“We Won’t Take The Easy Road”
Month: December 2015
Health Impact News – by John P. Thomas
Data suggests that 6% of the U.S. population is harboring a retrovirus in their bodies that can develop into an acquired immune deficiency. This is not the well-known AIDS caused by HIV, but Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) associated with other retroviruses. These non-HIV retroviruses were unintentionally introduced into humans over the past 75 years.
It began with trials of polio vaccines and yellow fever vaccines given in the early 1930s. This is when the first recorded cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and autism appeared. It involved the use of laboratory mice to prepare vaccines for human use. [1] Continue reading “Vaccines and Retroviruses: A Whistleblower Reveals What the Government is Hiding”
Earlier this month, we profiled yet another casualty of slumping trade, falling commodity prices, and mediocre, double-adjusted economic “growth”: trucking.
More specifically, we highlighted the dramatic November decline in Class 5-8 orders. The numbers for Class 8 – those trucks with a gross weight over 33K pounds and which, you’re reminded, make up the backbone of U.S. trade infrastructure and logistics – were a veritable disaster. Continue reading “The Wheels Just Fell Off: US Trucking Has Not Been This Bad Since The Financial Crisis”
Legal Insurrection – by Leslie Eastman
As Americans begin counting down to the beginning of 2016, the Transportation Security Agency is beginning its own countdown for its enforcement of Real ID Act Rules.
Starting January 10, Alaska, California, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, South Carolina, and Washington would be out of compliance with requirements for state-issued driver’s licenses used as identification at airports. Despite the deep concerns about privacy and fears over potential misuse of the national database that is to be created from information collected during the license compliance process, the TSA is now going to strong-arm states to comply. Continue reading “TSA’s Countdown to Real ID Act Enforcement Begins”
Natural Society – by Alexandra Preston
Drug giant Reckitt Benckiser has been ordered by the Australian Federal Court to pull its so-called “targeted” ibuprofen products off the shelves after the company admitted that these were identical to the standard tablets. Marketed under the name Nurofen, all products contained 200mg of ibuprofen, whether they were labelled as “standard,” “migraine,” “period pain,” or “back pain.” Continue reading “Pharmaceutical Company Misleads Consumers, Caught in Painkiller Scam”
Dangerous radioactive materials from a nuclear waste dump near St. Louis, Missouri have spread to neighboring areas, a new study shows. Storm water runoff from the site has also raised concerns and is being tested for radioactive pollution.
According to a peer-reviewed study just published in the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, there is “strong evidence”that radon gas and water emanating from the West Lake Landfill are responsible for the anomalous levels of a lead isotope (210Pb), created by radioactive decay, in the surrounding area. Continue reading “Radioactive materials spreading from St. Louis landfill – report”
In many places across the country, it is becoming increasingly illegal to be homeless. Legislators do not come right out and ban homelessness, but instead, they ban people from camping in urban areas, or make it illegal to feed people without a permit.
In Sacremento, the homeless population is fighting back against a recent ordinance that makes it illegal for them to camp in the city. Many of them have been camped out in front of city hall for the past month and are demanding a reversal of the camping ban. Continue reading “Homeless Camp Outside City Hall To Protest Anti-Camping Laws”
The Liberals are literally going crazy.
I kid you not.
The latest example comes to us from Seattle, Washington where the good little socialists elected themselves a fascist mayor. Mayor Ed Murray (D-WA) was elected to the job in 2014 and has since taken it upon himself to strip Seattle’s citizens of their right to defend themselves. In fact, the effort didn’t start after his election as Mayor — it began earlier during his time in the Washington State Senate. Continue reading “Seattle Just Passed a Law that Allows them to TAX the 2nd Amendment”
End of American Dream – by Michael Snyder
In this day and age it seems like almost everything is disposable, and many employers have found that they can make a lot more money if they have a workforce that can be turned on and off like a faucet. In America today, there are more than 17 million “independent workers”, and they represent a bigger share of the workforce than ever before. Federal laws give a lot of protection to “full-time workers”, but for temporary and contract employees it is a much different story. Temp workers don’t get health insurance, vacation time or retirement benefits. They are simply paid for the limited amount of time that they are needed and then they are disposed of immediately. There has always been a role for such workers in our economy, but these days some of the biggest corporations in the entire country are getting rid of “full-time workers” and replacing them with temp workers just so that they can make a few extra bucks. As a result, the ranks of the “working poor” continue to expand, and the decline of the middle class is accelerating. Continue reading “The Rise Of The Temp Economy: More U.S. Employers Than Ever Want A ‘Disposable Workforce’”
U.S. President Barack Obama is expected to announce executive action expanding background checks on gun sales, media outlets reported on Thursday, citing people familiar with White House proposals and planning.
The changes, which could come as soon as next week, would include requiring more small-scale gun sellers to be licensed and to conduct a background check whenever selling a weapon, Politico reported. Continue reading “Obama may expand background checks on gun sales: news reports”
WEB Notes: It appears more and more people are waking up to the fact the US and Western powers have created ISIS. More correctly stated, the children of Satan have done this through their control of these nations.
Khamenei noted the goal is to ‘create division among the Moslem people’… When more Moslems figure out this is the goal of the children of Satan they are going to have hell to pay. This could also factor into Jerusalem being surrounded by armies as Luke 21:20 declares.
The US is hostile towards Islam and tries to create divisions between Muslims, said Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, also accusing Washington of conceiving the Islamic State terrorist group.
“One of the main tools used by the enemies to prevent the birth of modern Islamic civilization is through creating divisions among Muslims,” Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said on Tuesday, as cited by Fars news agency.
Source: US created ISIS, seeks discord among Muslims – Ayatollah Khamenei — RT News
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits rose sharply last week, a potential signal the job market was losing steam although some of the increase might be attributed to temporary holiday factors.
Initial claims for state unemployment benefits rose 20,000to a seasonally adjusted 287,000 for the week ended Dec.26, the U.S. Labor Department said on Thursday. Continue reading “Jobless claims rise sharply during holiday week”
Careful not to seem too angry next time you argue with your spouse. It could spell the end of your 2nd Amendment.
A California law requiring a ‘temporary’ 21-day gun confiscation of those believed to be potentially violent or mentally unstable will take effect January 1st. President Obama has pushed for similar measures nationwide. Continue reading “‘Mental’ People Reported by Family Will Be Forced to “Have a Time Out, Surrender Their Weapons””
The state of Wyoming recently passed Senate Bill 12, the Data Trespass Bill, which will prevent people from collecting evidence of pollution, even on public lands. The bill prohibits the “collecting of information” on property that the person does not own, even public and federal land.
According to the text of the bill, it is now illegal to “take a sample of material, acquire, gather, photograph or otherwise preserve information in any form from open land which is submitted or intended to be submitted to any agency of the state or federal government.” Continue reading “US State Makes It Illegal To Collect Evidence Of Pollution On Public Property”