Border Patrol in ArizonaFox News – by Maxim Lott

Guns are in such short supply at the Border Patrol that one agent told 400 agents share just 100 rifles at his station.

The lack of weapons is more than just a nuisance, according to law enforcement authorities, who say each agent should be able to calibrate his or her gun to individual preferences, a process they call “zeroing.”

“We are left to check out rifles that were unzeroed to us,” a border patrol agent told “This practice needs to be outlawed, as it could cost someone their life.”   Continue reading “Border Patrol agents say gun sharing puts lives at risk”

A man purported to be Islamic State captive Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh is seen standing in a cage in this still image from an undated video filmed at an undisclosed location made available on social media on Feb. 3, 2015.Voice of America

Jordan vowed a “strong, earthshaking and decisive” response to Islamic State’s grisly murder of a Jordanian pilot captured when his jet crashed in Syria in December.

An online video emerged Tuesday appearing to show Muath al-Kaseasbeh locked in a cage, doused with gasoline and burned alive. He apparently was killed on January 3 after carrying out U.S.-led coalition airstrikes on the Islamic State militants.   Continue reading “Jordan Vows Revenge for Pilot’s Grisly Death”

The New American – by Alex Newman

Pastor Kent Hovind, a powerful advocate of biblical creationism who has already served almost 100 months in federal prison as part of what his supporters say amounts to a ruthless government campaign of religious persecution, is now potentially facing up to 100 years behind bars. As federal prosecutors prepare to make their case for keeping Dr. Hovind incarcerated for the rest of his natural life, however, a growing grassroots campaign across America is demanding that he be set him free — and that those responsible for allegedly railroading him be held accountable, including potentially the judge, who has developed a reputation among those following the case as having a strong anti-Christian bias.     Continue reading “As Pastor Faces Lifetime in Prison, Supporters Argue Persecution”

Prevent Disease – by Kelley Bergman

Large-scale geoengineering programs are underway in what is claimed to prevent catastrophic global warming. However, not only are these initiatives ineffective, but experts say they may have severe unintended side effects on Earth’s climate.

They’ve been called chemtrails, aerial spraying, aerosol emissions, cirrus clouds, among many other terms. The largest reports come from Canada and U.S. but it happens all over the world including countries such as France, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom among many others. Thousands of planes spray chemicals, salt or other particulates into our atmosphere in an attempt to curb global warming (so they say).   Continue reading “Geoengineering Programs Could Be Disastrous For The Earth Research Shows”

Screen shot 2014-09-28 at 3.56.56 PMRINF – by Eric Zuesse

Brookings Institution has now issued a call for us to finance more firebombings, clusterbombings, and other support to the ethnic cleansing, which has been going on sinceUkraine’s coup — the ethnic cleansing that’s occurring in the region of Ukraine’s southeast that’s called “Donbass” (which is the Ukrainian area shown in dark purple on this map, the map of the election results in Ukraine’s last nationwide Presidential election before the coup; and that’s the same region which rejects the U.S.-imposed coup-Government; the people there had voted 90% for the man whom the U.S. coup overthrew, which is the reason the U.S. Government wants them eliminated, so that Ukraine can keep the land — and its resources — but now cleansed of its residents, so that the U.S. can place missiles there aimed at Russia, which is America’s current strategic objective: to control Russia).   Continue reading “Brookings Wants More Villages Firebombed in Ukraine’s ‘Anti Terrorist Operation’”

AntiWar – by Justin Raimondo

What’s happening in Libya today is a crime: murder, rape, looting, chaos, a war of all against all. The perpetrator, the one key person who made all this possible, is a well known personage in American politics, a former Secretary of State and the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination.

What Hillary Clinton did to Libya is a crime on a scale rivaled only by the crimes of the Bush administration in Iraq – and there is a definite parallel in the methodology of the criminals.   Continue reading “Hillary’s War”

solar-clothTrue Activist – by John Vibes

England-based Solar Cloth Company has created a lightweight photovoltaic fabric solar panel system that can operate pretty much anywhere. The company’s founder Perry Carroll, says that the system is currently being marketed for use on parking lots, rooftops and other places that traditional solar panels may not be practical for.

Carroll says that the company is teaming up with some high-profile clients to launch their project.   Continue reading “New ‘Solar Cloth’ Material Creates Solar Energy Pretty Much Anywhere!”

Institute for JusticeReason – by Jacob Sullum

The week before her confirmation hearings, Loretta Lynch, President Obama’s choice to succeed Eric Holder as attorney general, quietly dropped a forfeiture case involving $447,000 seized from Bi-County Distributors, a family-owned business that sells candy and cigarettes to convenience stores on Long Island. Although there was no evidence that the money came from illegal activity, the IRS thought the way it was deposited, in amounts below the $10,000 threshold for mandatory bank reports to the Treasury Department, suggested that Bi-County was trying to evade that requirement, which is a federal crime known as “structuring.” Continue reading “Suspiciously Small Deposits Trigger Legalized Bank Robbery”

Houthi rebels YemenThe Guardian

Chaos in Yemen has left the US military unable to monitor the vast arsenal it has spent years providing to its Yemeni counterpart.

Yemen is now functionally leaderless after Houthi rebels took over the capital of Sana’a last month, prompting the resignation of President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi. The rebels are said to control the Yemeni military’s arms depots and bases, giving them effective control of US-provided and other heavy weaponry, including tanks and artillery.   Continue reading “Pentagon loses track of weaponry sent to Yemen in recent years”

quarantineNatural News – by JD Heyes

Federal officials want to order a quarantine for a South Pasadena woman and grad student whose sister recently contracted a case of measles at nearby Disneyland, but she is resisting the push because, she says, she doesn’t have the disease.

Twenty-six-year-old Ylsa Tellez’s younger sister, 24-year-old Maura Tellez, was one of more than two dozen confirmed cases of measles recently at the renowned amusement part, but Ylsa is not one of them, the local ABC affiliate, ABC7, reports.   Continue reading “Medical mafia calling for gunpoint quarantines of citizens who refuse vaccinations”

Measles virus (credit: CDC)CBS Denver

DENVER (CBS4) – Lawmakers including Colorado Congresswoman Diana Degette are asking the Committee on Energy and Commerce to hold a hearing on the measles outbreak and the importance of vaccinations.

The letter points out important facts regarding the recent spread in measles, which began at Disneyland in December 2014.   Continue reading “Lawmakers Ask For Hearing On Measles Vaccination”

Collage created by GawkerThe Free Thought Project – by Cassandra Rules

The Officer Down Memorial Page, which tracks the deaths of police officers, is reporting zero officer deaths from gunfire in 2015.

Line of Duty Deaths: 13
Automobile accident: 5
Heart attack: 3
Struck by vehicle: 2
9/11 related illness: 1
Gunfire (Accidental): 1
Vehicle pursuit: 1

Continue reading “Nearly 100 People Killed By Police in First Month of 2015- Zero Officers Killed By Suspects”

face-of-boy-with-measles-third-day-of-rash-cdcFront Page Mag – by Daniel Greenfield

The usual clickbait sites are gleefully blaming “anti-vaxxers”, parents opposed to vaccines for their children, for the measles outbreak. They are certainly a safe target, but overlooked is the simple fact that there would be no outbreaks without immigration from countries where measles is widespread.

So much vitriol is spent on blaming parents who don’t vaccinate, while blaming those who import the disease, especially Obama with his border rush amnesty, is politically incorrect.  Continue reading “Why Blame “Anti-Vaxxers” Instead of Immigrants for Measles Outbreaks?”

Before It’s News – by Lisa Haven

A mysterious organization known as United Religions Initiative (URI) has taken it upon themselves to unite the world religions into one. Yes, you’ve heard me right! They are recruiting churches, pastors, and leaders from every continent to unify themselves into a “One World Religion” similar to that of the United Nations for the world.

Why is it that everything seems to be going global? Our government, our banks, and now our religion? The truth is this entire event was prophesied years ago in the bible when It told us that every tribe, tongue, and nation would serve the Antichrist— a dictator who would rise in the latter days, despise God, and rule the world. Could it be that we are on the brink of such an empire? I do believe it’s possible, especially now with the unification of religion.   Continue reading “The Rise of “This” Devil Empire Is Now Here & It Will Floor Every Christian Out There”

The Weekly Standard – by Daniel Harper

Despite raised tensions between the U.S. and North Korea recently, there are secret “talks about talks” taking place behind the scenes between the two countries, according to a new report.

“The United States and North Korea have been actively discussing the possibility of returning to denuclearization talks, raising the prospect of a new round of diplomacy even as Washington takes a tougher line against Pyongyang.    Continue reading “Report: Secret ‘Talks About Talks’ Taking Place Between U.S. and North Korea”

420 Chan – by Soviet Psychonaut

Part 1: The cold war is back:

Now some of you might be from /pol/ so you’ll be immediately familiar with what I have to say but, for completeness I’ll introduce you to the reasons why the cold war is back with a vengeance. It all began back in 2006, when the SCO acted to attack the US dollar due to the failed attempt by the US to implement the “New Middle East” plan via the war on Lebanon [1][2]. At this point, should the US have done nothing else, it would have faced a certain run on its currency. The neo-cons under Bush/Cheney then plotted the Georgian war, which was meant to put Russia face-to-face with NATO in Georgia. This plan blew up in their face the moment Russians threatened to use tactical nuclear weapons in Georgia should NATO remain in their positions. The planners hoped that, with Putin in China for the olympics, Russia will let the Georgian attack on S. Ossetia slide. They didn’t and we all know what happened next.   Continue reading “Geopolitical Censorship, GamerGate and You”