Alabama’s legislature has passed an Arizona style immigration bill which is now awaiting the signature of Governor Robert Bentley.  The bill was passed on votes of 67-29 in the House and 25-7 in the Senate.  The new law will allow for law enforcement to investigate the legal status of those they reasonably suspect of being in the country illegally.

It will also make it a crime for an illegal alien to apply for a job in the state.  The law will also require all employers to use E-Verify to establish the citizenship of all applicants.  Sanctuary cities will be outlawed.  Further it will make it a crime to transport and or harbor illegal aliens.  And I like this one best of all.  Any business twice convicted of hiring illegals will lose their business license.

Continue reading “Alabama Legislature Strikes a Blow for Legal Americans”

The very same economists who were hyping the lie of a recovery are now saying that the unemployment rate is going to stay about the same at 9% through 2012.  99ers, bear in mind that as hundreds of thousands more join our ranks they will cease to be counted.  This is one aspect of long term unemployment that continues to be buried along with the 99ers it represents.

New polls are showing that 80% of Americans are angry at “Business as usual” in Washington DC.  Well, duh.  The fact is the unemployment rate has been at 9% or higher 23 out of the past 25 months and with the renewed foreclosures causing home prices to plummet again, even those still employed can see the writing on the wall.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters – What If”

On March 19th American war planes attacked the sovereign country of Libya.  This act was a violation of international and United States law.  The people of the United States were told that the act was necessary in order to prevent the deaths of innocent civilians.  All through the Middle East and Northern Africa innocent civilians are being shot every day and these actions are being condemned as the crimes against humanity they represent.

However, last Friday when unarmed protesters from Syria crossed an imaginary line on its border with Israel they were shot down in cold blood.  For two days the outrage went without explanation except to say that the protesters had provoked the Israelis.  The protesters were simply walking onto land that had been taken from them by the invading Israelis.
Continue reading “Protesters Blatantly Murdered by Israeli Government”

Representative Dennis Kucinich (D) OH, in an interview on MSNBC, said the House was giving President Obama two weeks to explain his actions in Libya.  We all know that the US air invasion of Libya was and is a violation of US and international law.  Kucinich said during the interview that Gaddafi was, before the violence broke out, trying to implement a democratic system at the local level.

Another measure introduced in the House that called for an immediate withdrawal from Libya was of course defeated.  I guess we have to continue enforcing that no-fly-zone by attacking the Libyan ground forces and bombing Gaddafi’s home.
Continue reading “The Invasion of Libya is Another Lie”

Florida’s Governor Rick Scott has signed a new law that would make it mandatory for welfare recipients to be drug tested.  Scott says American tax payer dollars should not be subsidizing the drug habits of the poor.  Scott recently made it mandatory for state employees working under him to undergo random urinalyses.  On a CNN interview Scott was asked what evidence he had that the poor were using welfare monies to buy drugs.  He was asked this question twice.  And twice he said there are studies that indicate that it is true.

In a follow up interview, CNN talked to Howard Simon of the ACLU.  Simon said that only one study of drug use among welfare recipients had been conducted in Florida.  He further stated the study was ended when no evidence of said drug use could be found.
Continue reading “Florida Welfare Recipients to be Drug Tested, Will the CEOs on Wall Street be Next?”

It is being reported that if the United States Congress does not raise our debt limit, Moody’s is going to drop our credit rating.  So just what or who is Moody’s?  Well I will tell you.  Moody’s Corporation is the parent company of Moody’s Investors Service, which provides credit ratings and research covering debt instruments and securities.  Moody’s is also the organization that gave Triple A ratings to the bad derivatives made up of the toxic mortgages that resulted in the economic collapse.

It worked like this.  The banks made loans that they doubted could be paid back; high risk, high interest loans.  They then packaged those bad loans into derivatives, after which they hired Moody’s to evaluate these toxic loans and give them a fraudulent Triple A rating, after which they were purchased by institutions like workers’ pension plans consisting of 401Ks.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters – The Banksters Want More”

It seems every politician is now attempting to make our Constitution a buzz word in every speech.  Sarah Palin has a copy of it on the side of her bus.  Well I have a message for those who think they can hijack the cause of the American people of the American race.  Constitution is not a buzz word.  It is a living reality and we the people are understanding its true meaning more and more every day, while people like Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin attempt to degrade its significance by commercializing it.

Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin are laughable in their lack of knowledge of American history.  Their attempts to assert the righteousness of their neo-con elitist’s views using our Constitution, is an insult to our intelligence.
Continue reading “99ers, Unemployed – Referendum from the People to Dr. Ron Paul”

On June 28, 1919 the Treaty of Versailles is signed.  The carpet bagging robber barons move in on Germany, which is suffering a depression.  The Nazi Party, formerly the German Workers Party, rise to power during the 1920s.  The party’s leader, Adolf Hitler, is appointed Chancellor of Germany by the president Hindenburg in 1933.

Adolf Hitler has his secret service burn down the German Parliament, Reichstag, on February 22, 1933 and blames it on his political enemies, which are the national socialist that put him into power.  Between June 30th and July 2nd comes the “Night of the Longknives” when Adolf kills his political enemies, the Brownshirts, again, the same socialists that put him into power.  By 1938 Germany has rebuilt its industry and is beginning its invasion of Europe.
Continue reading “99ers, Unemployed; We Can Assert our Power, This is How”

Barbara Lee: With Unemployment Rate Still High, We Must Reject Drastic Republican Cuts to Programs That Help the Most Vulnerable and Needy Populations

June 3, 2011

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement this morning in reaction to the May jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

“While the overall economy may be showing signs of improvement, too many people are unable to find work and millions are still feeling a great deal of pain.  Clearly there is still much work to do to ensure that our economic recovery is felt in every community.  The national unemployment rate rose to 9.1%.  That number rises to 16.2% in the African-American community and 11.9% in the Hispanic community, both increases from last month.  And among teenagers, the unemployment rate is at 24%.

Continue reading “Barbara Lee’s Press Release on Rise in the Unemployment Rate”

Only 54,000 jobs created in May, the fake lie unemployment rate is up to 9.1%.  There are not enough products in all the turtle wax factories around the world to polish this turd, but Bloomberg had to try.  First they said the increasing unemployment is due to more people who had given up going out and looking for a job again.  No sale.

There has been a gross loss of jobs in just about every industry.  The filthy rich corporations are firing, not hiring.  On Bloomberg they said “Don’t look at the unemployment rate.”  They say we have created 2 million jobs, which they say is keeping us at an even keel with new people entering the job force from graduates, and get this, foreigners coming here to work on visas.
Continue reading “Unemployment Rate Raises to 9.1% – Barbara Lee Step Up and Push HR 589 for 99ers”

422,000 new filings for unemployment this week and how is this devastation reported?  “Great news, new filings were down 2000 from the week before. “ I guess that is kind of like, “Great news, your hand got cut off instead of your arm.”

These dirt bags in the 112th Congress have not done one damn thing to address the jobs problem and all they can tell us now is what they have been telling us since they destroyed our economy.  “We need to give more tax cuts to the filthy rich – for jobs.  We need to deregulate the robber baron industry – for jobs.  We need to take Social Security and Medicare, please just let us we are only going to screw those 55 and younger – and it’s for jobs.  Cut welfare and food stamps and give that money to the corporations – for jobs.  Fire a million public workers – for jobs.  Grant amnesty to 30 million illegals working our jobs – for jobs.”
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters – All 99ers Must Die for Jobs”

Well the big buzz is there may be a double dip.  And what exactly does this mean?  Well the corporate elite are getting ready to dip into the middle class again and throw another bunch of us out in the streets to starve to death as the lie of a recovery can no longer be sustained.

We at From the Trenches have made it emphatically clear that the downward spiral has not only not slowed, but has in reality been accelerating.  Remember back in December the filthy rich were saying jobs were not coming back because they needed an extension of their tax give aways, after which they would feel secure and start hiring again. We told you that this was a lie.  And when the propagandists told you we were in a recovery we told you that there was no recovery and that there was not going to be one.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters – A Double Dip – Here Comes Some More 99ers on the Road to Slavery”

The stock market has been rising on news that Greece will be receiving another bailout.  So why does that make our stock market rise?  It is because the phony dollar is losing value.  It is that thing we call inflation.  If you are a 99er or among the middle class you know it very well.  The dollar gets worth less so you have to give more dollars for the things you need to live.

This is the perfect example of the two class system that the fiat dollar has created.  The dollar gets worth less causing inflation, which you would think would cause a loss to everyone across the board.  Not so.  The rich man’s wealth held in the stock market goes unaffected as there is an immediate adjustment for inflation.  If the dollar is worth less the rich man’s property is simply worth more dollars.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters Where is Our Wealth?”

We found out that good old Goldman Sachs has been doing big business with Muammar Gaddafi and the Libyan government.  Apparently Goldman Sachs screwed Libya in reference to a sovereign wealth fund that Gaddafi was controlling for his people.  In the scam Libya lost 98% of a $1.3 billion investment and when Gaddafi and his government found out, the Goldman Sachs executives in Libya had to be ushered out of the country fearing for their lives.

Apparently the Libyans did not take being screwed by Goldman Sachs like we Americans did.  In this country not only did we lose the money they stole from us but we lost double that amount in bailing them out.
Continue reading “Did Goldman Sachs Order the Invasion of Libya?”

The Supreme Court has ruled that California must release 46,000 prisoners due to overpopulation.  In looking for solutions to the problem, California, a state that is on the verge of bankruptcy, has the option of building more prisons, sending the prisoners to the individual counties they came from which cannot afford to hold them, or releasing them into the public.

Using logic it would seem that the prudent thing to do would be to release 46,000 inmates who are in prison for victimless crimes as they would not be a threat to the public.  So is this what they are going to do?  Not a chance.  They will release rapists and murderers for the purpose of coercing the people to vote in more taxes for more prisons.
Continue reading “The Supreme Court Rules 46,000 Inmates to be Released – Should We Flog them First?”

There have been a lot of pieces in the mainstream propaganda trying to portray businesses as doing well in the United States and the truth is businesses are doing great.  The problem is the people are not.  The record profits being seen by big business can be directly correlated to record downsizing of American jobs which have been moved overseas where labor costs are at a minimum.

The neo-cons like to step up and declare that it is just good business and that it is the right of international corporations, basing themselves in the United States, to move our industry out of our country.  In one FOX report I watched, the propagandists were doing a piece on a railroad yard.  This is when I heard an undeniable truth being told in an attempt to spin its factual content toward the positive.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters – We have Lifted the Rock and the Vermin are Scurrying”

Today is Memorial Day, the day we remember our fallen heroes.  What exactly constitutes a fallen hero?  That would probably be those who gave their lives to defend our country and our people.  I guess we’ll have to go back to the Civil War.

So what about World War I, the foreign money war to begin all foreign money wars?  And oh how they treated our veterans when they came home to find out what had been done to their Constitution in their absence.  And when they marched on Washington DC they were threatened with annihilation at the hands of the very army they served.  They made the mistake of giving up their guns when they came home.
Continue reading “Support our Troops Bring them Home”

The only thing being revealed in the mainstream media a late is the existence of a deliberate blackout of issues the American people are concerned about.  We are hearing nothing of the Fukushima Power Plant and the ongoing spread of the radiation that has to be occurring.

I personally would like to know how all of the contaminated food that has been produced in Japan is being disposed of.  I guess I don’t want to hear a special report five months from now that radioactive food was shipped to the United States, and sold in the Chinese owned chain stores, and that millions of Americans have eaten the food, and are now contaminated; and of course that there will be an investigation.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters Henry Uses Super Computer to Solve U.S Financial Problems”

President Obama was pounding his reelection message out on the campaign trail in Poland.  The only thing I can figure is that he intends to sign an executive order authorizing every citizen of every nation, except the United States and our citizens, to vote in our 2012 election.  This is what he is doing, people, in Ireland he became O’Bama.  Yesterday he was claiming his Polish heritage which he asserted he acquired living in Chicago.

Well I guess the international corporate mafia has spent a lot of money pushing multiculturalism on the people of the United States for the past 30 years.  Evidently with the idea that if it truly took hold, a person like Obama, having screwed the American people as a hole (pun intended) could appeal to the prejudices of individual ethnic groups, thinking they would put their ancestry ahead of their American citizenship.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters Obama on the Campaign Trail”

The gap between the rich and poor continues to grow daily.  Some try to purport that the widening gap represents a natural consequence of those who are better educated and motivated naturally rising above the rest, which keeps alive the delusion that someone starting out poor can naturally rise to the level their intelligence and aptitude dictates  Not so.

For a person who is born into the bottom 60% of income, there is a less than 2% chance that he or she will end up in the top 5%.  Children born to parents in the bottom 20% hold a 40% chance of staying there for the rest of their lives.  For these numbers to represent a natural occurrence it would have to be accepted as fact that rich intelligent people have rich intelligent children, while poor ignorant people have poor ignorant children.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters Why do the Haves Have and the Have Nots Not”