united states constitution we the people - us constitutionIngenious Press

Not all officers of the law are bad. Some are actually so good that they are worthy of our praise, condolences, and protection. (Like Darren Wilson, who received death threats for having the nerve to exercise his natural right to self-defense from being fatally assaulted by the store-robbing and old man-beating thug Michael Brown).

But on a normal day, what do most police officers in the United States think about the US constitution? That supreme body of law that they swore to uphold from day one. Do they really care about it so much if they are willing to abide by commands to set up unconstitutional roadblocks, search and seize property without a warrant, or enforce “free speech zones” at events and rallies?   Continue reading “What Most Police Officers Think Of The US Constitution”

Murder by Gaslight – by Robert Wilhelm

In the summer of 1826, William Morgan of Batavia, New York, announced his intention to publish a book exposing the secrets of Freemasonry. On September 11 of that year he was abducted and never seen again. Morgan was considered a traitor by the Masons and a “Christian martyr” by their opponents. 54 Masons were indicted for his abduction and 10 were found guilty. Morgan’s disappearance led to the formation of America’s first “third party”, the Anti-Masonic Party. But was it Morgan’s body that washed ashore on Lake Ontario a year later, and were the Masons responsible for his death?   Continue reading “William Morgan – Revenge of the Freemasons”

UTLM – by Sandra Tanner

In the Spring of 2002 the LDS Church completed its reconstruction of the Nauvoo Temple in Illinois. It was originally built in the 1840’s but was destroyed after the Mormons abandoned the town. Due to the publicity and photos regarding this new temple many people have asked about the symbols on the building.   Continue reading “Masonic Symbols and the LDS Temple”


A U.S. hedge fund founder was found shot to death in his Manhattan apartment on Sunday, and New York police are seeking his son for questioning, authorities said.

Thomas Gilbert, 70, founder of the Wainscott Capital Partners Fund, was shot once in the head around 3:30 p.m. EST inside his apartment bedroom, police said in a statement.

“Right now, we’re looking to speak to his son, who was the last person to see him alive,” police spokesman Lieutenant John Grimpel said. He did not identify the son.   Continue reading “Hedge fund founder shot dead in New York”


It is amazing that so many citizens are eager to espouse the virtues of democracy. Multitudes of Americans love their government, no matter what it does or where it goes – the State is their mistress. Trusting in the institutions of the federal government is an article of faith, democracy protects the public, voting selects the representatives. Are you a ‘true believer’ in the system that serves the populace? Or are you one of those awful cynics that knock the good intentions of the inner circle that brings freedom and justice to the little folks?  Surely, you count yourself among the chorus of the cheering crowd! Now you have your fondest dream – coming soon – to safeguard the protector of the people. It’s focus is on preserving Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court and comes from “The Continuity of Government Commission”.   Continue reading “Continuity of Government Commission”

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Ars Technica – by Sean Gallagher

A National Security Agency document published this week by the German news magazine Der Spiegel from the trove provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden shows that the agency had full access to voice, video, text messaging, and file sharing from targeted individuals over Microsoft’s Skype service. The access, mandated by a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court warrant, was part of the NSA’s PRISM program and allowed “sustained Skype collection” in real time from specific users identified by their Skype user names.   Continue reading “Newly published NSA documents show agency could grab all Skype traffic”

A 63-year-old woman was found dead by her roommate, with a phone cord wrapped around her neck on Saturday.Gee, they are so worried about guns…

New York Daily News – by Alfred Ng

Police are investigating a 63-year-old woman’s death after she was found dead in her Wakefield apartment Saturday night.

The woman’s roommate found her lying on the floor in their apartment hallway with a phone cord wrapped around her neck, police sources said.   Continue reading “Bronx woman found dead with phone cord wrapped around neck”

4thUSA Watch Dog

Gold and derivatives expert Rob Kirby thinks crashing oil prices are going to lead to a 2008 style financial meltdown.  This is not a maybe–a market explosion is going to happen in 2015.  Kirby contends, “Oh yes, without a doubt, it will.  It must because the income crude oil sales generate are used to pay the interest on the debt. . . . If you have a mortgage payment of $5,000 at the end of the month and you only have $2,500, you have defaulted.  That is the position they are in right now.  We just need to wait for some coupon dates to come and go because these guys won’t have the money.  They don’t have the income.”   Continue reading “Oil Derivatives Explode in Early 2015-Rob Kirby”

Darryl-Jouett-010415USA Today – by Henry Molski

CINCINNATI — An off-duty police officer accidentally shot himself Saturday on his way back from dinner with his wife in Cincinnati.

Cincinnati police said in a news release that Officer Darryl Jouett of the Erlanger (Ky.) Police Department was in an elevator when he tried to adjust the weapon in his holster and shot himself in the stomach.

The duty-issued .40-caliber semi-automatic handgun discharged and the bullet ricocheted off the walls of the elevator, police said.   Continue reading “Off-duty police officer accidentally shoots himself”

A vehicle goes through an X-Ray machine checking for contraband at the San Ysidro port of entryUT San Diego – by Sandra Dibble

Methamphetamine seizures at U.S. ports of entry on the California-Mexico border reached unprecedented levels in fiscal 2014, as drug trafficking organizations strive to smuggle growing quantities of the low-cost Mexican-made product into the United States.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection figures show 14,732 pounds of meth seized by the San Diego field office during the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, accounting for 63 percent of the synthetic drug seized at all land, air and sea ports of entry nationwide.   Continue reading “Record border meth seizures”


A new Thai and sushi restaurant sits on a busy corner, not far from the vast prairie that once epitomized Texas’ early cattle ranching days.

Only five years ago, owner Saw Lawla left his home country of Myanmar and resettled in Los Angeles through a federal refugee program. Vexed by big-city life, Lawla was lured to the Panhandle in 2011 by cheaper living, employment at a meat processing plant and a growing population of other Myanmar refugees.   Continue reading “Refugees expand cultural diversity in remote Texas cities”

AP PhotoBreitbart – by ILDEFONSO ORTIZ

A group of gunmen stormed the home of a journalist in the Mexican state of Veracruz taking him at gunpoint while at the same time stealing his camera, computer and cell phones.

The kidnapping took place in the town of Medellin Del Bravo, Veracruz, when a group of heavily armed gunmen arrived in three vehicles to the house of Jose Moises Sanchez Cerezo from where they kidnapped him, Mexico’s El Universal reported.   Continue reading “Journalist Kidnapped by Gunmen in Mexico”

Eduardo Verdugo, AP PhotoBreitbart – by ILDEFONSO ORTIZ

MCALLEN, Texas – The Mexican military seized an armored vehicle loaded with a grenade launcher and several other drug cartel weapons and ammunition just south of the Texas border.

The seizure took place when a convoy of Mexican soldiers was carrying out routine patrols in the Mexican city of Miguel Aleman when they spotted an SUV with makeshift armor plating that tried to drive away, information provided to Breitbart Texas by the Tamaulipas government revealed. The town of Miguel Aleman is just south of Roma Texas and is an area that has been used for drug trafficking for decades.   Continue reading “Mexican Army Seizes Armored Truck, Grenade Launcher Near Texas Border”

DMVBreitbart – by Tony Lee

Many illegal immigrants at a Northern California DMV reportedly were failing the written exam when applying for driver’s licenses on Friday.

Under the AB 60 law that Governor Jerry Brown (D) signed in 2013 and took effect at the start of 2015, illegal immigrants were able to apply for driver’s licenses on Friday. And nearly 1.4 illegal immigrants are expected to apply for licenses in California in the next three years.   Continue reading “CA Illegal Alien at DMV: ‘Nobody’s Passing’ Written Test”