Tenth American Center

A strand of fiber has a certain strength. It can hold a given weight or withstand a given amount of force before snapping. But when you take multiple strands and braid them together into a rope, you create something even stronger than the sum of the parts.

This is known as synergy, and we see it in many different settings. The U.S.A. hockey team that won the 1980 Olympics was actually not the most talented team. In fact, if you made a player by player comparison between the Americans and the Soviets, the Russians would come out on top in almost every matchup. Really, talentwise, it wasn’t even close.   Continue reading “There is strength in numbers”

James Madison Founding FatherMilitia News

A good place to start in determining how to enforce the Constitution is with the guy who’s commonly referred to as the “Father of the Constitution.” While there’s some debate that James Wilson was actually far more fitting of that title, Madison was obviously quite influential.

The essential question: When the federal government violates the constitution, what do you do about it?   Continue reading “James Madison On How To Enforce The Constitution.”

Craig, whose broadcast is Forbidden Knowledge every Wednesday at 4:00 Pacific, 7:00 Eastern on Liberty Tree Radio, will be joining us today on The Word From the Trenches to debate our own  JD, US Marine Fighting Tyranny.

The subject matter to be debated is the spread of radiation from Fukushima.  As we all know, JD believes the spread of the radiation across the United States and around the world is extensive whereas Craig contends the failed reactors have had minute to no affect upon the United States and the rest of the world.    Continue reading “Trenchers – Don’t miss THE GREAT DEBATE today on The Word From the Trenches”

Visible Origami

It is a weary landscape for the heart to travel in these days. Because of impossible expectation, ubiquitous perversity and poisonous and inadequate diet (of all kinds), men and women are not often an ideal interactive for each other. You see it in the divorce rates and you see it in the private life scenarios, well, you may not see that end of it but you probably are aware of it, through people you know or in your own life. This is all a part of the Tribe assisted, Satanic elite program of disunity, in the family unit. Continue reading “A Choreographed Comedy of Errors in Search of the Mark.”


My, this is an unpleasant consequence of Obamacare. I’m not going to call it unintended because in its current form, it potentially earns a bunch of money for states, so I’m pretty sure that’s intentional. What I think is unintentional is anyone noticing this is what they’re up to.

But the Seattle Times noticed:   Continue reading “Fine print: State can seize your assets to pay for care after you’re forced into Medicaid by Obamacare”


NEW DELHI (AP) — The arrest and alleged strip search of an Indian diplomat in New York City escalated into a major diplomatic furor Tuesday as India’s national security adviser called the woman’s treatment “despicable and barbaric.”

Devyani Khobragade, India’s deputy consul general in New York, is accused of submitting false documents to obtain a work visa for her Manhattan housekeeper. Indian officials said she was arrested and handcuffed Thursday as she dropped off her daughter at school, and was kept in a cell with drug addicts before posting $250,000 bail.   Continue reading “Indian official: Diplomat’s arrest in NYC barbaric”

AL.com – by Madison Underwood

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama — A woman has been found dead in the rubble of this morning’s Gate City explosion. She suffered crushing injuries and burns, and rescuers were unable to get a pulse from her at the scene.

Just moments before, a man was pulled out alive in critical condition. He was taken to UAB Hospital. Birmingham Fire Chief Ivor Brooks said rescue teams sprang into action after hearing the man calling to them from under the rubble.   Continue reading “Explosion at Birmingham apartment complex kills one, sends 8 to hospital”

Freedom Outpost – by Karen Schroeder

Parents hate to see their kids treated like robots while forced to fit into the government’s definition of equal and successful. Surprise! Surprise! Parents want their kids to develop as individuals each prepared to follow his own dreams.

In a video (seen below) on Common Core, New York State PTA Education Coordinator Bob Aloise  supported calling Child Protective Services and charging parents with “educational neglect” for opting-out their kids from the curricula or testing.   Continue reading “Parents Threatened for Opting Out of Common Core”

bunker blownMax Velocity Tactical

It turned out to be a great weekend, despite some challenges getting everyone up to the site on the Saturday morning. Here are some far from professional photos, to give you a flavor, taken on phones. We can, and will, train in bad weather!

As usual, a great group, several of whom were returning students.   Continue reading “Dec 14/15 CRCD Photos – Snowmageddon!”

Photo - Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., on Tuesday released his fourth annual "Wastebook." (AP Photo)The Examiner – by SUSAN FERRECHIO

The federal government this year made significant cuts to important services and programs while at the same time wasting $30 billion on frivolous expenditures like the “pillownauts” study NASA conducted to learn the effects of lying in bed all day, a new watchdog report shows.

Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., on Tuesday released his fourth annual “Wastebook,” a catalog of questionable government spending that is, at best, pretty wacky (funding for “Popular Romance Project” — $1 million) and, at its worst, infuriating (continuing pay for Army Major Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter — $52,000).   Continue reading “From the wacky to the infuriating, Sen. Tom Coburn’s annual Wastebook catalogs government waste in lean times”

On Tuesday morning, the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper in Brazil posted the following " open letter to the people of Brazil " from Edward Snowden.BuzzFeed – by Cate Sevilla

On Tuesday morning, the Folha de S. Paulonewspaper in Brazil posted the following “open letter to the people of Brazil” from Edward Snowden.

In the letter, Snowden says he’s been impressed by the Brazilian government’s criticism of the massive National Security Agency.   Continue reading “Edward Snowden’s Open Letter To The People Of Brazil”

Suarez class KY pics 096Taipan Magazine – by Randy Harris

The years following World War Two found every major military in the world looking to upgrade their current battle rifles. This was no big surprise, as many nations were still fielding bolt action rifles. The United States was the only country fielding a reliable semi auto main battle rifle in the M1 Garand. The Garand had performed admirably during WWII, but by the 1950s many new designs clearly eclipsed the Garand.   Continue reading “Battle Rifle Breakdown”

doctorsNatural News – by J. D. Heyes

Don’t look now, America, but another very predictable consequence of Obamacare is beginning to play out.

Not only are customers losing their insurance plans – the plans Obama said they could keep – but now, insurance companies are dropping physicians from coverage plans as well.   Continue reading “It’s not just patients; thousands of doctors now being dropped from Obamacare coverage networks”

(Photo credit should read JOSE CENDON/AFP/Getty Images)CBS Atlanta

DULUTH, Ga. (CBS Atlanta) – A high school senior won’t graduate on time after being suspended for one year for hugging a teacher in November.

Last week, a Duluth High School hearing officer found that Sam McNair violated the Gwinnett County Public Schools’ rules on sexual harassment.

“Something so innocent can be perceived as something totally opposite,” McNair told WGCL.   Continue reading “Student Suspended For A Year After Hugging Teacher”

Big Sur Fire_Cham640.jpgFox News

A wildfire burning near the Central California coastline had destroyed 15 homes and had grown to more than 500 acres in size late Monday.

The so-called Pfeiffer Fire was sparked at around midnight Monday in the Los Padres National Forest and had grown as large as 550 acres by sunrise. No injuries were reported, but the fire spread quickly across the landscape near the Big Sur region, which is in the midst of one of the driest years in its history. Wildfires are rare occurrences so late in the year.    Continue reading “Big Sur wildfire destroys 15 homes, displaces dozens”