Disinfo – by Matt Staggs

A couple of weeks ago we a had a virtual currency heist, now we’ve got Chinese biotech espionage in the middle of Iowa. Man, this world gets a little more cyberpunk with every passing day. I wonder if Google Glass comes in a mirrorshade edition?   Continue reading “Chinese Spy Busted Stealing Iowa Corn Seeds”

armageddon_best3B’Man’s Revolt

There are approximately 50,000,000 so-called Christian Zionists in America, which are the bane of the country (and the world). Sure, the Jews are murderous, thieving, liars and manipulators extreme. But they would have zero power if it weren’t for the misguided and erroneous support of the Jew-Lite (Christian Zionists).

The following documentary shows why Jew-Lites believe what they believe: how they were manipulated by the tainted Scofield bible. It is quite telling that the few verses used to force these gullible murder mongers (for that is what the Jew-Lite is) needs 2/3 a page of footnotes to “explain” how Christians are supposed to support evil incarnate.   Continue reading “Christian Zionism = Jew-Lite”

soda coca cola 263x164 Timeline: What Happens After Drinking a Coca Cola Soda?Natural Society – by Elizabeth Renter

Even if you like soft drinks, you can tell by the taste that they are a potion of chemicals and man-made toxins. They don’t taste like anything natural, besides maybe sugar. And unfortunately, diet soda is no sound alternative. So what really happens after you drink a Coca-Cola or a similar soft drink?

Here is what could happen in your body after you drink a can of soda. In the first 10 minutes, it stops you from gagging on the 10 teaspoons of sugar by buffering the sweet stuff with phosphoric acid. Twenty minutes after consumption, your blood sugar levels jump alarmingly.   Continue reading “Timeline: What Happens After Drinking a Coca-Cola Soda?”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

This video clearly is a case of what comes around goes around. A woman, who for some reason is deeply disturbed by a cat, decides to kick snow at it. The cat, obviously, doesn’t like the snow pelting one bit. What ensues is surreal; a scene out of classic Monty Python movies. Watch what the dogs reaction, happily wagging its tail at the snow pelting, clearly had a different reaction at the end of the video. This video has gone viral on Live Leak with over 75,000 views in just 5 hours.   Continue reading “Cat Attacks Crazy Woman Goes Viral”

RIA Novosti / Egor EremovRT News

Russian scientists are calling for a 10-year moratorium on GMOs to thoroughly study their influence on human health, stressing that such examinations are vital.

“It is necessary to ban GMO, to impose moratorium [on it] for 10 years. While GMO will be prohibited, we can plan experiments, tests, or maybe even new methods of research could be developed,” vice president of Russia’s National Association for Genetic Safety, Irina Ermakova, told Interfax news agency.   Continue reading “‘Stop GMOs’: Russian scientists urge 10-year ban on genetically modified products”

imagevapor1Zen Gardner

As I revisited this whole nuke thing after all these years and was mulling over the photos of all those singed and bent vehicles, my friend Connie Smith — a long-time 9/11 researcher some of you may know — dropped me a note reminding me of something I’d completely forgotten about: the fascinating case of EMT Patricia Ondrovic.

Connie reminded me of an interview with Ondrovic, published back in October 2001 (and which I’d read circa ‘04). When I expressed an interest to reread it, she dug up a copy and sent it to me (see attached).  Ms Ondrovic’s account is truly ‘bizarre’, and a testament to the fact that there were forces at play on 9/11 that modern technology — indeed, mainstream science — simply cannot explain. Please read the attached PDF doc carefully. It’s one a helluva wake-up call.   Continue reading “Witnesses Saw People “Vaporized” on 9/11”

Former NBA basketball player Dennis Rodman speaks at a news conference in New York September 9, 2013. REUTERS/Eric Thayer/FilesReuters – by JAMES PEARSON

Retired basketball star Dennis Rodman will return to North Korea for a third time on Thursday, despite political tension surrounding the execution of leader Kim Jong Un’s uncle, trip organizers said.

“It’s certainly safe, even when there is a bit of disruption like there is now – a bit of trouble or chaos – there’s even more need for cultural or sporting exchanges,” said Rory Scott, a spokesman for Irish bookmakers Paddy Power (PAP.I), which has arranged the trip.   Continue reading “Dennis Rodman back to N.Korea despite political tension”

CIA made doctors torture suspected terrorists after 9/11, taskforce findsThe Guardian – by Sarah Boseley

Doctors and psychologists working for the US military violated the ethical codes of their profession under instruction from the defence department and the CIA to become involved in the torture and degrading treatment of suspected terrorists, an investigation has concluded.

The report of the Taskforce on Preserving Medical Professionalism in National Security Detention Centres concludes that after 9/11, health professionals working with the military and intelligence services “designed and participated in cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment and torture of detainees”.  Continue reading “CIA made doctors torture suspected terrorists after 9/11, taskforce finds”

Mujica's courage should not be underratedMerco Press – by Simon Jenkins

The war on the war on drugs is the only war that matters. Uruguay’s stance puts the UN and the US to shame.

I used to think the United Nations was a harmless talking shop, with tax-free jobs for otherwise unemployed bureaucrats. I now realize it is a force for evil. Its response to a truly significant attempt to combat a global menace – Uruguay’s new drug regime – has been to declare that it “violates international law”.   Continue reading “A Nobel peace prize for Uruguay for legalizing cannabis”

Rehmat’s World

Abraham Foxman, head of the so-called Anti-Defamtion League, has blasted Scott L. Bach, a member of the US National Rifle Association (NRA) board and executive director of the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs for criticizing Jewish Mayor of Jersey City, Steven Fulop, who wants to make it hard for the city people to own guns.

No matter how strong one’s objections are to a policy, or how committed an organization is to its mission, invoking the Holocaust to score political points is offensive and has no place in civil discourse,” said Abbe Foxman.   Continue reading “ADL: ‘NRA hates Jews’!”

Activist Post – by James White

Most of us realize that the Federal Government has claimed ownership of large portions of real estate across this land.  However, few of us probably realize what a stranglehold the Feds have on many states west of the Mississippi River.  The map below will quickly illustrate my point.  Continue reading “Own the Land-Control the Resources-Enslave the Population”

Activist Post – by Ron Paul

A week from now, the Federal Reserve System will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding. Resulting from secret negotiations between bankers and politicians at Jekyll Island, the Fed’s creation established a banking cartel and a board of government overseers that has grown ever stronger through the years.   Continue reading “After 100 Years Of Failure, It’s Time To End The Fed!”

Activist Post – by Joe Wright

Even though climate change has taken center stage in the nation’s environmental debate, the well-documented and persistent threats of factory farming continue to accumulate across the country.

Whether it’s the health effects of production and run-off from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (as well as associated conditions of animal cruelty), the deadly introduction of GMOs and associated toxins, harassment of family farms, or Big Ag’s undeniable control over regulatory agencies like the EPA, FDA and USDA, there might be no greater threat than that of poisoning our dwindling fresh water supply.   Continue reading “Big Ag Mega Farm Threatens Pristine South Carolina River”

New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Sheriffs’ refusal to enforce unconstitutional federal gun control measures has garnered national media attention.

An article published Sunday, December 15 in the New York Times, reported declarations made by Sheriff John Cooke of Weld County, Colorado. The story reported that in speeches, Sheriff Cooke holds up two 30-round magazines, one he purchased before enforcement of federal restrictions on magazine size and one “maybe” purchased after the regulation.   Continue reading “Sheriffs’ Resistance to Federal Gun Control Acts Makes Major Media”

ABC News – by CHRIS TALBOTT and JAMIE STENGLE Associated Press

Good friends like Willie Nelson and Merle haggard got more credit for their contrary ways and trend-setting ideas, but it was Ray Price who set the precedent for change in country music more than a decade earlier.

Price passed away Monday at his Texas home, having long outlasted most of his country music contemporaries and the prognosis doctors gave him when they discovered his pancreatic cancer in 2011. He was 87.   Continue reading “Influential Country Singer Ray Price Dead at 87”