gun-confiscationThe Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

The attacks on the Second Amendment, by government, has extended to persecuting a decorated war hero and charging him with five counts of third degree criminal possession of a weapon, for having completely empty 30 round AR-15 Magazines in his vehicle.

On January 6, 2013, a decorated combat veteran, Staff Sergeant Nathan Haddad, was driving through Jefferson County, New York when he was randomly pulled over at a Fourth Amendment violating warrantless vehicle checkpoint search. Haddad, who had five 30 round empty magazines in his vehicle, was arrested by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department and was charged with five separate felonies. If convicted on all counts, Haddad, could spend the majority of the rest of his life in prison. Continue reading “Death By Doctor vs. Death By Firearms”

jesse-jacksonMoonbattery – by Dave Blount

As Margaret Thatcher observed, sooner or later socialists run out of other people’s money. But the looting won’t stop until they have stolen your last penny. Did you expect to have a secure retirement after working your whole life? Sucker:

At a three-day conference in New York that began on Wednesday, [Jesse] Jackson discussed a proposal for increasing the availability of capital by using pension money to make loans in low-income communities. The idea is getting a prominent debut at the 16th annual Wall Street Project Economic Summit, hosted by Mr. Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition and the Citizenship Education Fund. Continue reading “Jesse Jackson Calls for Looting Pension Funds”


Sheriffs have risen up all over our great nation to stand up against the unconstitutional gun control measures being taken.

The following is a list of sheriffs and state sheriff’s associations from who have vowed to uphold and defend the Constitution against Obama’s unlawful gun control measures.  I applaud these public servants for their courage and conviction.   Continue reading “256 Sheriffs and 6 State Sheriffs Associations Saying ‘No’ to Obama Gun Control”

harbaughZen Gardner

As you may have read already, the Super Bowl is taking unprecedented so-called “security” measures this year, stepping it up with each event as we saw with the Olympics insanity and the constant militarization of anything and everything. Not only in the US, but others in the axis of evil controllers are doing the same.

It’s just the US always does it “bigger and better”.

We’re watching this “operation oppression” kick in big time so I’m getting leery about this Super Bowl event. At the least it’s going to be another humongous show of weaponized jacked up security with the public being treated like the enemy. Just that meme is brutalizing and terrorizing enough. Whatever happens or not at this event or others, they’re succeeding in conditioning the mass mind, not just the 70 million plus who will be watching this event and swallowing whatever messages are given, overt and covert. Continue reading “Super Bowl War Games: Will There Be Blood?”

drugs_deesBefore It’s News – by Josey Wales

   Gupta: Let’s end the prescription drug death epidemic  “If you asked any guy on the street what the leading cause of accidental death is, they would guess gunshot or car accident,” said Tom McLellan, co-founder of the Treatment Research Institute, a nonprofit organization advocating for improvements in substance abuse policies. “They would never imagine it’s pharmaceutical opioids (painkillers).” Continue reading “Prescription Drugs vs Guns: Staggering Stastistic Tell The Rest Of The Story, You Decide!”

public housingThe News Gazette – by Patrick Wade

CHAMPAIGN — The Housing Authority of Champaign County is getting ready to allow its public housing residents to keep guns in their homes.

To this point, public housing residents in Champaign County have been prohibited from keeping firearms in housing authority buildings, but the agency’s insurance provider is now saying that the rule is a violation of residents’ Second Amendment rights. Continue reading “Public housing must permit guns”

prisonBeyond the debtors’ prisons now springing up in the United States of America, many cities are making those arrested and jailed pay for his/her own daily incarceration.  In an article published in National Law Journal by Joshua Michtom the concept of paying for one’s own incarceration is addressed [1]

His lengthy and well-referenced article brings to light the old saying of ‘three hots and a cot’ for any person who served in the U.S. Armed Forces or held prisoner.  Sadly, this saying is no longer valid.  Traditionally, what this statement has implied is that if a person were to go to join the U.S. Military or end up in jail, at bare minimum, that person would be able to obtain three hot meals and a bed to sleep in.  Throw in heat, free medical care, showers, and clothes, it might sound pretty good to a homeless person as well.  Correct?  Continue reading “The Price of Paying for One’s Own Incarceration”

bidenBusiness Week – by Patrick Donahue and Jonathan Tirone

Vice President Joseph Biden said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must relinquish power, as a top diplomat said the United Nations has to step into an expanding conflict that the warring parties can’t resolve.

“President Assad, a tyrant hellbent on clinging to power, is no longer fit to lead the Syrian people and he must go,” the U.S. vice president told an audience today at the Munich Security Conference in the Bavarian capital. UN special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi told the conference late yesterday that the world body is the only institution that can end the conflict. Continue reading “Biden Says Syria’s Assad ‘Hellbent’ on Power, Must Go”

gandhiThere is a lot of talk out here in cyberspace, with some putting forth the notion that our Republic can be restored without having to fight.  Every American national is absolutely entitled to their opinion, but I would put forth the following.  For the past twenty years, a majority of our people have been living within the delusion that we the people were in control of our government via the ballot box and the jury box, and this quite simply was not true, as our courts had been taken over and our elections defrauded.

Twenty years ago, when those of us who were paying attention pointed these facts out, we were called conspiracy theorists.  And of course there were those very self important people who were so much more intelligent than we, who not only refused to acknowledge what was then obvious and take measures to correct, but actually perpetuated the problem via their empty minded, thoughtless participation.  Continue reading “The Passive Resistance Pipe Dream”

A security officer runs after an explosion at the entrance of the U.S. embassy in AnkaraReuters – by Seltem Iyigun and Nick Tattersall

A Turkish leftist group claimed responsibility on Saturday for a suicide bomb attack on the U.S. embassy and accused Washington of using Turkey as its “slave”, according to a statement posted on the internet.

The Revolutionary People’s Liberation Army-Front (DHKP-C) said it carried out Friday’s attack, in which a suicide bomber detonated explosives strapped to his body at the embassy in Ankara, killing himself and a Turkish security guard. Continue reading “Turkish leftist group claims U.S. embassy bombing: website”

sheppardCop Block – by Davy V.

What do you do when you shoot a man being evicted from his home for owing back rent?

Well, when you’re the Rochester, NY Police department, you immediately go into damage control mode, spin, twist, and change your story in order to justify using deadly force against a man holding a bottle of bleach.

In other words, you LIE.

That’s exactly what Rochester, NY Police Chief James Sheppard and his thugs with badges down at the Public Safety building did, after Rochester, NY Police officers Antonio Gonzalez and James Ott shot Timothy Powell, a former homeless man being evicted from his downtown Rochester apartment. Continue reading “Rochester, NY Police Change their Story after officers Shoot Man being Evicted from his Apartment”


Charlotte, NC –-( Now that the 2013 session of the Missouri General Assembly has convened, your NRA-ILA has learned of some disturbing anti-gun bills that have been introduced.  These bills are designed to infringe upon the rights of law-abiding citizens and would do nothing to address criminal activity. Continue reading “Missouri: Bills Introduced to Restrict Your Gun Rights”

Guns-Make-us-Less-SafeAmmoLand – by Awr Hawkins

Washington DC – -( A Jan. 30 column in The Washington Times sent a clear message to those who’ve somehow failed to put two-and-two together in the current gun control debate–gun grabbing politicians want to take our guns away, but leave their guns in place.

In other words, the places in which they live and breath and conduct their business will remain under heavy guard–from police, armed agents, helicopter flyovers, and snipers at various points–while “the little people,” i.e., average American citizens, are expected to get along as best they can without any means to defend life or liberty. Continue reading “Washington Times: Gun Free Zones Are Only For ‘The Little People’”

wisconsinSurvival and Prosperity – by Christopher E. Hill

By the time I started this blog back in November 2010, I already had a pretty good idea I’d eventually be leaving the city of Chicago to reside someplace else. And every once in a while, I’d query the “best places” to live in America- should TSHTF or not. While the area of southeastern Wisconsin I’m looking at moving to in a few years is probably not “ideal” (even less so the suburbs of Chicago) from a prepper’s perspective, practitioners of modern survivalism would probably see more positives than negatives with the location. Keeping in mind that not only do I envision a certain lifestyle for myself down the road, but I also think I have a pretty good idea of what will be required to “survive and prosper” in America in the coming years, this part of the Midwest really appears to be a nice fit not only for me but my girlfriend as well. Here’s hoping it is. Continue reading “Project Prepper: Why Wisconsin?”

sandy hookSandy Hook Shooting Research – by Sherrie Questioning All

Sandy Hook Questions.. Where are hospital survivor interviews?  Where are the 9/11 Calls from the school itself?  Where are pictures of the glass broken?

These are just a few of the unanswered questions that normally the media is all over the information after a big event. Continue reading “More unanswered Sandy Hook Questions”

Cobb-County-APCEnd the Lie – by Madison Rupert

Some 600 police departments and sheriff’s offices in Georgia have joined the many law enforcement agencies nationwide using military-grade equipment, once again raising concerns around local law enforcement’s need for such heavy duty weaponry.

As I reported in 2011, the Pentagon gives away military equipment to law enforcement agencies under the 1033 program in addition to military robots provided by the Department of Defense, police use of armored surveillance vehicles provided for nearly nothing by corporations, law enforcement use of tanks and armored personnel carriers and drones. Continue reading “Georgia police acquired $200 million worth of military-grade vehicles and weapons through DoD”