- Ron Paul 25%
- Newt Gingrich 21%
- Herman Cain 20%
- Mitt Romney 15%
- Rick Perry 7%
- Michele Bachmann 7%
- Rick Santorum 3%
- Jon Huntsman 1%
- Undecided 1%
Category: News
Free Speech for People, introduced by Rep. Jim McGovern (R-MA), was advertised as a Constitutional Amendment designed to get money out of politics and return the election process to the people. However yesterday, the true intent of the legislation was revealed and that is to say corporations would be stopped from buying our elections, but labor unions and non-profit organizations would not.
This legislation is socialism in the absolute. Labor unions are corporations as are all 501 c (3) entities. The argument against corporate purchase of our elections was that corporations are working collectively to nullify our individual will. Labor Unions are collectives and are repugnant to individual determination.
Continue reading “Free Speech for People HJ 88 (the Free Speech bill) will be debated in Congress”
For the past week we have observed a four way tie in the GOP polls between Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Herman Cain. These polls are phony to start with and anyone who believes them to be accurate in any way is a fool. With Paul’s projected rise in the polls attempts were made to attack him as a front runner. But the only thing the propagandists could attack was his platform, because Dr. Paul has no scandal in his past, and as the attack was waged the support for Dr. Paul’s platform surged.
So now with another debate tonight, the propagandists have rushed new polls to front and center, showing Ron Paul in fifth and sixth place, even behind the pathetic plastic Perry. Any credibility these propagandists might have had left is destroyed as their polls now defy math and logic.
Continue reading “Pollsters Scramble to Eliminate Ron Paul from Tonight’s Debate”
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” These words are from our Declaration of Independence and what they are basically saying is that we are born into our rights.
However, apparently Newt Gingrich does not agree with this assertion. In speaking on the subject of the Occupy protesters, Newt said during the GOP Thanksgiving Family Forum,
“The protesters are working on the premise that we all owe them everything. They take over a public park they didn’t pay for, to go nearby to use bathrooms they didn’t pay for, to beg for food from places they don’t want to pay for, to instruct those who are going to work to pay the taxes that sustain the bathrooms and sustain the park, so they can self righteously exclaim they are the paragons of virtue, to which we owe everything. Now that is a pretty good symptom of how much the left has collapsed as a moral system in this country and why you need to reassert something as simple as saying to them, ‘Go get a job right after you take a bath.’”
Continue reading “Newt Gingrich’s Verbal Attack on Occupy Protesters”
Thousands of foreign nationals, who have entered our country illegally, been arrested and held in jail are being released as a part of the illegal insurgent Barack Obama’s back door amnesty, perpetrated through an unconstitutional executive dictate. The lie being put forth for this action is that the system is overloaded and that this amnesty will allow the more violent criminals to be deported sooner.
The truth of this action is that is represents nothing short of open treason as it facilitates a foreign invasion. The fact is these insurgents who are being released are felons being released, as it is a felony to cross our borders without proper permission and documentation. And I think we should all be asking ourselves, if these insurgents can be freed as felons, to what degree? What other felonies can they have committed and still be unleashed upon us?
Continue reading “Illegal Alien Felons Being Released on the American People”
Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, son of Muammar Gaddafi, was captured in the Libyan dessert Saturday and now is being held awaiting a war crimes tribunal. Just who will make up the tribunal is unclear at present. The internationals of course want Saif al-Islam Gaddafi before an international body, while it is said the transitional government in Libya wants to try him in a Libyan court in spite of the fact that no Libyan justice system has yet been established.
And what of this war crimes tribunal? Will they be looking at any and all war crimes committed in Libya or just those alleged to have been committed by Saif al-Islam Gaddafi? I am saying unequivocally it will be the latter because if all the war crimes were looked at, a few more defendants would be required, don’t you think, like Sarkozy, Cameron, and of course the Nobel Peace Prize winning Barack Hussein Obama.
Continue reading “Libya, Egypt, and How About Iran? War, War, and More War”
The international corporate bankers, who have stolen $32 trillion of our wealth, have come together to finance a campaign designed to demonize and destroy the 99% Occupy movement. You see the bankers have put the word out to the GOP candidates, saying that whoever does the best job of attacking the protesters will receive the biggest cash payment, and all but Ron Paul are sitting up on their hind legs with their tongues hanging out like dogs around the supper table.
Newt Gingrich, speaking at a forum on social issues, said the protesters need to be told to take a bath and get a job. This, from a man who should be sitting in a federal prison for the crimes he has committed.
The mainstream propagandists are putting on quite a display for the international corporate mafia, showing how they can propel a candidate from literally nothing to the top, overnight. Not that their phony polls represent reality in the smallest degree, only displaying the media power the money of the corporate elite represents.
Continue reading “The 99% Movement and Attempts at Socialist Infiltration”
On Friday, November 18th, a police officer walked up to a small group of protesters at UC Davis, who were sitting in the street and presented no danger to anyone, and began dousing them with pepper spray. If one of us as a citizen did the same to another citizen who offered no threat to us, we would be charged with assault. Many of the police out there are making it clear that they are nothing more than corporate hired lapdog thugs.
The mainstream propaganda machine is doing everything in its power to create an illusion wherein the occupy protesters simply cease to exist. This again is a direct result of pressure and bribes coming from the international corporate mafia. You see the movement has begun to affect the bottom line and make no mistake, the elite will torture and even kill to maintain the status quo, wherein they are piling up wealth derived through the massive theft of our natural resources.
Continue reading “Mainstream Propagandists Faltering in Face of Ron Paul Revolution”
I attended the Occupy Klamath Falls protest on Thursday. I, my wife, two of my sons, my sister, and my niece made signs and went to town. The protesters were gathering in a parking lot and as we joined them a little socialist stepped up and started preaching his socialism, using a piece of chalk and circles on a slate board to show the distribution of wealth discrepancy.
Then he started talking about free education, health care, and housing. After hearing him call our country a “Democracy” a third time, I interjected. I shouted the socialist down and made it clear that my Constitution was not going to be replaced with socialism.
Continue reading “Henry Confronts Socialists at Occupy Klamath Falls Protest”
388,000 more workers filed new unemployment claims this week and this is being hailed as a sure sign that we are in a recovery. Question: What are we recovering from? Remember we have been out of the recession since June of 2010. Corporations have been and are making record profits. Again, what are we recovering from?
Weren’t we in a recovery this time last year? Has recovery become like a season? Every fall during the harvest and Christmas commerce season we recover and then in the spring we have to pay for the recovery, you know, for all the Christmas gifts charged on credit cards. And of course all the temporary jobs have ended and these people who will re-file for unemployment will have their numbers used to hide the fact that another million have lost their unemployment benefits at 99 weeks.
Continue reading “November Recovery Right on Schedule”
Today marks the two month anniversary of the beginning of the Occupy Wall Street protests. Occupy protests will be held throughout our country and indeed around the world today. Considering the corporate elite ordered attempts to shut down the protests for the Christmas season, every person who is able should be out on the streets today. The corporate elite have flexed their money muscles, now it is time for us to flex our numbers.
I was amazed to see that every town in Oregon wherein I know somebody had a protest planned within fifty miles. I will be marching on Wall Street and Esplanade in Klamath Falls, Oregon this afternoon and I am taking some people with me. There is no excuse for anyone not doing something today.
Continue reading “Occupy Everywhere Today”
At 1:00 am EST Tuesday morning, New York Police attacked the Occupy Wall Street protesters at Zuccotti Park, acting on orders from Mayor Bloomberg. The protesters were removed from the park and the police set up a perimeter. The protesters’ possessions were removed.
At 6:30 am New York Supreme Court Judge Lucy Billings issued a restraining order against the owners of the park, the police, and Mayor Bloomberg, ordering the parties to cease and desist and allow the protesters back into the park with their tents and sleeping bags.
The order was ignored and the police held the park. Mayor Bloomberg stated that our Constitution, though it allows freedom of speech, does not allow tents and sleeping bags as a part of that freedom of speech.
Continue reading “Lawless Actions of New York Mayor Bloomberg Sanctioned by Corporate Elitist Judge Stallman”
Below is the court order issued by New York Supreme Court Justice Lucy Billings. If you or I did not act immediately in this situation we would be sitting in jail.
As of 2:30 pm EST Zuccotti Park remains closed in defiance of the court order.
Continue reading “New York Mayor Bloomberg Defies Court Order”
These petitions were sent to us by Angel. She also reports that the arrests are still going on. NYPD seems to be keeping them out of all parks. They showed up in riot gear to keep them out of Trinity Park (private, but fenced off for renovations) and right now they’ve arrested dozen+ at a park in Tribeca. They’re trying to return to Liberty Park (major gathering @ 11am EST) but are still being kept out (more arrests). Bloomberg canceled his trip to DC today in order to block the court order at the hearing this afternoon.
Continue reading “Petitions in Response to Bloomberg Evicting Zuccotti Park”
Mayors in cities across the nation are ordering crackdowns on the Occupy protesters. One talking head in the mainstream media said, “The Oakland police are working to keep people off of the public grounds.” We need to look at this situation. Under our Constitution we are all supposed to be equal. This means the dirtiest, stinkiest protester is supposed to have every right and consideration that George Soros does. But what we see occurring is the officials, who are supposed to represent all of us equally, are sending street thugs to abuse the 99% majority of us in enforcing the dictates of the 1%.
The propagandists are citing as cause for the actions against the protesters, health and security issues. They say crime has gone up 10% in and around the protest zones. Could it be that crime is rising naturally as a result of a million more citizens running out of unemployment benefits?
Continue reading “Occupy Wall Street Movement – Time for a Counter Attack”
The GOP debate in South Carolina on Saturday evening was centered on US foreign policy and as Dr. Ron Paul is the only candidate advocating for an end to the foreign wars and the return of our troops from 139 countries around the world, he was practically removed from the proceedings.
The mainstream propagandists on both the phony left and the phony right are pronouncing Mitt Romney as the GOP candidate in 2012, though not a single primary has yet been held. Well I guess that is their reality. Unfortunately for them they only represent 20% of the population.
Many are outraged over the fact that Dr. Paul was limited to a mere 89 seconds of speaking time during the debate. We have to realize that the more egregious the media exemptions become, the surer we can be that Dr. Paul’s popularity is growing exponentially.
Continue reading “CBS GOP Debate Shows Desperation by the Elite”
Peace through mutually assured destruction. This is the theology that fostered the Cold War. The United States spent $5.5 trillion to assure the destruction of the Soviet Union which bankrupted itself to assure our destruction. Both countries now possess enough nuclear weapons to destroy the entire planet many times over.
And what is the current threat that could lead us to that eventuality? One hypothetical nuclear bomb in Iran. Israel possesses over 120 nuclear warheads. There can be no question that the Israelis possess the nuclear capability to completely destroy Iran.
After the US bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the Soviet Union scrambled to develop their own nuclear capability. Why? Because they had been put at a disadvantage. We have to remember that in those days the US was decidedly anti-communist and the people of the Soviet Union saw US nuclear capability as a decisive threat to their belief system and way of life.
Continue reading “Israel, Iran, the United States, and the Soviet Union – Mutual Assured Destruction”
The jails and prisons of the United States are literally jammed full of US citizens who have harmed no other person for so called victimless crimes, like possession of marijuana. One of the cornerstones of our justice system, before the Patriot Act and the takeover of our court system by the corporations, was the great writ; that is habeas corpus, which is Latin for “produce the corps” which is to say you cannot have a crime without a victim.
Now let’s talk about some crimes with victims. Just in the State of Illinois alone, a hundred fugitives, facing charges of murder, rape, and other serious felonies, have fled across the border back to where they came from, Mexico. These illegal aliens are coming into our country and committing violent felonies, some capitol, and then returning home to live out their lives, unhampered by the past.
Continue reading “Obama Continues to Facilitate the Illegal Invasion”
Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat is going to be the Democratic candidate in 2012. The Rat has shown himself to be the leader of a foreign insurgency hell bent on the destruction of the Republic and the enslavement of the American people of the American race. Barry Soetoro is counted among the 1%.
Now who is going to run against the Rat in 2012? Who will the Republican candidate be? For too many years now, about 30% of our population, which has been successfully manipulated by the top 1%, have orchestrated and decided our elections. These pompous pukes in the 1% actually believe that this country and the election process belongs to them and they consider it an affront when the 99% step forth to assert themselves as equal.
Continue reading “Who Will Decide the 2012 Election, the 99% or the 1%?”
A man was shot and killed Wednesday night near the Occupy Oakland protests. All accounts indicate that the shooting had nothing to do with the protests and indeed was just one of around a hundred murders that occur in Oakland, California each year. Now Oakland Mayor, Jean Quan, folding to pressure from the corporate elite, says she now wants the protesters to leave and that the risks the protests represent are just too great.
The talking heads of FOX News jumped right in step in backing Quan’s assertion that the protests must be stopped, citing as one cause a negative effect the protests are having on local businesses. Tell me this. How many small businesses have been utterly destroyed as a result of the actions of the corporate elite on Wall Street and indeed in Oakland, California?
Continue reading “Corporate Elite Pushing for Force to be Used Against Occupy Protesters”