for gun confiscation today, surrounded by a group of young communists who has been brought in to emphasize the fact that this treason will be committed in the name of America’s youth. A youth that will never be taught American history, as this curriculum has been removed from what are now communist indoctrination centers, where American children are drugged and brainwashed to the ideals of international socialism.
The Bill of Rights for the individual nationals of the United States is absolute and when infringed upon by any tyrant from anywhere is to be defended by we the people at large. We must refuse the communist dictates verbatim. We have already let the infringements go way too far and for far too long in our quest to live peaceable lives. Continue reading “Today Obama will tell American Patriots to Lock and Load”