The number of new jobless claims filed for the week was 429,000, the highest number since January. There are 8.2 million Americans drawing unemployment benefits. There are 15 million 99ers and probably another 10 million long term unemployed. We are losing jobs by the thousands every day, both to downsizing in the United States and through their export to other countries. Yet I heard a journalist say the unemployment rate dropped to 8%.
There is only one way all of this can make sense. There must have been a massive explosion on the sun that shifted us into a parallel universe wherein the laws of math and physics that we have known all of our lives cease to exist. The equation, e=mc2, is now BS=QE2 times the rate of inflation at the speed of light (25 mph) divided by 1 (which is the number people who actually believe this shit anymore) = 8% unemployment in a booming economy. I guess now that we understand it we can all stop worrying and get on with our lives.
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