To be part of the European Union means you have to shed your national identity and be part of everybody. It is no longer acceptable to be yourself. This agenda serves the 1 percent and Washington, Paul Craig Roberts, an American economist, told RT in an interview.

Billionaire financier and philanthropist George Soros has attracted attention once again, this time saying the European Union should take “at least a million” refugees every year to ease the mass exodus of desperate people from the Middle East and Africa.   Continue reading “Soros’s ‘European values’ mean losing your national identity”

Mysterious Universe – by Paul Seaburn

Residents of Prescott, Arizona, are nervously looking up these days after mysterious white fibers fell from the sky for the second time in a year. No explanation has been given for either of these this strange occurrences, so residents fear anything from secret military operations to weather modification to insects to angel hair from UFOs. Which one is it?   Continue reading “Mysterious Fibers Repeatedly Fall From the Sky Over Arizona”

Off the Grid News – by Daniel Jennings

A government contractor buried tens of thousands of barrels of nuclear waste in two sites around St. Louis that may have caused more than 2,700 cases of cancer, a lawsuit and CBS News are alleging.

“Within a six-house radius, I knew four people with brain cancer, one a child, one a young professor,” resident Jenelle Wright told CBS. “And I just thought, ‘This is really odd.’”   Continue reading “US Government Secretly Buried Nuclear Waste Near Playground — And Thousands Now Have Cancer”

CNBC – by Everett Rosenfeld

Kraft Heinz announced Wednesday that it would be closing seven factories and cutting about 2,600 jobs.

The closing factories are in Fullerton, California; San Leandro, California; Federalsburg, Maryland; St. Marys, Ontario, Canada; Campbell, New York; Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania; and Madison, Wisconsin, Michael Mullen SVP of corporate and government affairs, said in a statement.
Continue reading “Kraft Heinz closing 7 factories, cutting 2,600 jobs”

The Daily Sheeple

Hillary isn’t just doing campaign ads. It’s almost as if she knows she’s going to win and is telling you a list of what’s going to go down once she gets into the Oval Office.

For one, she just cannot wait to enact more gun control laws if she becomes president.

She is stomping the campaign trail with 2nd Amendment curtailing threats. She’s already mentioned she’ll bypass Congress and gleefully sign gun control executive orders if and when she’s elected president.   Continue reading “Hillary Clinton’s New Gun Control Ad”

Breitbart – by Adelle Nazarian

The H-1B program is a “tremendous threat” to American professionals,  Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) told Steve Bannon, Breitbart News’ executive chairman, on the Breitbart News Daily radio show.

“It represents the obliviousness of Congress and some of these economic forces to the reality of what’s happening: Half of STEM [science, technology, engineering and math] graduates are not finding jobs in STEM fields,” Sessions said on Sirius XM Patriot Channel 125.   Continue reading “Jeff Sessions: H-1B Visas ‘Tremendous Threat’ to American Professionals”

Free Beacon – by Stephen Gutowski

The Federal Bureau of Investigation processed a record number of background checks in the month of October, indicating that gun sales were at an all time high for the sixth month in a row.

The FBI’s National Instant Background Check System processed 1,976,759 firearms related checks in October. That is a 373,290 increase in checks over last year and a new record for the month. It also makes October the sixth consecutive month to see a record number of checks.   Continue reading “Gun Sales Set Record for Sixth Month in a Row”

EAG News – by Victor Skinner

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Obama administration is sending $70 million to Pakistan to educate girls and “empower” them to improve their country, despite massive, chronic budget problems and abysmal student performance at home.

First lady Michelle Obama’s “Let Girls Learn” initiative is focused on educating “62 million girls around the world” to help them “build a healthier family, a stronger community, and a brighter future,” according to the White House website.   Continue reading “Michelle O spends $70M to ’empower’ girls in Pakistan while US students fall further behind”


An active shooter has pinned down police with gunfire outside a San Diego, California apartment building. A SWAT team is on the scene. There may be a “couple of bodies,” according to the police dispatch feed.

The shooter has barricaded himself in a bedroom in a sixth-floor apartment.

The suspect fired rounds at police through a closed door when officers arrived, nearly hitting them. The officers returned fire, San Diego PD told KSWB’s Kelly Biele.   Continue reading “Sniper in San Diego pins down police near airport, Zoo”

The Daily Coin – by Rory

I had the good fortune to sit down with Dr. Marc Faber, Economist and Market Forecaster, publisher of GloomBoomDoom Report to discuss the current state of economic affairs from a global perspective. We touched on the failures and criminality that have become U.S. economic policy and how this is impacting the rest of the world. We also discussed how the Eastern world is rapidly taking over every aspect of commerce, finance and economics the world over.   Continue reading “Dr. Marc Faber: Markets Are Manipulated by Clowns in Central Banks”

Press TV

US Senator Lindsey Graham has said the US Congress is unlikely to reach an agreement on a war authorization against Daesh (ISIL) terrorists in Syria, where “the next 9/11 is coming from.”

“I think Democrats and a few Republicans have absolutely no clue as to the threats that we face,” the South Carolina Republican said Tuesday, according to The Hill.   Continue reading “Sen. Graham calls for war bill: Next 9/11 coming from Syria”

Daily Mail – by Richard Gray

Cobwebs tend to take on a particular menace at this time of year, but military scientists have been conducting research that turns them into something deadly.

Researchers working for the UK’s Ministry of Defence have been spraying spider webs with diseases including Ebola and the Black Death.

The research is being conducted to test the lifespan of the bacteria and viruses that cause the diseases while in the environment.   Continue reading “UK Military scientists spray spider webs with Ebola and the PLAGUE”

Activist Post – by Amanda Warren

Connecticut news stations are reporting that “police will now be going into to cars and removing items that would attract thieves.”

Oftentimes, a person will by accident hit the button to unlock the doors or accidentally release the trunk. Oftentimes, the person will return only to have their faith in humanity restored when they see their valuables are still there. Not with the East Rock police in New Haven – now residents will be punished for their forgetfulness.   Continue reading “New Wave Of Police Taking Valuables From Unlocked Cars To Teach Lesson”

Fox News

An Illinois police officer whose shooting death in September led to a massive manhunt committed suicide due to personal and professional pressures, investigators announced during a Wednesday morning news conference.

Fox Lake Police Lt. Charles Joseph “Joe” Gliniewicz was stealing and laundering money from the Fox Lake Police Explorer’s program and committed suicide due to the “personal stress from scrutiny of his management,” Lake County Major Crimes Task Force Commander George Filenko said.   Continue reading “Illinois police officer’s shooting death called ‘carefully staged suicide’”

The Daily Sheeple

It might end up large enough to encircle all of Manhattan.

China has announced plans to begin building a 52-to-possibly-even-80 kilometer particle accelerator in 2020. Not only will it be twice the size of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland, currently the largest machine on the planet, but it will be a whopping seven times more powerful than what CERN has.   Continue reading “China Is Going to Build the World’s Largest Particle Accelerator”


Washington police are investigating the death of a 27-year-old man found handcuffed in the custody of special officers, authorities said.

The man, Alonzo Smith, was discovered by officers on Sunday unconscious and not breathing at a residential building, the Metropolitan Police Department said in a statement late on Tuesday.   Continue reading “Washington police probe death of handcuffed man in custody”


Police are responding to reports of shots fired near the Navy & Marine Reserve Center in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The same recruitment center was the site of a shooting on July 16, where six people died.

Two 911 calls were made around 10:25 a.m., one placed from the nearby Chattanooga State Community College. The college was locked down as a precaution. There were no reports of anyone seeing a shooter on campus.   Continue reading “Shots reported fired near Chattanooga Naval Center”