It’s been four days since the shootings in Aurora, Colorado and the propaganda machine is operating at its maximum in pushing for an end to the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution.  We are talking about the actions of one individual being used to nullify the absolute rights of hundreds of millions.  The propaganda is dirty with catch phrases and trigger words like, “a hundred loopholes”, “automatic weapon”, “control”, and “purchases tied to the internet”.

We must reject this false flag and come out aggressively against these soviets who have never made it a secret that it is their ultimate goal to completely disarm the American people.
Continue reading “Take Your Gun Control and Shove It – We Will Not Be Intimidated”

The arraignment for the mind control subject, James Holmes, the shooter in the false flag incident at Aurora, Colorado, as televised through the propaganda machine, shows exactly what was expected.  Holmes was clearly heavily drugged and was incapable of speech.  Like Timothy McVeigh and Jared Lee Laughner we will never hear him speak past a few mumblings from his drug induced walking coma.

This is beyond blatant and anyone who cannot see it for what it is, is blind, deaf, and dumb beyond repair.  This poor pathetic creature will eventually be put down like the animal his CIA programming has turned him into.
Continue reading “Colorado Mind Control Subject, James Homes, is Arraigned – Updated with video”

An attack on our 2nd Amendment is being launched in earnest as the anti-gun propagandists come out of the woodwork with 101 new good ideas to prevent another incident like that which occurred in Colorado on Friday.  This false flag was designed so specifically that it is being identified as such by every non-brainwashed American that sees it.

Purchases of firearms in the US have been increasing to the millions per month as the soviet socialist insurgency is moving closer to martial law and a totalitarian dictatorship.  The enemies of our Republic are showing their desperation to stop the American people from arming for our defense.
Continue reading “Colorado False Flag Attack Specifically Targets Young American Patriots”

One of the top representatives for the industrial war complex, Arizona Representative John McCain, is back on the propaganda trail pushing for US air strikes in Syria and also for more small arms to be brought in to that country from the United States and handed over to the Al Qaeda insurgency there, both of which are acts of war.

In past years individuals like McCain have stood out distinctly as the death salesmen they are.  But now it has reached the point to where he is all but lying on the floor, kicking and waving his arms and saying, “I want it, I want it, I want a US invasion in Syria and I want it now.”
Continue reading “John McCain Calls for Blood Sacrifice in Syria for Zion”

Last Friday’s shooting in Colorado represents the implementation of the ultimate distraction from the fraudulent elections coming up on the GOP Convention in Tampa.  It almost seems it was planned this way.  Of course heightened security in Tampa, complete with Gestapo tactics must be considered reasonable in light of the shooting.  And how can we possibly be concentrating on the death of our economy and the destruction of our lives when we must find a solution to make sure another 12 person massacre does not occur somewhere in the United States among our 350 million person populous?

When mass graves are discovered down on our southern border containing 20 or 30 people, the incident receives only a short mention on the evening news, certainly not a massacre and absolutely nothing to get too excited about.  Yeah, this so called massacre in Colorado has been a godsend for Eric Holder as he and his international criminal activities have been completely removed from the mainstream.
Continue reading “Colorado Shooting just another Diversion”

Sgt Report

  1. A Government Gun Grab
  2. The ‘FED’
  3. GMO’s
  4. Israeli wars (in which AMERICANS fight and die), and the Pentagon’s ‘war on terror’, now terrorizing US.
  5. Obamacare
  6. Potential economic collapse or other man-made, or natural disasters, & ‘FEMA’ Camps
  7. DHS/TSA/NSA/FBI/CIA (ever notice how all these gov’t agencies have precisely 3 letters?), along with ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/FOX
  8. Preparedness – are you prepared?

Continue reading “The 8 MOST Important Issues Facing Americans Today”

Sherrie Questioning All  I don’t normally do this, but I am going ahead and putting down the belief we are being set up for even more “change” in the way we live.

I had written about the Colorado “Dark Knight” shooting and mentioned how it sure did happen conveniently close to the UN Small Arms Treaty that Obama wants to sign.

Many are questioning how a student who did not have much money was able to afford over $20,000 of arms and ammunition. Besides how he had the sophisticated knowledge to put together the type of booby traps they are saying was in his apartment.
Continue reading “We are being set up. From Aurora “massacre” (media contradictions) now to “warnings” of a Terrorist attack at the Olympics. Major, Serious- questions……”

Engadget  If we were making a list of terrifying airborne war machines, this would probably rank near the top. You certainly won’t want to be targeted by the Fire Shadow, but from the safety of a web browser, it’s impossible not to marvel at the craft’s versatility.

Manufactured by French developer MBDA, the Fire Shadow missile is designed to strike a stationary or moving object on command. But unlike some other UAVs, this ingenious rig can remain airborne for up to six hours before it’s assigned to destroy a large vehicle (and its occupants) from a nearly vertical angle of attack.
Continue reading “Fire Shadow missile can remain aloft for six hours before obliterating a moving target”

The faces of the victims of Friday’s shootings in Colorado are being brought into our living rooms via the brainwashing box by the corporate propagandists in an effort to make the event a personal tragedy in our lives.  There is no such thing as objective reporting in the corporate mainstream media anymore.  Everything we see and hear is orchestrated for a specific purpose.

It is truly amazing how many brain dead people there are out there.  They actually identify with the actors and actresses in crime dramas, CSI, Cold Case, Law and Order.  This delusion is then perpetuated to the next step through America’s Most Wanted where the viewer is invited to join the pursuit for the bad guys and join the good guys.
Continue reading “How Many Brainwashed Americans Does It Take to Plug in a Gun Ban?”

Twelve people were killed and fifty-nine wounded at Friday morning’s midnight opening for the newest Batman movie in Aurora, Colorado by 24 year-old James Holmes, the accused gunman.  It is being reported that Holmes kicked in an emergency exit door at the theater (not bloody likely), threw in tear gas canisters and started shooting.  Afterwards, he simply laid down his weapons and surrendered.

There is every indication that Holmes is a CIA mind control subject that was simply carrying out his programming.  MK-Ultra is not a theory, it is a fact and the mind altering drugs used to assist in the effect are now being handed out for every ailment by doctors across our country like candy at a parade.  Of course the school shooting in Columbine and the American flag were brought up front and center as a part of the propaganda blitz following the shooting.
Continue reading “Theater Shooting in Aurora Colorado Screams ‘False Flag’”

The propaganda machine has plugged in every program they have left to cause divide among we the people and sucker us back into the false left-right paradigm.  They are laying all their cards on the table for a final push to the election.

George Zimmerman had a starring role on The Sean Hannity Show of the New World Order Production, Inc. better known as FOX News.  Not to make light of the death of Trayvon Martin, but there are an average of 44 homicides per day in the US.  So what made this one so special?
Continue reading “Mainstream Media In Overdrive”

There are conflicting reports coming out of San Francisco in reference to a thirty year old man who was shot by police Wednesday morning following an encounter with a co-worker at a nearby chocolate factory.  The co-worker claims that the man attacked him without any provocation, cutting him with a box cutter as he defended himself.  Then, the accused attacker fled with the person who suffered the unprovoked attack in pursuit.

Does this sound like an unprovoked attack or a distinct confrontation between two individuals that got out of hand?  The person who claims to have been attacked without reason then says he pursued his attacker.  Does this sound like the logical course that a person who has just been attacked, by what he is describing as a psycho, would follow?
Continue reading “Police Shoot Man in San Francisco – Self Defense or Execution?”

Zero Hedge  The smoke from the exploded bus carrying Israeli tourists was still billowing and yet Israeli PM Netanyahu had already declared that “Iran is responsible for the terror attack in Bulgaria, we will have a strong response against Iranian terror.” Perhaps that statement was a little premature: as footage released by Bulgarian police indicates, the suspected suicide bomber is Caucasian, and was in possession of a Michigan driver’s license, supposedly a fake one, but why anyone in Bulgaria would be carrying a fake Michigan ID is just a little confusing.
Continue reading “Video Footage Of Suspected Israel Bus Suicide Bomber Who Is Caucasian And Had Fake Michigan License”

Hollywood is waging an ongoing war against the Internet by pushing bills like SOPA and encouraging the Department of Justice to shut down websites — and even imprison people — just for aggregating links to sites that the movie industry doesn’t like.

Hollywood spends millions of dollars trying to buy off politicians.  They’ve even repeatedly let Senator Patrick Leahy — the sponsor of the Senate version of SOPA (called PIPA) and the chairman of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee, which has jurisdiction over most bills that Hollywood cares about — appear in their summer blockbusters.  He’s in the Dark Knight Rises, and was also in the last Batman movie.
Continue reading “Holy Conflict of Interest, Batman”

There are 100 million Americans out of work, 55 million of us living in poverty, and not one politician is speaking a word to us.  We hear many promises being directed at small business and the middle class, which is kind of ironic considering these are the very institutions sitting in the sites of the globalists who aim to destroy both.

With the unconstitutional Obamacare, everyone in the lower to medium middle class has just been hit with a $2600 per year tax, the largest tax increase since the New Deal, said proceeds to be paid directly to the insurance industry.  And now, as planned, the false left-right paradigm will orchestrate an end to the Bush era tax cuts for the working poor and middle class.  Of course this will include the top 1%, but mark my words this day, they will have theirs reinstated by Romney and company.  Then, the soviet socialists will say, “It was those Republicans that heaped the taxes on you, not us.”
Continue reading “America, Get Ready for Backdoor Austerity”

Humans are Free  Instead of making preparations for the 2012 London Olympics, the United Kingdom seems to be preparing for war — fueling even more the speculations of a false flag terrorist attack.

The UK’s military is currently deploying some of the most effective surface-to-air missiles in the world, the Rapier missile systems, at a number of sites across the capital. This makes me wonder: what kind of “terrorists” are they really expecting, and why is the press allowed to disclose the location of the AA installations?
Continue reading “Why is UK Preparing for War, Instead of the Olympics?”