Don’t we have any American companies that could provide this service?

The following clients have purchased security systems from Magal S3, its associated companies and / or partners. This list represents only a fraction of our installations. Due to the confidential nature of the security requirements of our customers, we cannot publish names and / or site locations.   Continue reading “Israeli Firm Magal Helping to Provide ‘Security” at US Prisons”

CalGuns FoundationAmmoLand

Sacramento, CA –( Unsurprisingly, the Brady Campaign is strongly backing two very extreme anti-rights bills, SB 53 (Senator Kevin de León’s Orwellian ammunition purchase and sales restrictions) and SB 755 (Senator Lois Wolk’s outrageous expansion of those categorized as “prohibited persons” who can’t possess or acquire guns or ammunition).   Continue reading “The Brady Bunch Are At It Again in California, Help Us Counter Their Drill ASAP”

Connecticut CarryAmmoLand

Hartford, Connecticut – -( In a move to further restrict the rights of the citizens of Connecticut from lawful self-defense, Governor Dannel Malloy has sent a letter to the Ye Connecticut Gun Guild.

This letter seeks four nominees as replacements for the longest serving and most outspoken member of the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners, Mr. Peter Kuck.   Continue reading “CT Governor Malloy Looking To Stack The Deck Against Gun Permit Applicants”

Before It’s News

Climate Change might be a debatable political subject, but we are getting a lot more ‘natural disasters’ than ever before.

More earthquakes in the last ten years than in the last hundred, humongous tornadoes and east coast bad weather to beat the band.    Continue reading “Are you really, really ready for a hurricane? A flood? An earthquake?”

(FILE/FOX5)Fox Vegas 5 – by Matt Guillermo

Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was wounded in a mass shooting during a public event in Arizona in 2011, is slated to kick off a tour Monday in Las Vegas in support of expanded weapons background checks.

She and her husband Mark Kelly are scheduled to tour seven states in seven days as part of the “Rights and Responsibilities Tour.”   Continue reading “Giffords to push expanded background checks in Vegas”

The Forecaster – by William Hall

PORTLAND — Former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and her husband, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, will visit the city Saturday as part of a cross-country tour promoting anti-gun violence legislation.

Giffords and Kelly lead Americans for Responsible Solutions, a political action committee. The Portland stop is one of seven in their “Rights and Responsibilities” tour, which is intended to demonstrate support for expanded background checks of gun buyers.   Continue reading “Giffords to bring gun-control campaign to Portland”

Loretta WeinbergAmmoLand

Trenton, NJ –( The past six months have presented the ultimate challenge for those who love Liberty.

First, a tragedy of epic proportions, pure evil at the hands of a monster.

Next, a one-sided media firestorm, devoid of facts or fairness, blaming Gun Owners for the acts of a madman. Then, a nationwide legislative juggernaut to steamroll our rights into oblivion. New York took the first hit, then Colorado and (Maryland)  Connecticut.    Continue reading “New Jersey Patriots Going the Distance for Gun Owner’s Rights”

Cuomo strikes back at gun rights lawsuitHuman Events – by Raquel Okyay

The Empire State governor seeks dismissal of complaint filed by the state’s largest firearm association which alleges that the New York Secure Ammunition Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 is unconstitutional.

“The state filed a motion for a preliminary injunction, a dismissal, and for summary judgment,” said Stephen P. Halbrook PhD, a Second Amendment legal scholar and lead counsel for plaintiff in the matter of New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, et al. v. Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York, et al.   Continue reading “Cuomo Strikes Back at Gun Rights Lawsuit”

Gun Bill 1355Examiner – by JOSEPH KIRK

HB 1355, 1 July 2013, went into effect today being signed by Governor Rick Scott. Is it necessary or discriminating for ratings? Is the legislative branch turning into a Hollywood production or has it lost it’s way do to lack of oversight without foresight?

Although most agencies report without showing the bill here is the link:   Continue reading “Gun rights: Discrimination or safety”

Hidfo – by Gyártó István

The world is drifting towards a catastrophe. The spirit of war is risen in the human soul. After the end of the most modern wars, there will be no family left without loss of a loved one. It must be known, that today fights more people in more fronts, than in the second world war in all.   Continue reading “The future belongs to those who dare to fight”

Stop the Drug War – by Phillip Smith

As of Monday, Vermont will be the 17th state to decriminalize marijuana possession. A bill passed earlier this year goes into effect then.

The measure, House Bill 200, was sponsored by Rep. Christopher Pearson (P-Burlington), with a tripartisan group of 38 cosponsors. It ends criminal penalties for the possession of up to an ounce of marijuana or five grams of hashish and replaces them with fines of $200 for a first offense, $300 for a second offense, and $500 for subsequent offenses. Possession of more than an ounce remains a criminal offense, as does cultivation of any number of plants.   Continue reading “Vermont Decriminalizes Marijuana Starting Monday”

Cop Block

A military drill conducted in plain view of the public reasonably creates a spectacle and raises curiosity. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that in the age of technology, some people who happen to be hanging around in public, might film a military drill taking place in open public. This man was detained as a result. (This is a long video – go to 13:00).   Continue reading “Man Arrested For Filming Military Drill in Charlotte, NC”

CA: Bakersfield Bans Medical Marijuana DispensariesThe Daily Chronic – by Thomas H. Clarke

BAKERSFIELD, CA – The Bakersfield city council voted 4-0 this week to ban all medical marijuana dispensaries in the city, giving local law enforcement the power to close the existing dispensaries beginning in about a month.

City Attorney Ginny Gennaro says that under the ban, approved Wednesday, medical marijuana dispensaries will not be required to close overnight. Instead, the ordinance prohibits their operation in all zones of the city, from residential to industrial.   Continue reading “CA: Bakersfield Bans Medical Marijuana Dispensaries”

The port of MombasaiHLS – by Dan Arkin

magal is currently completing the first phase of a large scale project for the perimeter protection of the main harbor of Mombasa, Kenya from attempts of sabotage, intrusion, terror and criminal activity. In the past, magal deployed perimeter protection systems in a great number of critical sites around the world, such as the Delhi airport and oil fields in a South American country.   Continue reading “Israeli perimeter protection systems – around the world”

Reason – by Nick Gillespie

The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, & Explosives is very proud of its hot new venture: using “fake drugs, big bucks to snare suspects.” USA Today reports:

The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the agency in charge of enforcing the nation’s gun laws, has locked up more than 1,000 people by enticing them to rob drug stash houses that did not exist. The ploy has quietly become a key part of the ATF’s crime-fighting arsenal, but also a controversial one: The stings are so aggressive and costly that some prosecutors have refused to allow them. They skirt the boundaries of entrapment, and in the past decade they have left at least seven suspects dead.   Continue reading “ATF Proud of Expensive “Stash House” Scam to Arrest Drug Thugs”

Egypt ProtestsWorld Events and the Bible

Huge crowds have gathered across Egypt to demand the resignation of President Mohammed Morsi on the first anniversary of his inauguration. But Morsi loyalists are staging counter-demonstrations, saying they will defend the leader with all means available.

Seven people have been killed and over 600 injured on Sunday as millions took to the streets. Five dead were shot in Nile Valley towns south of Cairo and two were killed in violence outside the Muslim Brotherhood’s headquarters in the capital.   Continue reading “Egypt Protests: 7 Dead, 600 Injured as Millions Take to the Streets Demanding Morsi’s Resignation”