Hazmat-Suit-Chemical-Dangerous-VirusNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

Two American researchers whose efforts to deliberately re-engineer the H5N1 avian flu virus to be more virulent and deadly to humans are now asking that a government-advised moratorium on their controversial research be lifted. According to TIME, the duo alleges that precise details about how it developed the deadly flu strain must be made public, and that its controversial research be allowed to continue for the sake of “public health.” Continue reading “U.S. virologists intentionally engineer super-deadly pandemic flu virus”


The Obama administration’s Department of Agriculture has released nutrition standards for “competitive” foods and has outlawed snacks considered unhealthy by the nanny state federal government.

“Regular soda is out, though high-schoolers may have access to diet versions,” The Hill reports.

That’s right – the government is recommending our kids drink soda laden with the deadly neurotoxin aspartame. Continue reading “Obama Pushing Aspartame on Grade Schoolers”

Monsanto Partners with Synthetic GenomicsUT Sandiego – by Bradley J. Fikes

Monsanto Corp. has acquired part of a La Jolla agricultural biotech in a deal that gives the St. Louis food giant a presence in San Diego for the first time.

Monsanto purchased crop-boosting microbial technology from Agradis, a spinoff of Synthetic Genomics, the companies said Wednesday. Monsanto also made an equity investment in Synthetic Genomics and signed a research agreement with the company. Terms were not disclosed. Continue reading “Monsanto Partners with Synthetic Genomics”

Thousands Of Wreaths Placed At Arlington National Cemetery Ahead Of The HolidaysHuffington Post

WASHINGTON, Feb 1 (Reuters) – The most extensive study yet by the U.S. government on suicide among military veterans shows more veterans are killing themselves than previously thought, with 22 deaths a day – or one every 65 minutes, on average.

The study released on Friday by the Department of Veterans Affairs covered suicides from 1999 to 2010 and compared with a previous, less precise VA estimate that there were roughly 18 veteran deaths a day in the United States. Continue reading “Military Suicides: One U.S. Veteran Dies Every 65 Minutes”

obamaLone Star Watchdog

What is the definition of Insurrection?

Here it is: The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.

Does it define the present state we are in? It is not always the people in revolt. It is the Federal Government defying the Constitution and the rule of law. Using the end justifies the means, breaking the law all the way. President Barrack Obama’s actions have been an act of war against the American people. He swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. Everything he has done has been to undermine the Constitution. He sees himself as a law unto himself. He is acting as a dictator or a king making edicts or decrees. Continue reading “Is Our Government Involved in Insurrection Against the People? This is Why They Hate the Second Amendment.”

poor-people-pay-moreAOL – by Pete Bigalow

Pride yourself on being a safe driver? You might be paying a penalty for that distinction.

The country’s largest auto insurers often charge safe drivers more money for their annual insurance premiums than their more reckless counterparts, according to a study released Monday by the Consumer Federation Of America. Continue reading “Poor People Pay More For Car Insurance, Study Finds”

onlineSlate – by Ryan Gallagher

Every day, billions of emails and phone calls flow through communications networks in countries across the world. Now, one American company has built technology capable of spying on them all—and business is booming.

Verint, a leading manufacturer of surveillance technologies, is headquartered in Melville, N.Y., in a small cluster of nondescript buildings that also includes the office of a multinational cosmetics supplier and some electronics companies. Continue reading “Meet the American Company Helping Governments Spy on “Billions” of Communications”

silverwareWashington’s Blog

Department of Energy Wants to Let Radioactive Scrap Metal Back into Consumer Products.

The overwhelming scientific consensus is that any amount of radiation – no matter how small – can cause cancer and other serious health effects.

(Current safety standards are based on the ridiculous assumption that everyone exposed is a healthy man in his 20s – and that radioactive particles ingested into the body cause no more damage than radiation hitting the outside of the body. In the real world, however, even low doses of radiation can cause cancer. Moreover, small particles of radiation – called “internal emitters” – which get inside the body are much more dangerous than general exposures to radiation. See this and this. And radiation affects small children much more than full-grown adults.) Continue reading “Government to Dispose of Radioactive Waste By Putting It In Our SILVERWARE”

RNitcfCHuffington Post – by Zoe Mintz

For the city’s homeless, San Francisco’s St. Boniface Church is seen as a safe haven.

The nonprofit known as the Gubbio Project partners with the Roman Catholic church to let the city’s homeless sleep on its pews during daylight hours, even during Mass, and provides a host of services to hundreds of those who are forced to leave when homeless shelters close in the morning, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Continue reading “St. Boniface Church In San Francisco Lets Homeless People Sleep In Pews”

piggyBankThe Organic Prepper – by Daisy Luther

People all over the globe are struggling right now to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads.  For some, these tips will not be helpful because their situation has become so dire.  For the rest of us, though, there are many places that we can cut the budget in order to put aside money to prepare.  If you are spending money on any of these things and claiming that you can’t afford to prep, I’m calling “Baloney Sandwich” on that today.

You may not want to make changes.  You may not want to sacrifice your little luxuries.  You may feel like you “deserve” them or that you have “earned” them. Continue reading “Tough Love: You DO Have Enough Money to Prep”


BELLEVUE, WA –-(Ammoland.com)- While the U.S. Senate held hearings on new federal gun control proposals, another prominent Second Amendment rights group joined the fast-growing Firearms Policy Coalition, noted managing director Brandon Combs.

In addition to the existing Coalition representation in Washington, D.C., California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Texas, West Virginians now have the backing of FPC’s innovative and dynamic cross-state gun rights advocacy platform. Continue reading “Powerful West Virginia Citizens Defense League Joins Firearms Policy Coalition”

israeli jetsIsrael, without provocation, attacked the sovereign country of Syria Wednesday, in violation of international law.   But of course Israel doesn’t give one little damn about international law, no more than the dual citizen Israeli-Americans who have infiltrated our government care about our constitutional law.  Israel is rogue and arrogant to a fault and they care not if their actions might cause the deaths of millions or even billions.

We American sovereigns who understand the evils of Zionism would not care if Israel was completely destroyed, but then I guess that is why the Zionists feel we must be disarmed and subjugated.  Continue reading “Israeli Attack on Syria – Naked Aggression”

agenda 21The PPJ Gazette – by Marti Oakley

While we have been diverted with the government’s plan to disarm us, that fine collection of corporatists, new world order advocates and United Nations servants have been busy using the federal register to implement United Nations Bio-regions within the United States.  While these land and resource thefts will be accompanied by some fluffy scripts about how they are saving the planet for future generations and how the federal government and the United Nations are the only ones able and willing to protect these vast resource rich areas, the fact is, the plans they have for these areas have nothing to do with preservation or protection.  This is all about money and stealing from the states and their communities’ any and all resources that can be sold to corporations for massive profits. Continue reading “A Devil’s bargain: Pacific Southwest to become UN Bio-region”

gun banWND – by Joseph Farah

Someone asked me recently what might make a good compromise with those at war with the Second Amendment.

My answer is there is no compromise. In fact, we have compromised too much in the past, opening the door for the banning of classifications of firearms that will, if unchecked and not reversed, lead inevitably to an American society devoid of the weapons of meaningful self-defense – both against criminals and future tyrants. Continue reading “Time to Roll Back All Gun Bans”

gas pricesBefore It’s News – by Josey Wales

Hold on to your wallets: we are in the middle of a gas price spike, and experts say it will only get worse.

There are several factors that might push the price in our area to more than $4 a gallon.

It’s now become a task most people dread — pulling up to the pump. Continue reading “Gas Prices Begin To Soar, Expect $4.00 A Gallon Gas or Higher Very Soon, Here’s Why”

22lrSeasoned Prepper – by Rourke

This post was originally published over at ModernSurvivalOnline quite a while ago. I believe its contents are still viable and really needs to be updated. Let me emphasize something here – I am not endorsing the 22LR as a defensive round. What I am saying is that if it is what you have, and what you can afford – it is better than a mean stare. Continue reading “22LR as a Defensive Round?”

daily mailDavid Icke

It exposes an alleged Problem-Reaction-Solution chemical attack in Syria that would be blamed on President Assad to justify military action against him and his regime.

Visitors to this website know that this is happening all the time and 9/11 was the most famous example, but here was a British national newspaper publishing the story. Continue reading “Why has this massive story of global importance been removed from the Daily Mail Website?”

Feds_seize_nearly_1500_in_gun_raidKRQE News 13 by Crystal Gutierrez

ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) – A federal search warrant affidavit outlines the massive raid that seized nearly 1,500 firearms from the home and business of an Albuquerque man and why the feds were after him.

Last week rifles lined the lawn of a northeast Albuquerque home that belonged to Robert Adams. Homeland Security Investigations was also busy loading hundreds of handguns into boxes. Continue reading “Feds seized nearly 1,500 guns in raid”


LOS ANGELES — Cardinal Roger M. Mahony, who retired less than two years ago as the leader of the nation’s largest Roman Catholic archdiocese, was removed from all public duties by his successor, Archbishop José H. Gomez, as the church complied with a court order to release thousands of pages of internal documents that show how the cardinal shielded priests who sexually abused children.

The documents, released as part of a record $660 million settlement in 2007 with the victims of abuse, are the strongest evidence so far that top officials for years purposely tried to conceal abuse from law enforcement officials. The files, which go from the 1940s to the present, are the latest in a series of revelations that suggest that the church continued to maneuver against law enforcement even after the extent of the abuse crisis emerged. Continue reading “Cardinal in Los Angeles Is Removed From Duties”