Western Rifle Shooters

Here is a link to details on the new Obama Executive Orders. (Thanks to member Joseph Gunter for the link): https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/01/04/fact-sheet-new-executive-actions-reduce-gun-violence-and-make-our

or http://tinyurl.com/j767ler

Before I begin my analysis, I’d like to point out that the number the President uses for deaths caused by the use (or misuse) of a firearm includes suicides (much more than half of the total) and lawful self-defense shootings by citizens and police. Should suicide and lawful self-defense be considered “gun violence?” No.   Continue reading “EOs”

BATR – by James  Hall

Economists, stock pickers and financial analysts are eager to play the forecast game. Clients of these erudite soothsayers would like you to believe that their study of trends and markets are founded on empirical maxims. What they carefully avoid admitting is that predicting the political climate is even more important than knowing the direction that monitory central banking will follow. 2016 promises to be a pivotal year. Depend upon the overactive drive of a lame duck President to complete his task of ruining the economy before he leaves office.   Continue reading “Future of Corporatism in 2016”

Breitbart – by John Hayward

There would seem to be something ideologically incongruous about honoring the godfather of Chinese communism with a giant golden statue, but the story of the Mao colossus of Zhushigang gets worse with each new detail. The imposing 120-foot statue, made from steel and concrete covered in gold paint, towers over the surrounding trees.

The region where Maozilla sits is currently impoverished, one of the poorest areas in China… making the expense of 3 million yuan (a little under half a million U.S. dollars) on a creepy monument a slap in the face to struggling residents. Some of them reportedly donated to the construction project, which makes the whole affair even more horrifying.   Continue reading “Chinese Region Starved by Mao Honors Him with Giant Golden Statue”

Southern Poverty Law Center

The armed takeover of a federal government building in Oregon comes amid a renewed expansion of the far-right, antigovernment militia movement in the wake of the 2014 standoff between federal agents and heavily armed antigovernment activists in the Nevada desert.

In its annual count of militias, released today, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identified 276 militia groups – up from 202 in 2014, a 37 percent increase.   Continue reading “Antigovernment Militia Groups Grew by More than One-Third in Last Year”

Daily Sheeple – by Kit Daniels

Americans critical of government could have their Second Amendment rights restricted if psychologists diagnose them with “Oppositional Defiant Disorder” or a similar diagnosis as a result of Obama’s new gun control executive action.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Fifth Edition (DSM-5), which the American Psychiatric Association uses for psychiatric diagnosis, defines “oppositional defiant disorder” as a “recurrent pattern of negativistic, defiant, disobedient, and hostile behavior toward authority figures” which typically begins at a young age but can survive into adulthood.   Continue reading “We’re There: Americans Critical Of Government Can Lose Gun Rights Due To Executive Order”

CBC News

About 42 kilometres from Los Angeles, above the houses nestled in the mountains of Porter Ranch, Calif., a plume of methane is shooting into the sky. The cloud is invisible but it stretches for kilometres, as though a forest fire has been continually burning for months. All of this is emanating from a tiny pipe about 20 centimetres wide, more than a kilometre underground.

“The amount of methane and natural gas that’s coming out of the Aliso Canyon Facility really is probably one of the largest volumes of gas ever recorded from a single leak,” says Tim O’Connor, an oil and gas specialist with the non-profit Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).    Continue reading “Methane leak in California a ‘major catastrophe’”

Western Rifle Shooters

As of last night there is still open access to the refuge. There is a lot of press that hang out there during the day. During the press conference yesterday the militia let everyone stroll around the grounds unattended.

There were only about a dozen militia visible. We know that there are some staying in town as well. There appears to be other people coming into to town on the side of the militia.   Continue reading “Malheur: A Reader Sends”

The Daily Caller, Sept 30, 2012

As a freshman at Columbia University in 1970, future Attorney General Eric Holder participated in a five-day occupation of an abandoned Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) headquarters with a group of black students later described by the university’s Black Students’ Organization as “armed,” The Daily Caller has learned.

Department of Justice spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler has not responded to questions from The Daily Caller about whether Holder himself was armed — and if so, with what sort of weapon.   Continue reading “As college student, Eric Holder participated in ‘armed’ takeover of former Columbia University ROTC office”


President Barack Obama wept openly Tuesday as he delivered a forceful defense of new executive actions on gun violence, a set of modest proposals to tighten loopholes that likely face quick legal challenges and could be vulnerable to reversal by a Republican White House.

The president ran through a list of mass shootings that have happened during his time in office, and teared up as he recalled the schoolchildren gunned down in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012.   Continue reading “Obama wipes away tears as he calls for new gun measures”


The Holocaust Denial Speech Restrictions Initiative (#15-0073) is an initiated state statute proposed for the California ballot on November 8, 2016.

The measure would prohibit any speech that claims Jewish, Armenian or Ukrainian Holocausts did not exist in any state-funded school, museum or educational institution. It would also prohibit Holocaust denial organizations from distributing information or conducting activities at these state-funded locations.[1]   Continue reading “California Holocaust Denial Speech Restrictions Initiative (2016)”

Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

York County, PA — A California police officer was recently busted after driving 247 pounds of marijuana all the way across the country. Yuba County Deputy Christopher M. Heath was caught in York, Pennsylvania with a shipment of marijuana that was worth over $2 million. Heath was reportedly on vacation from his job at the Yuba County Police Department at the time of his arrest.

The York County Police Department has been cautiously silent about the investigation, and they have refused to comment on the details of the arrest, and how they became aware of the shipment.   Continue reading “Narcotics Cop Who Ruined Countless Lives for Weed Possession, Busted with $2 Million in Marijuana”

WFMY 2 News

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — Winston-Salem Police say Officer Nicholas Powell was shot multiple times during a traffic stop just before 2:00 a.m. Monday.

Winston-Salem Police Chief Barry Rountree said another officer had pulled over a white Nissan Sentra for speeding on Highway 421/Business 40 near Lowery Street. When that officer smelled marijuana coming from the car, he called for backup. Officer Powell responded.   Continue reading “Winston-Salem Police Officer, Suspect Shot During Traffic Stop”

The Examiner – by Paul Bedard

Outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid is seeking to use $600,000 in campaign and political action committee funds to cover his expenses after leaving office, a request that has the Federal Election Commission concerned about the precedent it would set for using money raised while in office.

Dubbed an “administrative slush fund” by FEC Commissioner Lee E. Goodman, concerns were raised at a meeting in late December that it would let Reid run around the country promoting his agenda with funds given to help his reelection campaigns and as a senator.   Continue reading “Harry Reid demands retirement ‘slush fund,’ FEC defers”

Fusion – by Rob Wile

For at least the third-consecutive year, Oregon saw the highest percentage of inbound moves among all 50 states, according to a report from mover United Van Lines.

With 69% of its total moves inbound, the Beaver State easily topped runner-up Nevada, which rung up an inbound rate of 59%. Washington came in third at 56%.   Continue reading “For the third-consecutive year, this state was the most popular moving destination in the U.S.”