Big Oil and other dirty polluters are pulling out all the stops to get the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline built. They know that a final decision from the Obama administration is expected this year and they see an opening to get it done.

But we have something that Big Oil doesn’t — people power. Until April 22, the State Department will be accepting public comments about whether they should approve or reject this dirty pipeline. We can win this fight if we can overwhelm them with comments opposing this harmful pipeline. Will you help us make that happen?   Continue reading “Stop the Keystone Pipeline”

Patriots Against the NWO – by Pete Smith

If there ever was a miracle product better than spray-on-hair or the ShamWow, it is duct tape. Over the past 70 years of its existence, this staple product of fix-it-yourselfers has been used by virtually every walk of life, for jobs that I’m sure the duct tape developers never imagined. So how can we use it for survival?

Here are my top 25 survival uses for duct tape, in no order whatsoever.   Continue reading “25 Survival Uses For Duct Tape”

Red State – by Dana Loesch

Earlier today a bunch of well-heeled progressive women from the nice, safe part of Missouri rolled into crime-ridden St. Louis city to condescend to city residents and hold signs proclaiming “Moms Demand Action! For Gun Sense In America!” Because what mom doesn’t demand action for things, gun sense especially? These moms aren’t like those pro-Second Amendment moms, who apparently do not demand gun sense, whatever that’s supposed to mean.   Continue reading “St. Louis Anti-Gun Rally Becomes Rally To Cede US Sovereignty”

Hartford Courant – by MATTHEW STURDEVANT

NORTH HAVEN — — A half-dozen workers were in otherwise empty offices Friday at The Marlin Firearms Co. as the company wound down 141 years of manufacturing in Connecticut.

A security phone at the visitor’s gate was unattended next to a large barren parking lot off Bailey Road near I-91. A reception room that resembles a ski lodge, complete with a fireplace, was dark. The few people left working Friday declined to comment, but one employee said there were six people inside and that Friday was their last day of work.   Continue reading “Marlin Firearms Closes In North Haven, Ending 141 Years Of Manufacturing In Connecticut”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s rhetoric over nuclear weapons and the possibility of war with the United States and its allies makes almost no plausible sense considering that their long range missile capabilities are lacking and their military hardware is reportedly outdated when compared to the militaries of developed western nations. While the communist regime does have millions of soldiers at their disposal, the notion that North Korea will start and win a war against the U.S. seems outlandish.   Continue reading “Concerned Officials Warn: “North Korea Could Explode a High-Altitude Nuclear Device Over the United States””

The aim of all secret societies is and has been the creation of a philosophic society –  in better words a Philadelphia (city of brotherly love).  However the truth is that most secret societies have keep the “SECRETS” to themselves under the premise that they alone should be the keepers of the sacred truths and that these secrets should be kept from the prying eyes of the “vulgar” (common people).  This was done, by their own words, to keep societal order, but has degenerated into an elite sector that use the sacred truths to their own evil ends, having long ago forgotten the original tenets of the profound truths of which they stand as self proclaimed guards.  So jealous of their secrets, they only pass them on to those who, under the threat of death by gruesome means, promise to secure their safekeeping.   Continue reading “Exploring the Mysteries”

People queue outside a government employment office in Burgos.(AFP Photo / Cesar Manso)RT News

Eurozone unemployment levels have hit 12 percent – the highest in the history of eurozone record-keeping, since the currency was launched in 1999.

The average unemployment rate across the eurozone’s 17 constituent European Union countries rose from January’s initial 11.9 percent high to 12 percent in February, meaning a further 33,000 people were put out of work. Overall, 19.071 million are jobless across Europe.   Continue reading “Eurozone unemployment hits all-time high: 19 million out of work”

AFP Photo / Jung Yeon-JeRT News

The eight-wheeled Stryker armored vehicle, which enjoyed a visible role during the US mission in Iraq, is now the subject of reports of a badly managed maintenance program that is likely to cost taxpayers something around a billion dollars.

According to Washington State’s Tacoma News Tribune, nearly $900 million worth of parts accumulated at an Auburn, Washington warehouse, essentially collecting dust as they were never installed on General Dynamic’s Strykers deployed overseas – if they were ever needed in the first place.   Continue reading “US Army accumulates $900 million in useless, obsolete parts”

Justin Sullivan / Getty Images / AFPRT News

A federal judge has ruled that Stockton, California will be allowed to enter bankruptcy. The city, located near San Francisco and home to 300,000, is the largest yet in the US to file for bankruptcy, marking a new low point in a trend sweeping California.

US Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Klein ruled Monday that Stockton would be allowed to begin reorganizing its debt in order to continue carrying out “its obligations to its citizens on fundamental public safety as well as other basic government services.”   Continue reading “California city becomes America’s largest, latest to enter bankruptcy”

U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski.(Reuters / Jessica Rinaldi)RT News

The blowback caused by a new law that lets biotech companies like Monsanto escape litigation is so tremendous that a senior senator from Maryland has offered the public an apology.

US Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) has issued a statement expressing her regret for letting this year’s Agriculture Appropriations bill — an annual continuing resolution spending act — be signed into law.   Continue reading “Top senator apologizes for ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ after public outrage”

International Man – by Nick G.

NY Times columnist Paul Krugman recently penned an article in which he comes out in favor of capital controls.

Not surprisingly, his argument follows the near cookie cutter justification used by governments throughout history to seize more control over their citizens.

  1. Spuriously shift the blame for the crisis onto foreigners.
  1. Claim the increase in government control is for “your own good.”   Continue reading “Another Warning Sign – NY Times Columnist Favors Capital Controls”

Once these are fired off, what will happen to the brass?The Examiner – by David Codrea

In a follow-up to Friday’s report on two military installations destroying expended ammunition brass for scrap metal sales rather than making it available to the commercial reload market, the Fort McCoy public affairs office today sent Gun Rights Examiner a copy of a June 23, 2011 memorandum from Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton B. Carter on “Department of Defense (DoD) Implementing Guidance for the Commercial Sale of Expended Small Arms Cartridge Cases (ESACC).”

“The attached guidance reconciles [the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act] with other applicable provisions, including … the Department of Defense Appropriations Act … which restricted funds from being used to demilitarize or dispose of certain types of carbines, rifles, pistols, or small arms ammunition and ammunition components that are not otherwise prohibited from commercial sale under Federal law or certified by the Secretary of the Army … as unserviceable or unsafe for future use,” the memorandum explains.   Continue reading “DOD memo outlines authority for sale or destruction of expended cartridge brass”

WTAE News Pittsburgh – by Bob Hazen

PITTSBURGH —A Pittsburgh woman is furious at police after the SWAT team knocked down her front door and shattered her windows while looking for a homicide suspect in the home next door to her.

“I feel violated,” Carla Glover told WTAE.  “There’s not even words  to describe what I was feeling.”   Continue reading “SWAT team breaks door, windows at wrong home”

** FILE ** The United Nations building is reflected on the window of the U.S. mission to the U.N. as portraits of American President Barack Obama, left, Vice President Joseph R. Biden, and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hang in the lobby, Saturday, Sept. 18, 2010, in New York. (Associated Press)Washington Times – by David Sherfinski

The United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday signed off on a sweeping, first-of-its-kind treaty to regulate the international arms trade, brushing aside worries from U.S. gun rights advocates that the pact could lead to a national firearms registry and disrupt the American gun market.

The long-debated U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) requires countries to regulate and control the export of weaponry such as battle tanks, combat vehicles and aircraft and attack helicopters, as well as parts and ammunition for such weapons. It also provides that signatories will not violate arms embargoes, international treaties regarding illicit trafficking, or sell weaponry to countries for genocide, crimes against humanity or other war crimes.   Continue reading “U.N. passes sweeping international arms regulation viewed by some as Second Amendment override”

Washington Heights 'Abduction' (credit: NYPD)CBS New York

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) The apparent abduction Friday of a Washington Heights couple was nothing more than a surprise birthday hoax, police said Monday.

Police spent the weekend looking for a man and a woman who witnesses said were kidnapped by two men in a dark-colored minivan just before 7 p.m. Friday near 173rd Street and Haven Avenue.   Continue reading “Cops: Washington Heights Abduction Was Surprise Birthday Hoax”

Malcolm Smith Dan HalloranHuffington Post – by Aidan Gardiner, DNAinfo Reporter/Producer

QUEENS — Prominent Queens politicians Malcolm Smith and Dan Halloran were arrested early Tuesday for attempting to manipulate this year’s mayoral election, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

At the conclusion of an extensive undercover corruption investigation, four others were arrested along with the Queens pair, including two Republican party officials and the mayor of Spring Valley, N.Y., the Department of Justice said.   Continue reading “Malcolm Smith And Dan Halloran Arrested For Trying To Rig NYC Mayoral Election, According To Report”

nation of sheptThe Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

America is coming to a nexus point in our history.  As I established in Part 3, America has already entered the second of three stages on the path to revolution. I emphatically have called for nonviolent resistance against the bankers who have hijacked our government. However, I also provided a caveat which clearly stated that if the globalists initiate a major false flag operation, or a series of false flag operations as an excuse to roll out martial law, we should not militarily resist. Rather, we should passively resist in ways that I outlined in Part 1Part 2 and Part 3.

However, if the roll out of martial law includes the beginnings of numerous roundups, mass detainments without due process of law and eventual exterminations, the people will have no choice but to resist.   Continue reading “A Nation of Sheep Being Led to the Slaughter?”

New York Times – by ALAN SCHWARZ and SARAH COHEN

Nearly one in five high school age boys in the United States and 11 percent of school-age children over all have received a medical diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, according to new data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

These rates reflect a marked rise over the last decade and could fuel growing concern among many doctors that the A.D.H.D. diagnosis and its medication are overused in American children.   Continue reading “A.D.H.D. Seen in 11% of U.S. Children as Diagnoses Rise”

Golden Dawn member, Athens 21/4/12The Guardian – by Helena Smith

Emboldened by its meteoric rise in Greece, the far-right Golden Dawn party is spreading its tentacles abroad, amid fears it is acting on its pledge to “create cells in every corner of the world”. The extremist group, which forged links with British neo-Nazis when it was founded in the 1980s, has begun opening offices in Germany, Australia, Canada and the US.

The international push follows successive polls that show Golden Dawn entrenching its position as Greece’s third, and fastest growing, political force. First catapulted into parliament with 18 MPs last year, the ultra-nationalists captured 11.5% support in a recent survey conducted by polling company Public Issue.   Continue reading “Greece’s neo-Nazi Golden Dawn goes global with political ambitions”