So the International Corporate Mafia doesn’t want us to be together and wants this lockdown to last until Fall of 2021. Already I am so sick and tired of nanny’s at the stores telling me to stay back 6 feet and playing the same in-store “Safety and Security” commercials/announcements.
For cryin’ out loud, everyone knows the government lies LIES LIES! Yet they still follow their “play along to get along” bullshit. I don’t get it.

Continue reading “Public health expert on coronavirus: Concerts and sporting events won’t be safe until ‘fall 2021 at the earliest’”

Hey all, this is what the toilet paper and bread aisle at my local Walmart looked like the other day. The egg, cheese, milk, meat and frozen food aisles and medicine looked pretty much the same.

I even noticed this strange looking robot thing that I’ve never seen before. Had the name Robi on it. Not sure if it was a cleaning robot or some spy robot. Wasn’t sure if it was going to lash out and taze me if I looked at it the wrong way. lol Continue reading “Pic and videos of my local Walmart in Mckinney, TX”

Spain To Follow Italy Into Nationwide Lockdown As Coronavirus Cases Soar

Covid19 bypassed lockdown in Wuhan after mutating into second strain

WHAT? US Deploys 20,000 troops to Europe for Largest Exercises in 25 Years

Looks like our corporate army is going to go to Europe to help them deal with the Coronavirus (thus infecting themselves and bringing it back to the US weeks or months later and in mutated form). Wonderful….

Hey all, a friend of mine sent me this from a book that came out in May of 1981 predicting that in 2020 the exact pneumonia illness that is going on right now will happen.

Curious how it also states that in another 10 years, it’ll happen again. Notice how he states that “it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again in 10 years and then disappear completely”.  Continue reading “Omnious warning from a book that came out in 1981”

I just thought everyone might like to notice this from page 4 of the official document of the USCIS book on becoming a Naturalized Citizen. It’s one of the requirements that the immigration department gives the people to study and learn in order to be tested by an immigration officer so they can become a Naturalized Citizen. Candidates must be able to answer 7-10 random questions from this book out of 100 in order to pass the interview/testing process and to move forward with the application process.  Continue reading “Becoming a Naturalized Citizen”

ABC News

President Donald Trump may have written the book on deal-making, but when it comes to the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, it appears he won’t be getting the bargain he wanted.

Documents filed with the official database of federal spending show that the State Department awarded the Maryland-based company Desbuild Limak D&K a contract for $21.2 million to design and build an “addition and compound security upgrades” at the embassy. These updates will be made to the former consular building in Jerusalem — the embassy’s temporary location.   Continue reading “US Embassy in Jerusalem to cost more than $21 million — nearly 100 times President Trump’s estimate”

Your Destination Now

Last week, CBS reporter David Begnaud posted a video online of his tense encounter with a human trafficker at the southern border as he witnessed two migrants guided across the Rio Grande “in broad daylight” just a few hundred yards from a border checkpoint.

Begnaud — whom John Sexton notes is the same reporter who debunked the false claims about the iconic “crying girl” photograph — went down to the border at Roma, Texas for a story about plans to survey the land for a future security fence. Stationed at a “lookout point” near a U.S. Customs checkpoint, Begnaud and his producer drove over the international bridge to the Mexican side of the river, leaving the camera crew on the American side.
Continue reading “CBS Reporter Accidentally Witnesses Illegal Border Crossing, Gets Threatened”

I don’t know about you, but I find this both hilarious and insulting.

Considering that Walmart never opens up a register, forces you to go through self-serve checkout, wants to become the first shopping center to go cashier-less, and the fact that everything is made from China, I’m curious as to how in the HELL they support American jobs and what part of it they are proud of.   Continue reading “Taken in a Walmart in Mckinney, TX.”

ABC News

An aide to a Florida state lawmaker was fired on Tuesday after he allegedly referred to some survivors of last week’s mass shooting as “actors that travel to various crisis when they happen,” officials said.

Florida state Rep. Shawn Harrison said he was “appalled” by the comments made by his district secretary, Benjamin Kelly, earlier in the day and supported a decision to have him terminated.   Continue reading “Florida lawmaker fires aide who allegedly called mass shooting survivors ‘actors’”

Here are some pics I took of people lining up around gas stations. Supposedly there are no gas trucks coming in and all the gas stations along Custer Rd from Plano, TX to McKinney, TX are either all out of gas or almost out of gas.

Thanks to the elites throwing Harvey at us with their HAARP machine and causing oil refineries to be closed down in Houston, it’s now crippling our way of life in areas far north of there right here in the Dallas area through gas shortages. No telling when things will get back to normal.   Continue reading “Harvey Causes Gas Shortage all over Texas”

Star Telegram – by Gordon Dickson

You may want to fill up your gas tank while you can.

On the eve of the busy Labor Day holiday weekend, convenience store operators and other gasoline retailers said Wednesday there’s a strong chance they will run out of fuel at some locations this weekend because of supply disruptions caused by Hurricane Harvey.

“I called my family members and told them to fill up their tanks,” said John Benda, who owns three Fuel City stores in Haltom City and Dallas and is building a fourth in Saginaw. “I have never seen it this tight, since 1980, even when we were rationing.”   Continue reading “Fill ’er up. Some DFW stations may run out of gas this Labor Day weekend”

Oh look who decided to help us. How convenient. I’m sure many of those “volunteers” will stay here ILLEGALLY after all is said and done. And I’m sure Red Cross, after screwing the people in NYC after 9/11 will do the same in Houston.

Yahoo News

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexico’s Red Cross sent an envoy of volunteers to storm-devastated Houston on Wednesday, hours after Texas governor Greg Abbott said the state accepted an offer of aid from the Mexican government, including vehicles, boats, supplies and food.   Continue reading “Mexico’s Red Cross delivers aid to storm-ravaged Houston”

100% Fed Up

This copy of the Antifa Manual, that is used by the George Soros funded, violent, anti-American, anti free-speech radical group, was allegedly found on the Evergreen College campus. The content of this manual is disturbing and should be read by every American, so we understand what we are up against. It helps to explain why these groups call our President and his supporters “Hitler” or “racists” or “homophobes.” It’s not that Trump or his supporters are any of these things, it’s just part of a campaign to humiliate and shut down any opposition to radicals whose ultimate goal is a one world order and the destruction of capitalism in America.   Continue reading “ANTIFA MANUAL FOUND On Evergreen College Campus: Shut Down Their Rallies…Force The Media To Show Our Side As The Righteous One”

Just thought everyone might like to see how the new King Arthur movie coming out next weekend has an obvious Freemason symbol with a sword going through it at the bottom. Don’t make it too obvious or anything, Hollywood. I mean come on. You’re not even trying anymore.

NC  Continue reading “New King Arthur movie has Freemason symbol on it.”