I am at present watching what has to be the most intense propaganda blitz I have ever witnessed.  These propagandists are not going to be believed because they are moving with ludicrous speed.  I watched Chris Matthews of MSNBC talking with Eugene Robbins for The Washington Post and Howard Fineman for The Huffington Post.  They looked like three crack junkies deciding who is going to go get the next bag.  It was then suggested that to doubt the authenticity of the document Barry put forth today equated to unreasonable thought. 

So old Barry the Rat was getting close to being exposed as the illegitimate son of a socialist he is and just as it was starting to come out that Barry might have had connections with the CIA prior to being elected, Ala Kazam!!  That long form birth certificate that had been so elusive for two years, over two short days just materialized.  Why shouldn’t I believe it? 
Continue reading “Barry Soetoro’s Birth Certificate and Pure Propaganda”

I have mentioned in past articles that when we were children in school we were fed the lie that any one of us could grow up and be the President of these United States.  Though my life, since becoming old enough to vote, I have found that there is a select group from both the false left and the false right which represents our choice, or lack thereof as to who will lead us. 

There are 310 million people in the United States.  Logic would dictate that if every citizen eligible to become president actually had a fair and equal chance, the odds of the same name or names coming up in two elections would be a lot like those of winning the lottery.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters Can Ron Paul Win?”

Syndicated radio host Alex Jones of infowars.com and prisonplanet.com has shown his true colors once again.  On Jones’ broadcast yesterday, when describing those who would join with the government against our Republic, he included the poor and those on welfare and food stamps.  You see Alex has never been poor so he associates it with something dirty.  He believes all poor people enjoy living in poverty. 

Alex is an elitist.  His syndicated radio broadcast and websites bring in a million plus every year.  We have several of his videos on our Red Pill Documentaries page and that is because they are factual and backed by documentation.  The problem is Alex has come to see the truth as a commodity with a large earning potential.  The reason he does not care to spit on the poor is because they have no money and thus are not a part of his market demographic.
Continue reading “99ers, HR 589 Supporters, and Alex Jones”

I have waited until late to write today’s article in hope that there would be some news of an Easter Project protest somewhere.  Well, I guess if nothing else I no longer have to put up with anyone coming on the site and saying “All you people do is talk about it, no one is offering solutions.”  The problem is not nor has it ever been that nothing could be done to address the situation.  It is just that no one wants to do anything to take on the problem.  It is so easy to just sit back and wait for somebody else to make the sacrifice to affect the change.  Maybe this is why the Egyptians put up with the abuse they did for 50 years before acting.

When I first became a 99er I was determined to address the situation.  To me, it was war.  So I looked at my meager resources and reasoned as to how I could make them cause the maximum effect.  This site and the articles I have written represent the best I could do with what I have.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters Soldier On”

Well there must be an election coming up as the buzz about Washington DC once again is jobs, jobs, jobs.  403,000 people filed new jobless claims last week. 

Unions are boycotting “Right to Work” states, expounding quite honestly that what “Right to Work” really means is the right to work for a substandard wage which can only drive down our standard of living.

The sheriff of Pinal County, Arizona is reporting that illegals are still crossing our border by the hundreds of thousands.  These illegals are at present working 30 million U.S. jobs at below minimum wage, thus further driving down our standard of living. 
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters, What Would Jesus Say”

So is anything new happening on the job scene?  Yes.  Back when Barry Soetoro was running for President he made the following statement on November 3, 2007: “When I am president, I will end the tax giveaways to companies that ship our jobs overseas, and I will put the money in the pockets of working Americans, and seniors, and homeowners who deserve a break.”  The Prince of Lies, not only have the giveaways not stopped, but the rate our jobs are being shipped out has increased.

Barry recently named CEO of General Electric, Jeff Immelt, to head his Council on Jobs and Investment.  Good call, Barry.  GE reported that their corporate earnings were up 77% in 2010.  GE paid zero federal taxes in 2009 and 2010.  GE received a tax benefit of $2.3 billion in 2010. 
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters General Electric Screwing More than the Lightbulb”

It’s another day in paradise, that is if you are among the corporate elite who are enjoying their lives immensely as the tax payer subsidized stock market continues to rise, allowing them to take yet further record profits.  If you are not among the elite this day represents nothing more than the abstract misery you have been living with since the $26 trillion theft was discovered. 

I heard that dirty little Tory piece of tripe Stuart Varney referring the top 1% as “we”.  Yeah, Stuart, we know who you are and we know what you are.  We see you cringe when the price of oil drops offering us hope.  We then see you giggle and clap when the price rises knowing your pockets are going to be filled with more of our money robbed from us at the pump. 
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters Another Day in Paradise”

As expected Barry Soetoro’s town hall meeting over Facebook was nothing more than a gimmick.  The whole session was scripted and rehearsed and could be considered nothing more than a campaign speech.  Soetoro made sure to include every issue in the predetermined one party framed debate.  That is mentioning unemployment and jobs obscurely, then puckering up and planting a big wet kiss on the collective arses of the illegal aliens.  It was nothing more than one big socialist spit swap.

I’ll tell you what Barry, poor Americans, middle class Americans, Americans et. al. outnumber Hispanics by far.  Though I will say, it is at least logical for you to come out on the side of illegal aliens, seeing as how you are one.  Barry portrayed the illegals as poor misunderstood people who were only doing menial jobs that nobody else wants.  He spoke of farm labor, food service, and child care.  Well I have been around this country and it goes a little further than that.  Construction, shipping, and of course the ever popular illegal drug enterprise are now being worked predominately by illegals. 
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters – President Obama Addresses the Issue?”

Gas is expected to go over $4.00 per gallon by summer and the price of basic necessities will follow suit.  And all our government can talk about is the need to cut spending and corporate taxes.  It has now been seven months since both the phony left and phony right came out and said jobs were the number one issue in this country.  And since then, in spite of the lies, we have continued to lose jobs at an unprecedented rate.

The total federal receipts for individual withholding tax for 2008 were $1.146 trillion.  The total for 2009 was $915 billion, a loss of $231 billion.  In 2010 the federal withholding receipts continued to fall another $16 billion to $899 billion. 
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters – The Big Lie Exposed”

So let’s take a look at the farm subsidy programs.  For conservation: $4.7 billion.  Price supports: $7.1 billion.  Crop insurance: $3.7 billion.  That is a total of $15.5 billion.  That would pay for a 14 week extension for the 99ers.  So tell me, are you hating these damn farmers yet?  Well I’m not.  The excesses they are showing in the mainstream propaganda are being funneled into the pockets of the corporate farmers, at the same time as what is left of our family farmers are being attacked from every angle, in an effort to run them out of business and allow the corporation to take their land.

It is kind of like attacking the welfare recipient that is living 100% below the poverty level while ignoring the corporate welfare recipients who are out to destroy us all.  It has been common practice for the last 50 years for huge corporate farms to move into an area and start growing and selling crops at a loss for the sole purpose of breaking the family farms. 
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters, Obama Wants to Talk to You”

It would seem that we are seeing a toning down in reference to the assertion that the $26 trillion stolen by the banking elite is going to be paid back with interest by the American people.  In an interview on CNN on Sunday, Rand Paul seemed to have lost his sneer and tone of arrogance and did not say the words, “Social Security” one time.  And Paul Ryan has apparently decided he needs to go out into the general public and find out what the people on the streets want as opposed to the wants put forth from the 80% of the top 10% that bought and paid for his Senate seat. 

Well just in case they are reading these articles, I will make it clear as to what this American wants. Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters – The House Reunited”

99ers and middle class, can any of you still remember clear back to September of 2010?  The midterm elections were afoot and the main issue of the election according to every news source from every venue was jobs, jobs, jobs.   And did I say jobs?  Well we all know what has transpired since then and that has been no jobs, no jobs, no jobs.  And did I say tax cuts for the filthy rich? 

Now apparently a year and a half before the fact, the 2012 presidential campaign is in full swing, and once again it is jobs, jobs, jobs.  I swear these people think they have us trained like dogs.  All they have to do is whistle and we come a running to them with our tongues hanging out for the promise of a pat on the head. 
Continue reading “99ers, HR 589 Supporters, and Our Corporate Government”

The Congress passed Republicrat Paul Ryan’s budget calling for $6 trillion in cuts over the next ten years.  Among the items to be cut are unemployment insurance, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  As soon as these dirty little two faced liars got to Washington DC, the first words dribbling out of their mouths were “entitlement cuts.”  It is their claim that Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare are causing our government to go bankrupt.  This is a lie.

When we were all working we were forced to pay into the Social Security retirement insurance trust fund.  Recently there have been numerous rulings in the federal district courts that say, in essence, that individuals cannot be forced to buy a product like insurance against their will.  That is unless the government is the insurance company. 
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters First our Jobs, Then our Unemployment, Now our Social Security”

Well we are all now privy to the big meeting that occurred yesterday between Barbara Lee, Bobby Scott, Eric Cantor, and John Boehner.  Barbara Lee said in her press release that Boehner encouraged them to go back and work with the Ways and Means Committee to move this bill forward.  Translation: Go screw yourself, you are not getting anything.

Representative Bobby Scott put forth the assertion that in the past if unemployment was above 7.2%, Congress has designated unemployment insurance as emergency spending.  And I believe that is what the unemployment act states.  But what is in an act?  The supreme law of the land and Supreme Court decisions affirming it are routinely violated and pissed upon every day by the corporations who now run our government.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters – Lee, Scott, Cantor, and Boehner – The Big Meeting?”

 Representatives Barbara Lee and Bobby Scott Meet with House Republican Leadership About Emergency Relief for the Long-Term Unemployed
April 14, 2011
Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225-2661

Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Congressman Bobby Scott (D-VA) continued the fight to pass HR 589, the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Expansion Act. Reps. Lee and Scott met today with Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), and discussed the possibility of bringing HR 589 to the House floor for a vote.
Continue reading “99ers Here is Barbara Lee's Press Release for HR 589”

Well apparently the meeting between Boehner, Cantor, Lee, and Scott did occur this morning, though it would seem it was a lot to do about nothing.   I have to believe that nothing of substance occurred because if it did Lee and Scott would have been shouting their own praise coming out the door. 

This view is further verified in that in calling Lee’s office I was told that her press agent was out of the office.  He had asked me to call him before I launched further attacks on Barbara Lee.  Continue reading “Barbara Lee, Bobby Scott, Eric Cantor and John Boehner Discuss HR 589 for 99ers”