Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, on his way to a Senate session in Washington DC, was detained at the Nashville Airport in Tennessee this morning. Apparently Senator Paul, after going through a full body screen was told that there was an object on his knee. The Senator raised his pant leg to show there was nothing there and offered to take another dose of radiation by going through the screen again to resolve the issue. This is when Senator Paul was told he would have to undergo a full body pat down, which he refused and this is when he was detained.
People, we are talking about a United States Senator here who was on his way to the Capital. The U.S. Constitution protects federal lawmakers from detention while they’re on their way to the Capital. I guess that is another part of our Constitution that is no longer in effect as a result of the Patriot Act and the Indefinite Detention Clause in the National Defense Authorization Act signed by Obama on New Year’s Eve.
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“Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God” Matthew 5:9. Never in the history of our country has a man of peace been attacked with such ruthless propensity as Dr. Ron Paul is being attacked at present. But then again never before in our history have the proponents of death and destruction for profit had such a mechanism to sway the weak minded.
The fact that the Israeli Zionists have, and indeed intend to continue to, exercise power and control over the United States and our people cannot be questioned. It was recently reported that the Israelis, along with their fifth column in the United States have created a Super PAC for the express purpose of attacking the peacemaker Dr. Paul.
Continue reading “Ron Paul the Peacemaker”
On March 11, 2011, Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant failed and consequently three of its reactors melted down. So what have we learned? Nuclear power isn’t near as dangerous as we thought it was. Exposure to radioactive particles is actually good for human beings, especially during the development years from fetus to age eighteen, thus it is a good thing that it is in our milk and every other part of our food chain. In fact we should have been putting all of our clean energy dollars into nuclear energy because, don’t ya know, no carbon is emitted.
This is the power of the international nuclear industry. They have absolutely swept three melted down reactors under the carpet and are indeed declaring nuclear energy “clean”. For almost a year the propagandists have worked feverishly to change the reality of the three reactor meltdown to “no big deal” and as of this writing, new plants are being constructed in the United States using tax payer dollars through guaranteed loans.
Continue reading “Fukushima Still Destroying Human Life”
I watched the day-after-primary coverage in South Carolina yesterday and have come to the conclusion that there are some people out there who are absolutely mentally inept to the point that their right to vote represents a danger to the rest of us. CNN put forth a parade of these mentally challenged citizens. I heard one fellow say, “It doesn’t matter if we fix our economy if we are not following God.”
I’ll tell you what you mush minded dead headed morons, we know who you are and I know what your problem is. You are the same people that made a multi-millionaire out of Jim Baker, and even after you found out he was keeping a bunch of whores on your money, you still supported him. Why? Because you could not admit that you were so stupid. You are so easily conned that Satan himself could come down to Earth and tell you he is born again and you would vote for him for God.
Continue reading “Morons Dominate South Carolina Primary Vote”
The polls in South Carolina closed at 7:00 EST. At 7:20 with less than 1% of the vote counted, the election was called for Newt Gingrich. At 7:30, with still less than 1% of the vote counted, it was declared that Rick Santorum took 3rd place. We are now living in a corporate media dictatorship wherein the election results are adjusted through fraud to match the reporting. And this is fraud absolute as it can be considered nothing else.
They don’t try this kind of shit in a banana republic. This is high treason being perpetrated through propaganda. This is telling the American people of the American race, you can think what you want but you will do as the 1% says.
Continue reading “South Carolina Voters Defrauded by Corporate Propagandists and Corrupt Election Officials”
Today the good patriot American people of the American race all over the state of South Carolina will be casting their vote for Dr. Ron Paul, and tomorrow we will be talking about the election fraud. I do believe the cries of foul coming from the internet are having an effect. The good thing is all those supporting Ron Paul are aware of the election fraud and will be looking to catch the fiends at their dirty deeds.
Dr. Paul has been literally removed from the mainstream propaganda broadcasts all week, I guess in an unveiled attempt to remove him from the minds of the undecided voters. At one point during Thursday night’s CNN GOP debate, the cameras framed in on Santorum, Romney, and Gingrich and stayed there; projecting the image that only those three were on the stage.
Continue reading “Will Election Fraud Continue in South Carolina?”
It has been confirmed. The Iowa Caucus was a fraud. It is now being said that Rick Santorum won Iowa by 34 votes, however this statement cannot be confirmed as the results from eight precincts have somehow disappeared. The fact is in the final analysis the results of the Iowa Caucus are unknown because the election cannot be certified.
If this election cannot be confirmed how can the delegates be rightfully doled out, especially considering the fact that a majority of the precinct results that got lost were in Lee County which was won by Congressman Paul. Could it be that so many votes had to be shaved off to stop Paul from winning Iowa that entire precincts had to be removed?
Continue reading “Rick Bilderberg Perry Endorses Newt Bilderberg Gingrich”