The water leaking from the cracked pipe at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan is radiated 7.5 million times the legal limit. The flow has now been stopped after 26 days of gushing into the Pacific Ocean.   And as if this wasn’t bad enough, 11,000 tons of radiated water from the plant has now been hauled out into the Pacific and dumped.  My God, what are they thinking?  I guess the Japanese do not want their radiated water on their own property.  Better they dole it out to the world.

The Japanese government has issued an apology for radiating the Pacific Ocean.  You know what, I don’t want their apologies.  This is like your neighbor changing the oil in their car and dumping the waste over your fence because they do not want it in their yard. 
Continue reading “Japan Dumps Radioactive Waste on the Rest of the World”

The neo-con sect of the one party system introduced their proposal for $6 trillion in spending cuts over the next ten years.  Many out there are going to applaud out of the ignorance they suffer from living their lives in the false reality created by the propaganda machine. 

This is the reality.  $26 trillion was stolen through the Ponzi schemes of the corporate elite and somebody had to cover it or the theft would have been too massive and absolute for the people to ignore.  So the elite had their employees in our government borrow the money in our grandchildren’s names and of course we had to start paying the interest immediately. 
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters No More Lies”

Well, Obama has announced his candidacy for reelection in 2012.  It is reported that he will be the first candidate to raise one billion dollars for a presidential campaign.  I was so disheartened when I heard these reports as they seemed to be saying this election is as good as bought and paid for.  And then I heard another announcement.

Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura announced on the Alex Jones broadcast yesterday that he had contacted Dr. Ron Paul, Republican Senator from the state of Texas, and informed him that if Paul would run as an Independent for president in 2012 that he, Ventura, would consider being his running mate.  I was overcome with a feeling that I have not known in many years.  It was hope.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters Call in a Navy Seal”

As if things were not chaotic enough in the Middle East, a Florida preacher publically burned a copy of the Koran sparking protests in Afghanistan and attacks on our personnel there.  Many have come out in condemnation for the Koran burning preacher and there are now renewed calls for government powers and censorship. 

Under the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States the Florida preacher can burn the Koran.  Though the act is disrespectful and repugnant it is protected speech. 
Continue reading “Florida Preacher Burns the Koran”

This review from our Red Pill Documentaries page deals with America: Freedom to Fascism (2006) which is a documentary, created by former music promoter and actor Aaron Russo. In this film Russo sets out to find whether or not there is an actual law that requires the average worker in America to pay an income tax. By the end of the documentary it is not only apparent that there is no such law, but also that the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the Internal Revenue Service was set up for the primary purpose of funneling the wealth of our country into the hands of an elite few.

This film does a great job of showing the viewer how our country was originally taken over by global bankers. It points out that in 1913 J.P Morgan, Paul Warburg and John D. Rockefeller set up the Federal Income Tax, and “convinced” Congress to turn over its power to print money to the Federal Reserve, which was a private banking institution headed by the these three men.
Continue reading “Red Pill Review – America: Freedom to Fascism”

So the United States is now allowing other countries to take the lead in providing air support to the rebel offenses in Libya.  As I’ve stated before the U.S. is the command structure for NATO and though we are not flying any missions right now, we have already pounded Gaddafi’s forces with everything in our arsenal, short of a daisy cutter or an atomic bomb. 

It is being noted in the reporting coming out of Libya that the so called rebels seem to be acquiring better weaponry with each passing day.  Of course the propaganda we are being fed is indicating that the weaponry must be coming from other sources like France or England as President Obama would never take any such action without first informing our Congress and the American people.
Continue reading “CIA Boots on the Ground in Libya”

CBS Sunday Morning did a piece outlining the age discrimination in reference to the long term unemployed, which has become predominant throughout the United States.  The piece was indeed an affirmation of what we 99ers already know and that is that the bulk of our numbers is baby boomers. 

Anyone who cannot see that the majority of the 99ers are the victims of an intentional culling is ignoring the facts.  When we were intentionally removed from the workforce it was because we had reached the tops of our pay scales, were reaching the age that the insurance companies would just as soon be rid of us, and on the brink of retiring as a part of the baby boom. 
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters Ignore It and It will Go Away?”

It has been more than three weeks since the earthquake and tsunami in Japan that facilitated the failure of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.  Over those three weeks we have been given small measures of information designed to belittle and minimize the true magnitude of this catastrophe.  Last week it was finally revealed that radiation was getting into the Pacific Ocean, leading to us finding out about the existence of a crack in the piping system that has been gushing radioactive water into the Pacific since the first day.

They really do not give us any credit for intelligence.  We are supposed to believe that it took them two weeks to discover the radiation going into the Pacific.  For this to be true it would have to be reasoned that radiation was only being monitored on one side of the plant and not at all in the ocean. 
Continue reading “Japanese Officials Finally Admit to Radioactive Water Gushing into the Pacific”

Well the 99ers got into the mainstream propaganda on Saturday thanks in part to a FOX propaganda piece designed to belittle the deplorable conditions we 99ers find ourselves in.  Like the piece on 60 Minutes, it was designed to show the 99ers as a people who are not really that bad off and completely to blame for our plight as we were not fiscally responsible with the boondoggle we received from our unemployment benefits.

The person being interviewed, one Leslie Jacobs, is perfect for a hit piece on 99ers, obese to a fault with a holier than thou attitude.  She indicated that after a year she came to the conclusion that she needed to “bank” more of her unemployment monies. 
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters Back in the Mainstream News – But to What End?”

216,000 jobs were added to the economy and the unemployment rate dropped to 8.8%.  This is a lie and I’ll tell you why.  If an American based business adds 232,000 jobs in other countries it is calculated as jobs added to our economy.  The fact is even more jobs have been lost in the United States in the past month.

When the United States government ran tanks into the Branch Davidian Church in Waco, Texas they shot canisters containing two kinds of gas which when mixed became Saran gas, a deadly agent banned by the Geneva Convention.  As they were doing so they were shouting over a loud speaker, “This is not an attack, this is not an attack.”  These deplorable bastards burned to death 20 children and 56 adults, including 2 pregnant women, and they got away with it.  They lit the place on fire and shot all they could who were trying to escape the flames.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters UE Rate Drops to 8.8%, This is Not an Attack This is Not an Attack”

Every day I have to sit and watch the elite on FOX Business brag about how much money they are making and in the next instant I am being told our country is broke and we have to make drastic cuts because we have no money to run our government.  So where is all the money?  Well I just told you, the rich are piling it up and as true wealth is not accumulated through thin air, that which they are accumulating has to be coming from somewhere.  And that somewhere has to be from the rest of us.

Our country is rich in natural resources and billions are being made from them every day.  The natural resources of this country are supposed to belong to all the people.  So why is it that a handful is getting everything?
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters – We Can Get it Back by Enforcing our Law”

The second and third videos on the Red Pill Documentaries page are Inside Bohemian Grove and The Order of Death.

The first was released by Alex Jones in the year 2000. In this film Jones infiltrates a get together of some of the richest and most powerful men in the world. This particular assembly of elitists shockingly is centered on the worship of an ancient Canaanite deity known as Moloch. This ancient god is referenced in the Old Testament, and is known for his thirst for the sacrificed souls of young children. In ancient times people would place their children at the base of a giant stone owl statue of Moloch and burn them alive.
Continue reading “Red Pill Review: Inside Bohemian Grove and The Order of Death”

Apparently the mainstream media is now admitting that there might be a “flicker” or even a “sprinkle” of Al Qaeda among the rebels we are supporting in Libya.  Just how many is a “flicker” and is it a “sprinkle” at the bottom or the top?  Or could it be that this whole so called rebellion is nothing more than a black-op being perpetrated via cooperation between our CIA and Al Qaeda? 

If you look back in recent history it can become hard to separate our CIA from Al Qaeda as many Al Qaeda have been on our CIA payroll for decades.  It has come to the point that many in the patriot movement have properly merged them into one organization, Al CIAda. 
Continue reading “Libyan Civil War and Al Qaeda”

It would seem that Rachel Cohen was not so far off in her article when she suggested that the Japanese would be relocated to the United States.  Tuesday, on FOX Business Lou Dobbs suggested that 150,000 Japanese, whose homes could not be rebuilt because of radiation, be allowed to immigrate to the United States and put in 150,000 homes that previously belonged to 99ers before they were repossessed as a result of the Wall Street meltdown. 

Hell, why not?  The housing market is hurting.  How about this?  The government cashes out the banks for those 150,000 homes, gives them free and clear to the Japanese immigrants and bills it to the taxpayers as a humanitarian stimulus plan?
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters and the False Reality”

Barak Obama is indeed a man of the people.  Sometimes you can actually feel his sincerity when he is speaking of the people.  I believe him when he says it is his deepest wish that the people know justice and freedom and that the people have a right to expect a chance at a future, including prosperity.  The only problem is that when Barry is speaking of the people, he always speaking of the people in another country.

But what should we expect from a non-American citizen of the world that detests the American people because they will not embrace his communist ideals.
Continue reading “99ers Supporters of HR 589 – The Time is Now”

Evidently the crisis at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan is a lot worse than what we’ve been led to believe, which is hard to ascertain as what we have been led to believe ranges from “Oh my God, it’s a nuclear meltdown!” to “Radiation is actually good for you, especially in mother’s milk.” 

I was watching some old clips of the Three Mile Island meltdown on Monday, which was the 30th anniversary of that disaster, and the news clips portrayed genuine concern of an impending doom.  Though there were radiation releases at Three Mile Island as a result of meltdown, the containment systems did eventually bring the situation under control.  The people shown on the old clips all displayed looks on their faces that said, “What the hell were we thinking?  We have got to stop this right now.” 
Continue reading “Fukushima Plant – The Reality of the Situation”

From The Trenches has recently added a new page called Red Pill Documentaries. This section of the site can be a very effective tool for those people who would like to wake up their friends and family to the corruption of our government and the willful destruction of our constitution and bill of rights.

These documentaries can also be helpful to those of us who know that our government has been taken over, but are not sure as to who has taken it over or how they have done it. I believe that in order for us to regain our rights and freedoms, the citizens of this country have to wake up and see the whole picture.
Continue reading “Red Pill Review: The New Atlantis”

President Obama has stated that the operations for the so called no-fly-zone will be turned over by the United States to NATO.  I just have one little problem with this and that is that the NATO command structure is the United States.  But I guess we should not be surprised as our air military offensive is being labeled as a humanitarian mission.

I am continually dumbfounded by the elite’s total disregard for the intellect of the common man in the United States.  So let’s see how the phrase “humanitarian mission” is being defined in our world today. 
Continue reading “Libyan Civil War, Invasion by Any Other Name”

The mainstream media is reporting that one of the reactors at the Fukushima Plant at Japan is melting down.  I guess it is a good thing that we have this conflict over in Libya to take our minds off the radiation; otherwise we might be scared stupid.  But then stupid must assuredly be what those in power think we are.

Since the earthquake and tsunami that facilitated the failure at the nuclear power plant, those who purport to be in charge of informing us have inundated us with a thousand little assertions that all contradict one another, in an effort to keep us in a state of uncertainty, when the situation on its face dictates that the consequences of the disaster are dire and destined to be worldwide.
Continue reading “Japan’s Fukushima Reactor Meltdown – What is Your Government Not Telling You?”

The U.S. Senate is back in session and the Congress returns today.  I’m sure they are well rested and eager to get back to work at transferring what little wealth the poor and middle class have left into the coffers of the rich.  And what has our champion Barbara Lee been up to?  Well it would seem that she is actually a real go-getter.  She wasn’t just sitting around on Spring Break.  She was doing what a representative is supposed to do and that is speak for the American people.

On March 23, 2011, last Wednesday, Barbara Lee put out two press releases.  The first was a statement acknowledging the passing of Elizabeth Taylor.  The second contained the following: Congresswoman Lee was joined by 121 House colleagues, including 35 Republicans, to send a letter to the United States Postal Service requesting that they issue a commemorative postage stamp to honor the life and legacy of former Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters – Barbara Lee Puts Out Press Releases”