Daily Headlines – by Culture Vigilante

By now just about everyone who has been following the Oregon standoff has seen the edited video, as previously reported on DH. As details unfold a number of questions arise as to the ambush of the parties on their way to a public meeting, and the use of force used by law enforcement that killed Finicum. While an argument can always be made the group broke certain laws or overstepped the boundaries of propriety, their actions amounted to little more than civil disobedience. A carefully orchestrated and forceful raid was executed which ended in a man being brutally killed while displaying no aggression to law enforcement. Who were the key players in this ambush? It’s always the ones you trust the most.   Continue reading “#PatriotLivesMatter: Betrayal Behind Oregon Shooting”

Free Beacon – by Stephen Gutowski

The FBI conducted more gun-related background checks this January than in any other January since the system was created.

With 2,545,802 checks processed through the National Instant Background Check System, January 2016 beat the previous record, set in January 2013, by 50,326 checks. Though January’s number represents a drop from the all-time single month record set in December 2015, it is also marks the ninth month in a row that has set a record. It is also the third month in a row with more than two million background checks.   Continue reading “January Gun Sales Set Yet Another Record”

Global Research – by Guillaume Kress

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Zika virus a global health emergency on Monday (February 1) without providing much detail on the disease. So here are some facts until we receive more information:

This sexually-transmitted virus has been around for 69 years and is marketed by two companies: LGC Standards (headquartered in the UK) and ATCC (headquartered in the US).   Continue reading “Who Owns the Zika Virus?”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

To much applause you no doubt heard President Obama take aim at all the fear mongers out there during his State of the Union address a couple of weeks ago:

The United States of America, right now, has the strongest, most durable economy in the world…

Anyone claiming that America’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction.  

Continue reading “Devastating: 48% Collapse In Trucking Orders: “The Backbone of U.S. Trade Infrastructure and Logistics””

It’s GENERAL ELECTRIC who built the reactors that are melting down and will KILL ALL LIFE on the fact of this planet, and their current CEO, Jeffery Immelt, was ‘appointed’ Czar of POTUS’s Economic Counsel!  Continue reading “NO, it’s not the Japanese or the Russians that are responsible for Fukushima”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

In all of 2011, British police killed 2 people. In 2012, 1 person. In 2013, a total of 3 bullets left the barrels of British police guns, and no one was killed. In the last two years, a total of 4 people have lost their lives because of British cops, bringing the total number of citizens killed in the UK to 7 in the last 5 years.

On average, police in America kill at a rate 70 times that of its Western neighbors. In just the last week of December, American cops killed more people than the entire country of England killed in the last five years.    Continue reading “American Cops Now Being Sent to Scotland to Learn How to Stop Killing People”


Russian President Vladimir Putin has met former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in his residence outside Moscow. The Kremlin said that the two have “long-standing, friendly relations” and that they have used the “opportunity to talk.”

The meeting is a continuation of a “friendly dialogue between President Putin and Henry Kissinger, who are bound by a longstanding relationship,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.   Continue reading “Putin meets ‘old friend’ Kissinger visiting Russia”

Sent to us by the author.

With so many survival bags that cover a variety of disaster scenarios (bug out bags, get home bags, everyday carry kits), why would we need another one? Well, because different people prepare for different things and many realize that smaller emergencies are also prep-worthy.

In this article, I’d like to tackle the issue of a prolonged power outage, specifically, how it can occur and how you can protect from it by having a lights out box, also known as a lights out kit.   Continue reading “Here’s How to Make a Lights Out Box”

Regenesis Radio

Judge Reports Lavoy Shot 9 Times Pleads for Military,   Major General on bringing in U.S Military, reports “French Banking” cartel has employed operatives acting falsely as FBI agents.  The Major General reports he has escalated the matter.   Continue reading “Judge Reports Lavoy Shot 9 Times Pleads For Military”

Breitbart – by Kip Jones

Kid Rock has endorsed Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s White House bid.

In a new interview with Rolling Stone which was conducted before the Iowa Caucuses, the rocker said, “I’m digging Trump. I feel like a lot of people, whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, feel like if you get Hillary or Bernie, or you get Rubio or Cruz or whoever, there’s going to be the same s—t.”   Continue reading “Kid Rock Endorses Trump to Run U.S. Like a Business: No Business Survives if It’s ‘F**king Broke’”

Hot Air

I know, I know … what does Illinois know, anyway? As the Washington Examiner points out, the Board of Elections decision isn’t the first ruling on this matter, but it may be the strongest yet in debunking claims that Ted Cruz is ineligible for the presidency. The board rejected a challenge to Cruz’ inclusion in the March 15th primary in no uncertain terms (via Instapundit):   Continue reading “Illinois Board of Elections declares Cruz a natural-born citizen”

The Ugly Truth

Latest development in multiyear battle leaves 60 children, 18 adults without dwellings.

ed note–SHHHHHHH…..Do you hear that? That’s the tsunami of protests coming out of the Judaic community over the fact that 80 people were made homeless at gunpoint and forced to watch as their homes in OCCUPIED HEBRON were destroyed. SHHHHH…..Do you hear that? That’s the ear-splitting wall of noise coming out of the Judaic community about how this is a ‘violation’ and a ‘perversion’ of Judaism and of ‘Judaic ethics’ which are ‘peaceful and just’.    Continue reading “God’s Chosen People Demolish 23 Homes in Hebron Area to Make Way for IDF Training Zones”


Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by a gun compared to people living in other developed nations around the world. This is according to a new study highlighting the “US has an enormous firearm problem.”

The alarming statistics were published in The American Journal of Medicine, as part of a study carried out by researchers from the University of Nevada-Reno and the Harvard School of Public Health. The report was aiming to put America’s relationship with firearms into perspective.   Continue reading “Propaganda: 80% of firearms deaths in developed world happen in US – study”


MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — The pilot of a passenger plane that was damaged in an explosion from a suspected bomb over Somalia described on Wednesday how the crew jumped into action to fly the plane back to Mogadishu airport and keep the passengers calm as smoke enveloped the passenger cabin.

In a telephone interview with The Associated Press, Serbian captain Vlatko Vodopivec said he and others were told the explosion that created a hole in the passenger cabin was caused by a bomb, though civil aviation authority officials said Wednesday they had found no evidence so far of a criminal act in Tuesday’s blast aboard the Airbus 321 jetliner.   Continue reading “Pilot of plane hit by explosion describes unfolding scene”