Mainstream media now openly admitting that gun control advocates want mass gun confiscation by force.

The Daily Beast – by James Kirchick

Thirty thousand people are killed by firearms each year in the United States, an astronomically high figure for a developed Western country not in a state of civil war.

President Obama reminds Americans of this sad statistic with depressing regularity, and he did so again last month after a mass shooting in Oregon took the lives of nine people. “We know there are ways to prevent it,” the president said.   Continue reading “Yes, They Want to Take Your Guns Away”

WUSA 9 – by Scott Broom

UPPER MARLBORO, Md. (WUSA9) — Prince George’s County’s top prosecutor has sparked controversy by blaming a spike in murders on Maryland’s 2014 decriminalization of possession of small amounts of marijuana.

Now, Maryland State’s Attorney Angela Alsobrooks is refusing to be interviewed to explain her comments. A spokesman said her ideas on decriminalization and violence are only theories that have not yet been proven by crime statistics.   Continue reading “Marijuana decriminalization blamed for murder spike in Prince George’s Co.”


Michigan police are apologizing for handcuffing a 7-year-old boy at his elementary school last month.

The incident happened on October 12 at Brownell STEM Academy’s after-school program, which is run by the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce. Chrystal McCadden, the mother of 7-year-old Cameron McCadden, said she got a call from the school to pick up her son. When she arrived, his wrists were bound.   Continue reading “Police Apologize For Handcuffing 7-Year-Old Student in Flint, Michigan”

Jim Fetzer

From multiple sources, the evidence continues to mount that Rebekah Roth has been playing the role of a stewardess-turned-9/11-investigator rather than being “the real deal”. It was always a rather incredible evolution from“Coffee, tea or me?” to the straight scoop about what really happened to those airplanes and passengers on 9/11. This is rather on the order of Clark Kent turning into Superman or Kara Zor-El turning into Supergirl. That’s the order of the transformation we are given by Rebekah about herself.   Continue reading “Rebekah Roth’s METHODICAL ILLUSION may be Rebekah herself”

Free Republic – by Cheryl Chumley

The Workers World Party is taking to New York City for a two-day conference to show how to spread socialism around the nation and world, and to explain why the time is ripe for such expansion.

The event, titled Putting Socialist Revolution on the Table, kicks off Saturday at the Shabazz Center, and includes panel discussions on Black Lives Matter, with an emphasis on women and LGBT leadership; how to be a revolutionary; and on dispelling myths about China’s socialism.   Continue reading “Socialists gather in NYC to plot political overhaul (2016 election for revolution)”


Trade offices involved in negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement have finally released all 30 chapters of the trade deal today, a month after announcing the conclusion of the deal in Atlanta. Some of the more dangerous threats to the public’s rights to free expression, access to knowledge, and privacy online are contained in the copyright provisions in the Intellectual Property (IP) chapter, which we analyzed based on the final version leaked by Wikileaks two weeks ago and which are unchanged in the final release. Now that the entire agreement is published, we can see how other chapters of the agreement contain further harmful rules that undermine our rights online and over our digital devices and content.   Continue reading “Release of the Full TPP Text After Five Years of Secrecy Confirms Threats to Users’ Rights”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

As central planners the world over grapple with the effective “lower bound” that’s imposed by the existence of physical banknotes, there’s been no shortage of calls for a ban on cash.

Put simply, if you eliminate physical currency, you also eliminate the idea of a floor for depo rates.   Continue reading “Bank Of Ireland Bans “Small” Cash Withdrawals At Branches”

USNI News – by Sam LaGrone

A trio of Chinese warships in the middle of a world tour are in route to Naval Station Mayport, Fla. for a scheduled goodwill port visit next month, U.S. Navy officials told USNI News on Thursday.

The officials would not specify the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) combatants involved but USNI News understands the three ships are the Type 052C Luyang II-class guided-missile destroyer Jinan (152), the Type 054A Jiangkai II-class guided-missile frigateYiyang (548) and the Type 903 Fuchi-class fleet oiler Qiandao Hu (886).   Continue reading “Chinese Warships to Make Naval Station Mayport Port Visit Amidst South China Sea Tension”

War is Crime – by Angie Riedel

We Americans are obsessed with rule-following and the law to the point of ignorance. We think of rules and laws as something from on high that must not be broken. We don’t believe we are free to ignore the law, even if it kills us to obey it. We quite literally accept the notion that the law is what is supreme and the law is what is noble and that it is the law that must be defended at all costs. We give our lives to protect the law.

The fact is, that makes no sense. At all. Where do I begin?   Continue reading “The Law”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

Watch Ben Swann rip apart the all the gun control pundits who have been casually rewriting the 2nd Amendment.

We’ve heard ridiculous claims that the 2nd Amendment is “outdated” or worthless because the government is armed to the teeth far and away over the citizenry. We’ve heard semantic arguments that the 2nd Amendment never meant for “individuals” to protect themselves but was only for “militias” (as if a militia is not comprised of individuals).   Continue reading “Founding Fathers Added 2nd Amendment to Protect Us from a Government that Would Turn Against Us”

Middle East Monitor

Israel has provided the United States with a list of weapons that it would like to have available as part of the US aid package, Israel’s Yedioth Ahronoth revealed yesterday.

According to the newspaper the list included a modern aircraft carrier and a squadron of F-15 aircrafts as well as material assistance to support Israel’s anti-ballistic missile system, Arrow 3.   Continue reading “Israel orders aircraft carrier as part of US military aid package”


The widow and a son of the northern Illinois policeman who officials said staged his suicide in September are under criminal investigation, according to media reports that cite unnamed sources.

Melodie and D.J. Gliniewicz are being investigated in connection with the embezzlement of funds from the Explorer program that Fox Lake Police Lieutenant Charles Joseph Gliniewicz ran, the Fox TV affiliate in Chicago reported.   Continue reading “Widow, son of northern Illinois policeman under investigation: reports”

Mediaite – by Alex Griswold

In a keynote speech given to the Charleston NAACP, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton accidentally said presidents shouldn’t have to disclose their criminal history when applying for a job.   Continue reading “Oops: Hillary Accidentally Says Presidents Shouldn’t Have to Disclose Criminal History”