Another week another 428,000 out of work and the propagandists were belittling the situation from the moment the words came out of their mouths, saying, “The stock market’s rallying.  The Chicago PMI is up from 56.6 to 61.1.”  In talking about the stock market they are saying they don’t know why the market is going up in the face of such high jobless numbers, maybe it is because of Greece.  Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.  This is how it goes.

The more we lose, they more they get.  When a person loses their job and then their home, there is a real effect.  Let’s say that home was originally purchased at $80,000 and by the time the compound, compound interest was added, the mortgage came out to $160,000.  The person who lost their job and was foreclosed on had paid $80,000 before going into foreclosure.  That $80,000 represents real wealth as does the original property.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – 428,000 New Unemployed”

Our illustrious leader, Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat AKA Slick Tongue Slingin’ Dung, put on an exclusive performance before a group of select propaganda agents yesterday.  Or as they put it, he held a press conference.  The questions were notably scripted to elicit campaign slogans.  I think the other candidates should get equal time, don’t you?

Barry said that he knows there are a lot of us out here hurting and that he would help us if only those bad old Republicrats would let him.  Kind of funny, those Republicrats are saying they are desperate to help us too, but those bad old Democans won’t let them.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Obama Cares…….Not!”

The mainstream propagandists are up-scaling their attack on the people of Greece.  Apparently they have it coming.  They are a lazy people who have been living fat for the past twenty years and now that the bills are coming in they are acting like a bunch of spoiled children in not wanting to pay.  Anyway this is what the propagandists would have you believe.

The fact is the Greek people are hard working and industrious and have every reason to be raising hell over the draconian austerity measures being implemented on them.   You see it isn’t because the Greek people have been living fat that has put them on the edge of bankruptcy.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Greece and the US – Liberty or Death”

In the face of an eleventh week of first time unemployment filings of over 400,000, not one damn thing is being considered by our Congress, Senate, nor President to address the issue.  Instead the propaganda machine is flooding the airwaves with lies that have become so old and antiquated that watching them can only make us shake our heads in disgust.

After having to admit that the job situation in reality has never gotten one bit better, but is indeed getting worse every day, the propagandists are now saying that there are actually jobs everywhere to the extent that those unemployed are tripping over help wanted signs on the way to the unemployment office.  This is ridiculous to the point of being Orwellian.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension -Up is Down, Down is Up, There Are or Are not Jobs”

Today I’m going to address the 99ers exclusively.  Many among us are wondering why there is not a stronger propensity toward aggressive action among our people.  Well, to get to the root of this question there must be a clearer understanding of who exactly we are.  When on the rare occasion a 99er story makes it into the mainstream propaganda there is a generality that cannot be ignored.  That is a middle aged man and woman standing in front of an $800,000 home with one or two brand new SUVs sitting in the driveway.

Their heart wrenching story goes something like this.  The husband says, “I’ve lost my job, exhausted my 99 weeks of unemployment, and the only income we have coming in is my wife’s salary.”  The view then changes to one of bare cupboards and a refrigerator with a scant few items contained within.  The wife says, “We have gone from an income of $200,000 a year to the $30,000 my job provides.  Our house payment is $2000 a month which my income barely covers and we have to dip into our retirement savings to make our car payments.”  At this point the woman usually has tears in her eyes.
Continue reading “99er HR 589 Unemployment Extension Class Division”

If you flip from news channel to news channel with the exception of satellite delays it is impossible to miss a word coming out of the Casey Anthony trial in Florida.  The mainstream propaganda machine is currently conducting an analysis to find out just how many mainstream media brainwashed citizens are still out there among the population.  These are the people who live vicariously through soap operas, crime dramas, and reality shows.  They are a blight on the collective intelligence of the population and represent a greater threat to our Constitution and Republic than Russia and China combined.

Under normal circumstances these people should be pitied as they suffer from mental abnormalities that keep them from experiencing life within the realms of reality.  But these are not normal circumstances.  These people are allowed to vote which allows their mental problems to cause harm to all.
Continue reading “Casey Anthony Trial Exclusive – A Secret You will Only Hear Here”

The job situation is getting better.  The job situation is getting worse.  The job situation is staying about the same.  It is hard to know what to believe anymore or at least it was until I heard a brand new idea for Medicaid reform.  Check this out.  Make all the people receiving Medicaid work for their benefits.

You have to love these neo-cons and their inter-dimensional logic. They purport to be the anti-thesis to the social communists, but are quick to advocate work for welfare.  Is this not communism?  Not to mention the fact that while they are admitting that there are no jobs they seem to be purporting that there is plenty of work if the compensation is Medicaid.
Continue reading “99ers Seeking HR 589 Unemployment Extension It Would Seem they Found us Some Jobs”

It has been a long time coming but there is finally some good news for the 99ers.  The downsizing of our jobs and the liquidation of our property has created a record number of millionaires in our country; some 3 million.  These people, and the filthy rich they are aspiring to be, are thriving.  Of course they are the only ones who are thriving, but as they own our government, lock, stock, and barrel, they are the only ones who matter.

Now let’s make it clear.  To be considered a millionaire does not mean that you have managed to accumulate a mere million dollars.  To be rated as such you must have a million dollars banked that you can or cannot invest at your leisure.  This amount does not include properties owned, homes, cars, jewelry, or antiques.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Finally Some Good News for the 99ers”

Well the actors pretending to be our representatives have come forth through their propagandists mouthpieces and declared that, “Gee golly, things are worse than we thought.  Come to find out things have actually been getting worse over the past year rather than getting better.”  They are saying that their estimates were wrong and are now running polls to see if we the people think the situation is getting worse or better.  The whole scenario would be laughable if the implications to millions of us were not so dire.

Let’s look at it like this.  They have now admitted that rather than gaining jobs we have been losing jobs by the millions.  So do you think they would be willing to take it a step further and admit that all those nasty things they have been saying about the long term unemployed have also been wrong and untrue?  You know, like ”There’s plenty of jobs out there,” and “We are lazy and just want to kick back and enjoy the good life, hungry and living in the streets.”
Continue reading “99ers, HR 589 Unemployment Extension – We Want More Than the Illusion of Jobs and Prosperity”

All Americans were glued to their TVs as Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke took to the stage for his second press conference.  And what did old Ben have to say?  Well, he said that our debt is now about 100% of our gross domestic product, that wages are not keeping up with inflation, that the recovery is going to be a lot slower than originally thought, and that if we do not take measures to pay down our debt we are going to go bankrupt.

Just who in the hell do we owe that debt to?  Oh, that’s right, Ben Bernanke and his band of two bit thieves that make up the Federal Reserve.  How did we incur that debt?  Borrowing money to bail out the two bit thieves that make up the Federal Reserve.  And who do we owe that money to with interest?  Ben Bernanke and the two bit thieves that make up the Federal Reserve.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – It’s Not Deprivation, It’s Just Politics”

Just when I thought I had a clear conception of the extent of the contempt that the neo-con elite hold us in, I was truly taken aback.  Yesterday on Varney and Company, Stuart Varney, Charles Payne, and Andrew Napolitano were discussing the unemployed man from North Carolina who robbed a bank for one dollar so that he could be thrown in prison in order to get medical attention he needs.

Charles Payne said, “This is the only country that I know of, you know we talk about how uncaring we are, where people don’t have to work in this country.  You can go to jail, you can get three square meals, all the medical benefits you want, and unfortunately it feels like sometimes when people, right in the middle and they have a choice, the easier choice would be, let me get Social Security benefits, let me say I’m crazy, let me get welfare, than to try to tough it out.”
Continue reading “99ers Seeking HR 589 Unemployment Extension Judge Napolitano Sentences You to Death”