The Right Scoop

I’ve really come to look forward to Judge Jeanine’s monologues because she is one of the few who will tell the brutal truth no matter how politically incorrect or sensitive. And in this week’s monologue she takes on America’s top law enforcement agent and head of the DOJ, Eric Holder, and rakes him across the coals for the lies he has told and how he is running the DOJ. She calls him a political operative and says he needs to be indicted – and then she writes the actual indictment. Fantastic!   Continue reading “BOOM! Judge Jeanine SCORCHES Eric Holder, says he should be INDICTED”

Russian Aircraft CarrierBusiness Insider – by Geoffrey Ingersoll and Michael Kelley

The Kremlin has upped the geopolitical ante by pledging to send a heavy aircraft carrier to the Mediterranean, as reported by Russian news agency Interfax.

The carrier — named the “Admiral Kuznetsov” — is quite the beast, and word of its addition to the area of operations is just the latest in jockeying between the U.S. and Russia.    Continue reading “Russia Is Upping The Ante By Sending Its Only Aircraft Carrier To The Mediterranean”

Colonisation, by Jewish settlers, of confiscated land is attributed to being the cause of this declineMiddle East Monitor

New data published by the Lands Research Centre (LRC) shows that Palestinians own only eight per cent of historic Palestine. The LRC is affiliated to the Arabic Studies Association in Jerusalem. In a press conference held in Ramallah, it announced the publication of its latest Year Book, in which it documents Israeli violations of Palestinian rights concerning lands and houses. The book is published in English and Arabic.   Continue reading “Data Shows that Palestinians now Own just 8 percent of Historic Palestine”

World Events and the Bible – by Brandon Ward

WEB Notes: This is not a surprise to many of us, but it is sombering to see nonetheless. The state of California is well on their way to usurping the United States Constitution and your right to bear arms. The first step to confiscation is registration and this is exactly what they are calling for with this bill just passed by the California State Senate. This is not an official law at this time, however, it appears that this bill will become law shortly.   Continue reading “SB 374: California Set To Attack Second Amendment By Demanding Gun Registration”

images-1Daily Censored – by Stephen Lendman

America does it wholesale and retail. Obama’s wars increase body counts. They mount daily. Special forces death squads in over 120 countries add their own.

So do covert CIA agents. They’re licensed to kill. They do it globally.  FBI assassins operate domestically. Doing so belies their “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity” motto.   Continue reading “Murder, Inc: Official US Policy”

oprevolutionThe Organic Prepper

The 13th Amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery.  This means that if you are a slave today, it’s either illegal, or you have voluntarily accepted your servitude.

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.   Continue reading “Random Acts of Revolution”

File photo shows members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO).Press TV

An Iranian lawmaker has criticized the US policy of using terrorism as a tool, labeling Washington as the axis of evil and a supporter of terrorism across the globe.

In its annual “Country Reports on Terrorism” released on Thursday, the US State Department accused Iran of supporting terrorism.    Continue reading “US axis of evil, supporter of terrorism: Iranian lawmaker”

Veterans Today – by Stuart Littlewood

Australian federal and state MPs have been indulging in an orgy of anti-anti-semitism by signing en masse the London Declaration on Combating Anti-Semitism. Over 100 have put their mark on it.

Haaretz reports that even more of the nation’s 226 federal parliamentarians in Canberra are expected to sign up, and all 105 federal Liberal MPs and senators have done so.  Continue reading “These 34 commandments must be obeyed, says the London Declaration on Anti-Semitism”

Sheriffs-Gun-GrabLiberty News – by Mitch Odom

Law enforcement officers from across the nation met in St. Charles, Missouri this past Friday and Saturday. They were attending the annual Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association convention. Law enforcement officers, state lawmakers, county officials and concerned citizens were in attendance.

These are law enforcement officials who reject new gun control legislation whether on the state or federal level. Many of them are active in efforts to nullify gun control laws that have already been put in place.   Continue reading “Law Enforcement Convention Stands up for Second Amendment”

Holocaust Revisionist PenetentiaryThe Rebel – by Rebel of Oz

Part 1: The Debunked Middle-Eastern Roots – Part 2: The Debunked Anti-Semitism Hoax – Part 3: The Debunked Holocaust Hoax

Before getting into the nitty-gritty of the biggest taboo topic in modern history, I would like to ask my readers to try out the following experiment. Ask a few educated family members or close friends the following questions. Ask them to answer honestly and don’t tell them which country or historic event you are referring to.   Continue reading “The Zionists Have No Clothes – Part 3: The Debunked Holocaust Hoax”

What Is RicinHuffington Post – by Holbrook Mohr

JACKSON, Miss. — The key ingredient – castor beans – is easy to find. Crude instructions for extracting the lethal poison in them can be found on the Internet. And it doesn’t require a chemistry degree or sophisticated lab equipment.

The FBI is investigating at least three cases over the past month and a half in which ricin was mailed to President Barack Obama and other public figures.   Continue reading “What Is Ricin? Poison Used In Three Recent Cases”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

As you will see in the video the man does not die but he is injured.  What the hell is going on over there.  I’ve seen some reports that the main Turkish opposition party and other groups have hijacked the original protest to air their own grievances.  This may be so but Diren Gezy Park remains the heart and soul of the protest.    Continue reading “Turkish Protester Being Hit By Police ‘Panzer’ Truck”

MERS VirusUS Crow

usCrow contributors tend to focus on communism, war, and tyranny. However, we clearly outline several other threats the survival and prepper community should be prepared for. Viral Pandemic is listed in our Top 5 Reasons to be a Prepper, and with viruses like MERS it’s not hard to see why. Now, I rarely like citing the WHO (World Health Organization)findings, but in this case it’s acceptable. According to the WHO, MERS is a threat to the entire world…   Continue reading “MERS Virus the New Global Threat”

An S-300 air-defense system seen during a large-scale military exercise in Kazakhstan in 2011Radio Free Europe – by Charles Recknagel

Russia’s S-300 missile system could dramatically change the stakes in the Syrian conflict if it is sent to Damascus, which Russia has signed a contract to do. RFE/RL lays out five things to know about the air-defense system.    Continue reading “Five Things You Should Know About Syria And Russia’s S-300 Missile System”

	FBI agents could be seen late Thursday night removing items from the New Boston, TX home of a man that is said to be a person of interest in the ricin letter case.New York Daily News – by Jennifer Fermino , Rocco Parascandola AND Corky Siemaszko

The Texas man being grilled in connection with the ricin-laced letters mailed to President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg is married to an actress who played a zombie in “The Walking Dead.”

Nathan Richardson, 33, was unmasked Friday by a local paper as the man in FBI custody — and the husband of flame-haired beauty Shannon Rogers Guess.   Continue reading “Texas man held by FBI in Obama threat, Bloomberg ricin letter cases revealed”

Ammunition Ballistics GuideUS Crow

A firm knowledge in modern ammunition should be standard among survival groups and militias. Such knowledge includes; production of new ammunition, reloaded ammunition, SOP for tactical combat operations and etc. To download any one of these guides you can right click ‘download’ and select save as, or simply select the file you’d like to view without saving…   Continue reading “Ammunition Ballistics Guides”

blitwshccaajn28.jpg_largeThe Organic Prepper

North America needs to take note: Europe has defeated the biotech giant by refusing to be contaminated with Monsanto’s GMO offerings and toxic farming methods.

Monsanto announced that they will no longer continue to lobby for approval of its genetically modified seeds in Europe due to “low farmer demand.”   Continue reading “Monsanto Concedes Defeat in the Face of Europe’s Fierce Opposition to GMO’s”

Actor Woody Harrelson attends the 7th Directors Guild of America Honors after party at NOBU on October 16, 2008 in New York City. (Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images)IntelliHub – by JG Vibes

Actor Woody Harrelson shares his thoughts on Obama’s wars and questions the legitimacy of government itself.

I know many of you are probably thinking that this is just a dumb celebrity story, but this is actually a pretty big deal.  Whether we like it or not, a celebrity, any celebrity embracing a message that is counter to the mainstream is going to make that message more palatable to the general population, because unfortunately we still live in a world full of followers.   Continue reading “Woody Harrelson: “I’m an Anarchist… I Think People Could be Just Fine Looking After Themselves””