The Congress passed Republicrat Paul Ryan’s budget calling for $6 trillion in cuts over the next ten years.  Among the items to be cut are unemployment insurance, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  As soon as these dirty little two faced liars got to Washington DC, the first words dribbling out of their mouths were “entitlement cuts.”  It is their claim that Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare are causing our government to go bankrupt.  This is a lie.

When we were all working we were forced to pay into the Social Security retirement insurance trust fund.  Recently there have been numerous rulings in the federal district courts that say, in essence, that individuals cannot be forced to buy a product like insurance against their will.  That is unless the government is the insurance company. 
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters First our Jobs, Then our Unemployment, Now our Social Security”

Well we are all now privy to the big meeting that occurred yesterday between Barbara Lee, Bobby Scott, Eric Cantor, and John Boehner.  Barbara Lee said in her press release that Boehner encouraged them to go back and work with the Ways and Means Committee to move this bill forward.  Translation: Go screw yourself, you are not getting anything.

Representative Bobby Scott put forth the assertion that in the past if unemployment was above 7.2%, Congress has designated unemployment insurance as emergency spending.  And I believe that is what the unemployment act states.  But what is in an act?  The supreme law of the land and Supreme Court decisions affirming it are routinely violated and pissed upon every day by the corporations who now run our government.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters – Lee, Scott, Cantor, and Boehner – The Big Meeting?”

 Representatives Barbara Lee and Bobby Scott Meet with House Republican Leadership About Emergency Relief for the Long-Term Unemployed
April 14, 2011
Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225-2661

Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Congressman Bobby Scott (D-VA) continued the fight to pass HR 589, the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Expansion Act. Reps. Lee and Scott met today with Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), and discussed the possibility of bringing HR 589 to the House floor for a vote.
Continue reading “99ers Here is Barbara Lee's Press Release for HR 589”

Well apparently the meeting between Boehner, Cantor, Lee, and Scott did occur this morning, though it would seem it was a lot to do about nothing.   I have to believe that nothing of substance occurred because if it did Lee and Scott would have been shouting their own praise coming out the door. 

This view is further verified in that in calling Lee’s office I was told that her press agent was out of the office.  He had asked me to call him before I launched further attacks on Barbara Lee.  Continue reading “Barbara Lee, Bobby Scott, Eric Cantor and John Boehner Discuss HR 589 for 99ers”

Senator Rand Paul was front and center on FOX News Wednesday morning announcing plans to attack Social Security.  There is a little bit of tongue twisting propaganda that we are going to straighten out today.  Rand Paul’s and John Boehner’s crews are expounding that they will not raise taxes and in fact are going to cut taxes further for the rich corporations.  Here is the truth.  When the cuts in Social Security and Medicare are made the elderly are going to have to go to their retirement accounts to make up the shortfalls.  That is a tax on retirement accounts. 

Rand Paul says he wants to cut food stamps.  I know nobody gives a damn about the poor so let’s look at it from a different angel.  Families in our military saw an increase in the need for food stamps from $24.9 million in 2007 to $73 million in 2010 and that is just what was spent in commissaries.  Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters – They are Not Going to Give, They are Going to Take More”

Once again Barry Soetoro is being compared to Ronald Regan as he comes forth with a new batch of spending cuts.  I guess you could compare the two in that they both represent rich elitist traitors.  So without a mention of the 99ers or anybody else living like a dog shouldn’t in this country, here they go again. 

Just as a precursor I will let you neo-cons and your new Regan know something right out the gate.  We 99ers and those still left in the middle class are way past tired of being trickled on by the corporate elite.  What every American needs to understand is that Obama and his crew, Boehner and his crew, and Rand Paul and his crew all defecate through the same hole.  We have to see them for what they are; a troupe of actors.  They are handed a script, they practice their parts, and then they put on a performance.  In each performance some wear black hats and some wear white hats and all are shooting for an Academy Award. 
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters – Must The Show Go On?”

Apparently John Boehner was available for interviews on Monday morning as he was trying to repair his relationship with the neo-cons which was damaged when he sold them out in this latest budget deal.  At least we know where Boehner’s priorities lie, which is in kissing the right arses. 

The point is the time he spent doing his “Boehner is a good guy” commercials could have been better spent elsewhere.  I mean what would it take, maybe five minutes to sit down with Barbara Lee and Bobby Scott, laugh in their faces, and tell them HR 589 will pass when pigs fly?  Who knows if he will ever get the time?
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters Will Barbara Lee Finally Bring John Boehner to Heal? LOL”

Senator Rand Paul has come forth proposing sweeping cuts to spending that he says will get us out of debt.  Of course the budget he is backing contains increases in military spending and more tax cuts for the corporate elite.  I have been a staunch supporter of Senator Paul since he stepped forth purporting his support for the restitution of our Constitution. 

I have something to tell Rand Paul in today’s article and that is I could very easily support and justify  what you are doing if you and the other junior senators will go after and retrieve the $26 trillion stolen by the international corporate mafia from the people of the United States.  But then if you did that it would become hard to justify taking medical care and revenues from the old and the poor. 
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters Can Give No More”

Well the playoffs are over in Washington DC leaving all the fans on both sides wondering just who won the game.  The neo-cons, who were convinced that they had established a power base in the US Congress, woke up yesterday morning to find they had their throats cut.  And the socialists, who thought they had gotten their own version of Marx into the White House, well I think they are just too stupid to realize what has happened to them.

So who won and who lost in the big budget debate?  Well there was $38.5 billion in spending cuts, but of course $10 billion of that had already been accomplished through the last two riders, leaving a grand total of $28.5 billion in spending cuts.  Hell we have already spent more than that on our brand new war in Libya and bribes to the rest of the countries in the Middle East. 
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters – The Budget Battle is Over, So Who Won?”

The phony left and phony right continued their good cop/bad cop routine until finally settling on a budget deal in the eleventh hour in an effort to suck the American people back into the false left-right paradigm; the Republicrats saying you must do as we say or our soldiers won’t get paid and the Democans saying you must do what we say or woman will die of cancer.  Hog wash. 

The Republicrats care only for their masters, the defense contractors, who are making billions from three wars in the Middle East and having our troops involved in other people’s business in 130 countries around the world. 
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters – The Budget Deal”

The mainstream propagandists are finding themselves on the ropes as more and more citizens are seeing them for what they truly are.  Glenn Beck will soon be leaving FOX News and David Rockefeller is saying MSNBC, FOX News, and FOX Business News need to be shut down.   So why would a corporate elitist like Rockefeller want these networks shut down?  Simple, the mainstream networks are being forced to include more of the truth in their propaganda mix in an effort to maintain some credibility as they are losing the information war to the internet.

And today we find out via an article by Kurt Nimmo of that Obama has been paying hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to so called journalists to push Obamacare through their propaganda.  The money is apparently coming from a $5 billion federal grant fund labeled as Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP).
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters Put on the Back Back Back Burner”

Barbara Lee and company and John Boehner and company are scheduled to meet today to discuss HR 589.  What fruit if any these discussions will bear I do not know and indeed we here at From the Trenches will be the last to know as in the realm of 99ers we have become that red headed bastard step child  that no politician wants to claim as their own.  Who knows, maybe we’ll hear from the 99ers socialist Union tomorrow.

As for Boehner being willing to compromise on HR 589 I think the looming government shutdown on Friday speaks volumes.  I believe Boehner and company are on a one term suicide mission as they have come forth declaring a non-existent mandate from the people as their authority for bringing the causes of the ultra elite to the next level.  And I think the neo-con position on the 99er issue is pretty well set as their “Path to Prosperity” plan introduced on Tuesday calls for further cuts in unemployment benefits.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters Lee and Boehner to Meet Pray for the Extension and Prepare for the Easter Project”

The neo-con sect of the one party system introduced their proposal for $6 trillion in spending cuts over the next ten years.  Many out there are going to applaud out of the ignorance they suffer from living their lives in the false reality created by the propaganda machine. 

This is the reality.  $26 trillion was stolen through the Ponzi schemes of the corporate elite and somebody had to cover it or the theft would have been too massive and absolute for the people to ignore.  So the elite had their employees in our government borrow the money in our grandchildren’s names and of course we had to start paying the interest immediately. 
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters No More Lies”

Well, Obama has announced his candidacy for reelection in 2012.  It is reported that he will be the first candidate to raise one billion dollars for a presidential campaign.  I was so disheartened when I heard these reports as they seemed to be saying this election is as good as bought and paid for.  And then I heard another announcement.

Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura announced on the Alex Jones broadcast yesterday that he had contacted Dr. Ron Paul, Republican Senator from the state of Texas, and informed him that if Paul would run as an Independent for president in 2012 that he, Ventura, would consider being his running mate.  I was overcome with a feeling that I have not known in many years.  It was hope.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters Call in a Navy Seal”

CBS Sunday Morning did a piece outlining the age discrimination in reference to the long term unemployed, which has become predominant throughout the United States.  The piece was indeed an affirmation of what we 99ers already know and that is that the bulk of our numbers is baby boomers. 

Anyone who cannot see that the majority of the 99ers are the victims of an intentional culling is ignoring the facts.  When we were intentionally removed from the workforce it was because we had reached the tops of our pay scales, were reaching the age that the insurance companies would just as soon be rid of us, and on the brink of retiring as a part of the baby boom. 
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters Ignore It and It will Go Away?”

Well the 99ers got into the mainstream propaganda on Saturday thanks in part to a FOX propaganda piece designed to belittle the deplorable conditions we 99ers find ourselves in.  Like the piece on 60 Minutes, it was designed to show the 99ers as a people who are not really that bad off and completely to blame for our plight as we were not fiscally responsible with the boondoggle we received from our unemployment benefits.

The person being interviewed, one Leslie Jacobs, is perfect for a hit piece on 99ers, obese to a fault with a holier than thou attitude.  She indicated that after a year she came to the conclusion that she needed to “bank” more of her unemployment monies. 
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters Back in the Mainstream News – But to What End?”

216,000 jobs were added to the economy and the unemployment rate dropped to 8.8%.  This is a lie and I’ll tell you why.  If an American based business adds 232,000 jobs in other countries it is calculated as jobs added to our economy.  The fact is even more jobs have been lost in the United States in the past month.

When the United States government ran tanks into the Branch Davidian Church in Waco, Texas they shot canisters containing two kinds of gas which when mixed became Saran gas, a deadly agent banned by the Geneva Convention.  As they were doing so they were shouting over a loud speaker, “This is not an attack, this is not an attack.”  These deplorable bastards burned to death 20 children and 56 adults, including 2 pregnant women, and they got away with it.  They lit the place on fire and shot all they could who were trying to escape the flames.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters UE Rate Drops to 8.8%, This is Not an Attack This is Not an Attack”

Every day I have to sit and watch the elite on FOX Business brag about how much money they are making and in the next instant I am being told our country is broke and we have to make drastic cuts because we have no money to run our government.  So where is all the money?  Well I just told you, the rich are piling it up and as true wealth is not accumulated through thin air, that which they are accumulating has to be coming from somewhere.  And that somewhere has to be from the rest of us.

Our country is rich in natural resources and billions are being made from them every day.  The natural resources of this country are supposed to belong to all the people.  So why is it that a handful is getting everything?
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters – We Can Get it Back by Enforcing our Law”