can-copCounter Current News – by Reagan Ali

He was caught red handed, having killed, “prepared” and eaten nearly all of a victim who he claims was “willing.” A 50-minute long video, recorded while listening to pop music, clearly documents the cannibal ex-police officer Detlef Guenzel slicing Polish-born Wojciech Stempniewicz into small pieces after having strangled him to death.

Now, the former cop is facing only eight years in prison for cannibalizing a man who he met on an internet site in Germany.   Continue reading “Cannibal Cop Smiles In Court Room As He Receives Only Eight Years In Prison”

Reuters/Dado RuvicRT

People across the world have become used to turning to Google and Yahoo to look up information and advice on a whole host of topics, but a new study shows that search engines are actually inflating people’s perception of their own knowledge.

In a study called “Searching for Explanations: How the Internet Inflates Estimates of Internal Knowledge,” researchers conducted nine different experiments that suggested those who learn something online feel they are smarter than those who learn it through books or via a teacher.   Continue reading “Using Google makes people overestimate their own intelligence, study says”

This undated photo obtained March 29, 2015 from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) shows a prototype Submarine Hold at RisK (SHARK) unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) during deep-sea testing for DARPA’s Distributed Agile Submarine Hunting (DASH) program. (AFP/DARPA)RT

This year, the Pentagon’s advanced research projects department will start testing their new “submarine” drone, which can lie in wait on the ocean floor for years before ever being launched into the skies.

The new drones, being developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), are part of a new focus by the US military in developing and improving technology for emerging threats.   Continue reading “DARPA to test ‘submarine’ drone that takes off from the ocean”

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — More than three decades ago, a three-year-old South Korean boy and his sister flew to the U.S. to become the adopted children of American citizens, but their life together didn’t last long.

They were abandoned, sent into foster care and separated even though he was dependent upon her. A family adopted the girl, and got her citizenship. The boy, named Adam Crapser, wasn’t as fortunate: The parents he had were abusive, and never sought the green card or citizenship for him that they should have.   Continue reading “Adoptee from South Korea faces deportation from US”

TIKRIT, Iraq (AP) — Iraq declared a “magnificent victory” Wednesday over the Islamic State group in Tikrit, a key step in driving the militants out of their biggest strongholds.

Iraqi Defense Minister Khalid al-Obeidi made the pronouncement, saying security forces have “accomplished their mission” in the monthlong offensive to rid Saddam Hussein’s hometown and the broader Salahuddin province of the militant group.   Continue reading “Iraq declares victory over Islamic State group in Tikrit”


If Big Brother has its way, DUI checkpoints and DUI police stops will be a thing of the past. Your car won’t start if you’ve had a drink!

The above picture is Nissan’s DUI detection concept vehicle that has alcohol sensors on the shift lock and EVERY seat in the car! It also has facial recognition, which monitors how often the driver blinks!. See the video below:   Continue reading “What’s next in police state America? Why, cars equipped with DUI interlock devices, of course!”

virgil-homelessTruth Voice

Today in a pre-trial hearing, an Ohio judge casually agreed with a motion filed by a prosecutor asking to ban a defendant from bringing up the United States Constitution or the constitutionality of the law under which he is charged with a crime.

Judge Catherine Barber (or Kathryn Barber), a retired judge filling in for theXenia Municipal Judge Michael Murraystated “there will be no mentioning of the Constitution” and then laughed when the defendant claimed that uttering words on a public sidewalk constitutes free speech. (The audio of the hearing can be found here:  This was in response to a suggestion from the prosecutor that bringing up the constitution and civil rights “will confuse the jury.”   Continue reading “Ohio Judge: There Will Be No Mentioning Of The Constitution Here”

(File photo by Randall E. Scott)Sent to us by a reader.

CBS Philly – by Brad Segall

NORRISTOWN, Pa. (CBS) — Dog wardens were fanning out across municipalities in Montgomery County this week, checking to make sure dog owners have obtained licenses for their pets.

It’s the law in Pennsylvania: all dogs three months or older must be licensed each year.  So, dog wardens have been going door-to-door in some communities, making sure the owner’s paperwork is in order.   Continue reading “Authorities in Montco Checking Door-to-Door For Valid Dog Licenses”

laugh3Sent to us by the author.

Outpost of Freedom – by Gary Hunt

Yesterday, when Massey arrived at the courthouse, there were about twenty agents in battle gear and a number of DHS Suburbans parked in front of the courthouse. After going in to the courthouse, he had to visit the Pre-Trial Services. There, he was approached by two agents who wanted to see his sunglasses. They inspected them, thoroughly, and then returned them to Massey. I suppose this is the future — what we can expect because of Google-Glasses. However, finding that they were not dangerous, they were returned to their owner.   Continue reading “Camp Lone Star – Act One: The Government Charade”

Channel News Asia

TOKYO: The world’s oldest person, Misao Okawa, died in Japan on Wednesday (Apr 1), a month after celebrating her 117th birthday.

The nursing home where she lived in Osaka said she breathed her last around 7am (10pm GMT Tuesday).

On the occasion of her birthday early last month, Okawa, a mother of three, grandmother of four and great-grandmother of six, was one of only a handful of people still alive who had been born in the 19th century.   Continue reading “World’s oldest person dies at 117 in Japan”

Smith & Wesson Offers Consumers Three Free Magazines With Purchase of New M&P PistolAmmoland

Springfield, MA -( Smith & Wesson Corp. announced that the company is currently offering consumers a limited opportunity to obtain three free magazines with the purchase of a new full-size or compact M&P pistol.

With over 50 choices available including the Performance Center Ported C.O.R.E pistols or the recently introduced carbon fiber finished M&P, there has never been a better time to purchase your first or second M&P pistol.   Continue reading “Smith & Wesson Offers Consumers Three Free Magazines With Purchase of New M&P Pistol”

Prevent Disease – by Natasha Longo

Scientists at the University of Illinois have engineered a genetically modified yeast to enhance fermentation and eliminate byproducts that cause hangovers. The question is, how will altering natural yeast in fermentation processes affect the chemical constituents in wine once metabolized?

Food scientists have been looking to incorporate additives consisting of a series of chelation compounds to wine to prevent it from looking, smelling and tasting funky after oxidation. The problem is, many of them are toxic to living cells. A new method of modifying yeast may bypass additives altogether.   Continue reading “New GMO Wine Makes Promises Of No More Hangovers, But At What Cost?”

Natural causes or accident likely in Getty heir deathYahoo News – by Robert Jablon, Tami Abdollah

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The death at a Hollywood Hills home Tuesday of Andrew Getty, one of the heirs to the fortune of one of the wealthiest and best-known families in American history, was most likely from natural causes or an accident, authorities and family members said.

The death appeared to be from natural causes, Los Angeles County coroner’s Assistant Chief Ed Winter said, but it has been initially called an accident because of medication found at the scene. He said coroner’s officials need to await the results of further examination and toxicology tests, which could take up to 10 weeks to process.   Continue reading “Coroner: Death of Andrew Getty appears natural or accident”

corporatism101.jpgBATR – by James Hall

Regular readers of this Corporatocracy series should have a firm grasp on the concept of Corporatism. However, the uninitiated might presume that a corporation is merely a vehicle for protecting the owners of the enterprise from the liability risks of conducting business. Much attention has been devoted to the economic conditions and aspects when examining the corporate structure. But modest effort is found in business journals that discuss the social consequences of consolidating the entire hierarchy of political favoritism, access to capital and protection from competition that is at the heart of the corporatist model.   Continue reading “Corporatism 101”