From Congressman Ron Paul’s website

Last week I joined six Republican and three Democrat colleagues to file a lawsuit against the Obama administration over its illegal war against Libya. Now that more than 90 days have passed since the president began bombing Libya, no one can seriously claim that the administration has complied with the clear requirements of the 1973 War Powers Resolution.

In a remarkable act of chutzpah, the administration sent to Congress its response to the growing concern over its abuse of war powers.  Its argument, in a nutshell, is that the War Powers Resolution is not relevant because US armed forces are not actually engaged in hostilities because Libya is so militarily weak it cannot fight back!  This explanation would be laughable if not so horrific.  The administration wants us to believe that there is no real violence because the victim cannot fight back?  Imagine if this standard was applied to criminal law in the United States!  I am sure Libyans on the receiving end of US and NATO bombs feel hostilities are quite definitely taking place.
Continue reading “Ron Paul: Strange Definitions of War and Peace”

I have been receiving emails a late attacking me for not focusing my attention on HR 589 and/or a Tier 5 unemployment extension.  These 99ers have said everything from that I am an elitist to I do not care because I got an unemployment extension for attending school.  I truly hate to attack 99ers but I have no problem with putting socialists in their place.

These people who want to limit our message to one of begging for what is ours by right are social communists at their roots.  I have said before that the neo-cons make up about 20% of the top 10%.  On the other hand the social communists make up 20% of the bottom 10%.  You have to understand what the plan has been all along and that it is a product of the one party system.
Continue reading “99ers, Henry Addresses the Issue of HR 589/Tier 5 Unemployment Extension”

Buzz words and campaign slogans seem to be the order of the day.  Some 99ers have been out of work for almost three years.  Most if not all have lost their homes, their cars, their bank accounts, and pensions.  Home foreclosures are slowing down but not because the people are buying homes again, but because the banks are deliberately slowing down the process in an attempt to portray the situation as better than it is.

New jobless claims continue to come in at over 400,000 per week and admittedly not even a third of that number in new jobs is being created, yet they try to tell us that we have only lost 1.2 million jobs this year.  I’m sorry propagandists, but this is a mathematical impossibility.  And it’s the simplest math, adding and subtracting.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extensions – The Jobless Recovery Continues”

It has been 165 days since the 112th Congress convened.  Coming up on the 2010 Midterms every candidate was saying how they were going to get us jobs.  Not one piece of legislation has been passed with that end as its goal.  Tens of thousands more 99ers join the ranks of the uncounted each week as the unemployment rate edges up, telling us that the unemployment rate is rising at a faster rate than even the masters of deceit can cover up.

And now to add insult to injury, they are starting to use us in their commercials again for the presidential primaries.  I guess there is one way you can make sure you have a good problem for an issue for the next campaign, just don’t solve any problems.
Continue reading “99ers Seeking HR 589 Unemployment Extension, Maybe We Can Get a Job Doing a Commercial”

There has developed a new angle to the propaganda being put forth by the neo-cons who make up 20% of the top 10%.  They are now saying that if we support Ron Paul we are in reality seeking to split the Republidumb vote in order to reelect Barry.  Well I have a message for these puss buckets.  We don’t need you.  We are neither Republidumbs nor Demostupids.  What we are is the majority, the American people of the American race, patriots.  And I’m here to tell you that your days of enjoying a privileged status in our country are numbered.

You say we would split the ticket, though it is you who would put another neo-con like George Bush at the helm to facilitate the continued destruction of our Constitution and Republic.  There is not one person capable of critical thought that does not know that the international corporate mafia has taken over our government.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension Neo-Cons Excreting Self-Serving Lies”

The question has been raised as to how we know Ron Paul will not betray us once we elect him president.  Well we certainly have every reason not to trust any politician and I cannot say for an absolute fact that Paul will not betray us.  What I can say is that I have followed Dr. Paul and his activities for the past ten years.  His message has always been the same:  We must end the Fed, stop the theft, and reinstitute our Constitution, or our country will fall.

And it is only now that our country is on the brink of destruction that the rest of the people of the United States have come to the realization that it has never been a lack of laws, but rather a refusal to enforce our most basic laws.
Continue reading “99ers Unemployment Extension HR 589 – Ron Paul Cannot Be Stopped”

In talking with one another we have come to a consensus that says we want Ron Paul as our president, we want our Republic back, and we want our Republic to be run through our Constitution as our forefathers intended.  In hearing us voice our desires, the mainstream propagandists have rudely pushed themselves into our midst and our conversation, and speaking in a loud voice are saying:

“No you don’t want Ron Paul, he can’t be elected.  Here, take a look at what we have over here.  Meet Michele Bachmann, hard core neo-con with a third grade education.  How about Michele, will you settle for Michele?”

“No?  How about Mitt Romney, neo-con member of the corporate elite and mildly retarded.  How about Mitt?”
Continue reading “99ers Seeking HR 589 Unemployment Extension Tell the Mainstream Media to Shove Their Sales Pitch”

The stock market is back over 12,000.  The decline, recession, depression, and hard times are over.  That is at least until Thursday when the new weekly jobless claims come out.  This whole scenario is becoming quite laughable.  Last week the filthy rich sold their stock and bought up Euros because they knew, well they’ll say they did not know, but we all know they knew, that Greece was going to get a bailout this week which would cause the dollar to fall against the Euro.  Now they’ll buy back those very same stocks they sold last week for pennies on the dollar, inflating the price while devaluing their worth as their price in dollars climbs.

So what does this mean to us lowly 99ers and those still surviving in the middle class?  Inflation.  But all they want is just a little more.  You know; a few more dollars for our utility bills and a few more dollars at the grocery store.  And we shouldn’t complain as it makes us seem petty, maybe even a little bit greedy, when we do.  The fact is we should be overjoyed because the stock market is going up and don’t we all want to be on the winning team?
Continue reading “99ers Seeking Unemployment Extension HR 589 -The Recession’s Over Again…Until Thursday”

Last night’s GOP debate conducted by CNN was one of the most controlled events I have ever witnessed.  From the onset it became clear that what I was watching was a rigged forum.  The establishment candidates were clearly given an advantage.  If you would like to know how, I will tell you.

When a candidate like Michele Bachmann or Mitt Romney is being handled and controlled by a third party, they are trained to speak in 30 and 60 second sound bites as their entire campaign is based on a commercial sale.  As I mentioned in a previous article I am at present attending a school for radio broadcasting and I have learned that the mainstay of the business is commercial sales.  And the slogans and buzz words I witnessed flowing from the mouths of all the candidates except Ron Paul were definitely staged and rehearsed.  The very fact that the forum was set up to accommodate this commercialism was obvious.
Continue reading “Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney Get a Free Commercial, Ron Paul Stands Firm”

Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, speaking in North Carolina yesterday revealed his plans for job creation, which was formulated by a bunch of his corporate thief Mafioso buddies.  It was so simple; I don’t know why I didn’t see it.  All we have to do is give billions more dollars in green energy grants to companies like General Electric so they can take that money and build more facilities…….in China and India, and wah-la, hundreds of thousands of new jobs for the Chinese and Indians.

And of course we need to further deregulate and cut taxes on the corporate elite so they can feel more confident and do what they do best.  Build new industry and create hundreds of thousands of jobs…..…in China and India.
Continue reading “99ers Seeking Unemployment Extension HR 589 Obama has found a Solution to the Jobs Problem”

After coming to the conclusion that not only has our economy not been getting better, but is indeed getting worse, I was at an impasse as to what action I should take.  I knew I was going to change directions, but on which path would I find any hope for returning to work.  After long consideration I decided to create my own job.

As From the Trenches has grown exponentially since coming online, I concluded that the truth might indeed set me free.  That is when I made the decision to take out loans and return to school to learn radio broadcasting.  It is my intent to add a live broadcast to From the Trenches when I finish school in September.
Continue reading “99ers, HR 589 Supporters, Henry Gets another Unemployment Extension”

Well the tide is turning against the neo-cons, though they did have a hell of a run at it, especially having lost the presidency, the House, and Senate in 2008.  Give the devil his due as they used the backlash against the Democans to catapult themselves back into control of the Congress with yet another phony roadmap/mandate from the people while masquerading as Tea Partiers.  Beyond comprehension, they managed to secure tax cuts for the top 2% while further exporting our jobs and economy overseas.

Many people are looking at the stock market and saying, “Good deal; the rich are losing wealth.”  Wrong.  What the rich are doing is transferring the wealth they have stolen from us.  You have to remember, wealth does not cease to exist.  When you see the US stock exchange going down, know that another market in another country, using another currency is going up.  This is how the corporate elite have been funneling the wealth out of our country since the market’s inception.
Continue reading “99ers Seeking Unemployment Extension, HR 589 Supporters, Americans, Exile the Corporate Elite into the One World Order”

As Lady Liberty drops to her knees with the international corporate mafia’s dagger in her back, the elites are gathering in Switzerland to plan the coup de gras at the Bilderberg meeting.  So I wonder what new schemes they are cooking up.  How about a QE3 and a war on Iran?  These kinds of things are always good for business.

It never ceases to amaze me how the American citizens, who are in reality the most powerful sovereigns on this planet, just kept trudging along with their eyes on their feet as their power was used to further the goal of their destruction.
Continue reading “99ers Seeking Unemployment Extensions HR 589 Supporters Our Enemies are in Switzerland at the Bilderberg Meeting”