In the face of new revelations revealing the AFT’s involvement in running guns into Mexico with the approval of the insurgents in our government, at least up to the level of our Attorney General, the great sovereign State of Arizona once again has stepped up to the plate to lead the resistance in the United States.

Arizona has launched a campaign to raise money to build a fence on their southern border as they are no longer going to tolerate the federal government’s pro-illegal invasion policies.  Those involved in the movement are reaching out to every citizen in every state and asking for donations to pay for the construction of the fence.
Continue reading “Help Arizona Build a Fence on the Border”


What do you do when the cool kids at Google won’t let you hang out in their tree house? Why, you build one of your own, of course.

That’s the approach that members of Anonymous are taking after several affiliated accounts belonging to members of the hacktivist collective were barred from using Google Plus, the Web giant’s latest foray into social media.
Continue reading “Anonymous hackers start their own social network”


Look out honey, ’cause I’m using technology.

Those are the words that punk pioneer Iggy Pop barked out in his 1973 anthem “Search and Destroy,” and now Google is taking a cue from the rock and roll legend as they turn up the heat on a group of Belgian newspaper that filed a lawsuit against the search engine superstars recently and won.
Continue reading “Search or destroy: Google bans Belgian papers from web results”

Well the 99er issue and the 99ers were supposed to have disappeared by now.  But despite the best efforts of the corporate elite we have not, as some among us have refused to be swept under the carpet and forgotten.  Now Google is attempting to define and enforce a policy that defines who and what a 99er is, and what is news to a 99er.

Either you report the dogma from the false left paradigm (vote in social communism for jobs) or you report the false right paradigm (submit to corporate elitist rule and they will let you be their slaves).  Considering it is the internet the 99ers have come to to organize for resistance, Google has to be considered the worst enemy we have.  But is it not just us.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters, Put Brin, Page, and Zuckerman on Your List”

The 99ers, HR 589, and Ron Paul supporters are deliberately being kept out of the corporate owned mainstream news media and likewise all three have turned to the internet to organize and get their message out.  The fact is the mainstream media has become a laughingstock as their attempts to alter our reality have become pathetic in their desperation.  The mainstream tried coming on the net to use their power and money to dominate.  Once again to no avail as their propaganda, designed to move the masses, is having little or no affect on the individual seeking valid information.

This has left organizations like the IMF, the CFR, the CGI, the Carnegies, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and the Bilderbergers facing a major problem.   Though they still control the mainstream media and can keep their anonymity in those forums, it has become irrelevant.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Our Communication is under Attack”

NATO has launched a new round of airstrikes in Libya targeting Misurata, a major oil port, which makes perfect sense.  When the oil is refined it is then put into tanks, which emit carbon monoxide, which causes cancer, which kills people.  Thus, it is completely logical to bomb oil as a part of our humanitarian mission.

The mainstream media is very excited about the new bombings, saying they may allow the tin anti-government rebels to take control of the oil facilities, which will allow them to sell the oil to procure more money to buy more weapons to kill more people.   Which is okay, at least they will not be dying of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Continue reading “Further NATO Airstrikes in Libya”

Casey Anthony was released from the Orange County Jail in Orlando, Florida early Sunday morning and whisked away to an unknown location.  Apparently there are a lot of people who want to kill Ms. Anthony as the government has failed in its effort to do so.

Who did these twelve people making up her jury think they were in refusing to convict her on circumstantial evidence, which was not allowed in our courts just twenty years ago?  How could they have possibly had a doubt as to her guilt when hundreds of thousands of Americans, following her case through the unbiased news sources, are so sure she did it?
Continue reading “Casey Anthony’s Release from Jail Raises Questions”

As the debate in Washington rages as to who is going to get screwed next, the 99ers fall further into obscurity.  In watching a report on FOX News on Sunday I heard one economist saying that we give too much unemployment in the United States and that is why we have such high unemployment.  Well I hope that man dies of stomach cancer next week.  I am so sick of these rich bastards popping up on my television screen to blame this whole mess on the victims.

It was the massive fraud on Wall Street, with tentacles stretching out across the globe, which facilitated the fraudulent Ponzi schemes.  It was the bought off treasonous dirt bags in our government that passed NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT, which pays big rich corporations to move our industry and jobs out of this country.   It is the theft of our natural resources which is leaving us destitute today.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Extension – Henry has the Solution to the Unemployment Problem”

The following article was originally published June 16, 2011 on the Alpha Omega Report and as you will see contains several things which have already come to be.

St. Moritz, Switzerland  June 9-12

The agenda for the Bilderberg 2011 Conference included a variety of topics.

According to leaks from at least one attendee, the topic of primary concern involves the “Arab Spring” revolts and efforts to widen the revolt into a regional war to produce regime-change and trigger a wider, world war. Part of the plan was for NATO to engage Libya’s dictator in a military conflict that would trigger a regional war. Continue reading “Bilderberg 2011 Agenda”

The biggest problem the 99ers and those supporting the HR 589 Unemployment Extension are facing is communicating our cause to one another and the American public at large.  The issue of the long term unemployed is becoming more predominant in every discussion day by day.  But that is because it is a part of the looming crisis that is threatening to bring our country to its knees.  I have yet to see an in-depth piece that truly depicts the plight of the 99ers and this is due to the increasing censorship of the media in every quarter.

I know FOX News to be the epitome of opinion and spin but it has recently been revealed that individuals in the Obama administration have been denying FOX News access to Obama’s cabinet members, aides and advisors.
Continue reading “99ers Why Does is Seem HR 589 Unemployment Extension has Ceased to Exist?”