Gov’t Slaves

(AMTV)  Hundreds of emergency workers from four countries took part in Europe’s largest disaster drill that came weeks before the recent terror attack.

Seven Tube carriages have been partially buried under thousands of tonnes of rubble that poured into a station when a building collapsed.   Continue reading “42 Actual Graphic Photos Of The DRILL Before The Recent Terror Attack At Brussels”

Acu-Rite Weather Center with Easy Mount 3-in-1 Sensor: Richard from Maryland

20 one ounce .999 fine copper coins and two books, Sodium Bicarbonate – Nature’s Unique First Aid Remedy, and Iodine – Why You Need It.: Mike from Minnesota

Sun Tzu with Hillary Clinton toilet paper: Frost Jack

Sun Tzu: Clay

Sun Tzu: Kim from Alaska

Sun Tzu: Tess

Sun Tzu: Hal Apeeno

Silver Prospector one ounce silver bar: Bulldog

Midland 75-785 40-Channel CB Radio: Jeno

CD with the pdf of Acquisition of Oregon by William I. Marshall, 1905: Norm from California

CD with the pdf of Acquisition of Oregon by William I. Marshall, 1905: Jakester

Trenches Shirt: Angel

Bushido Blood Dragon Samurai Sword: NC

Congratulations! Thank you to all who participated, your support to From the Trenches World Report is greatly appreciated.

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

While Russia and Iran are busy liberating whole cities from ISIS in Syria, the US is sticking with the “one raid at a time” approach and it apparently paid dividends on Thursday morning when Abu Alaa Afri, also known as Abd al-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli and Haji Imam was killed in Syria.

US Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joe Dunford are set to make the announcement this morning at a press conference and the Pentagon is thrilled. Al-Qaduli had a $7 million bounty on his head, higher than Omar the Chechen (who was killed earlier this month) and Abu Mohammed al-Adnani who is arguably more influential than Bakr himself.   Continue reading “US Kills ISIS Second-In-Command For 3rd Time In 2 Years”

Independent Journal Review

In 2015, The Hill reported on Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sending a letter to then-Department of Justice Secretary Eric Holder. In it, he demanded answers on what he saw as wrongheaded Veterans Administration (VA) regulations barring some veterans from owning guns.   Continue reading “Check Out the Crazy Reason the VA Is Stopping Some Veterans from Owning Guns”

The Free Beacon – by Stephen Gutowski

A pair of Republican senators sent a letter to the head of Veterans Affairs last Wednesday demanding answers for the department’s practice of adding hundreds of thousands of veterans to the federal government’s list of people barred from purchasing firearms.

The letter, first reported by The Hill, was sent to VA Secretary Robert McDonald by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) and Sen. Johnny Isakson (R., Ga.). It questions the standards used by the agency to determine which veterans are deemed incompetent and, therefore, unable to own a firearm. The standards have led to the agency adding more than 257,000 vets to the FBI’s background check system as prohibited purchasers. That amounts to more than 99 percent of the total number of people identified in the system as “mentally defective.”   Continue reading “Republicans Rebuke VA’s Anti-Gun Policies”

Free Thought Project – by Justin Gardner

Chicago, IL — Elizabeth Harrison, 82, used to tell kids to “respect the law.” Then on March 17, a gang of Chicago cops raided her home, busting down the door and holding her at gunpoint. Because of this trauma, Harrison had to be rushed to the hospital.

The great-grandmother said police must have had the wrong house, but they insist it was the correct address based on intelligence. No one believed her when she said she was a widow and lived alone. Harrison was made to sit in a chair, overwhelmed with anxiety, while they searched her home for drugs.   Continue reading “82-yo Grandma Hospitalized After Chicago Cops Wrongly Raid Her Home Looking for Drugs”

Waking Times – by Steven Macmillan

Edward Bernays was the master of influencing and shaping public opinion who developed upon the ideas of earlier social psychologists and the work of his uncle, Sigmund Freud, in order to create techniques to manipulate the subconscious desires of the masses.

Throughout his 103-year lifespan, the “father of public relations” was at the pinnacle of his field advising US Presidents Coolidge, Eisenhower, Hoover and Wilson, as well as inventor Thomas Edison, US industrialist Henry Ford and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. He also reportedly refused invitations by Hitler and Franco to work on fascist propaganda campaigns in Europe.   Continue reading “He Was the Father of Modern Mind Control & Propaganda for the Ruling Elite”

Haaretz – JTA

Microsoft put the brakes on its artificial intelligence tweeting robot after it posted several offensive comments, including “Hitler was right I hate the jews.”

The so-called chatbot TayTweets was launched by the Seattle-based software company on Wednesday as an experiment in artificial intelligence, or AI, and conversational understanding. But the company was forced to quickly pause the account and delete the vast majority of its tweets after the chatbot posted a number of offensive comments, including several that were admiring of Adolf Hitler.   Continue reading “Microsoft Pulls Robot After It Tweets ‘Hitler Was Right I Hate the Jews’”

The Organic Prepper

Do you ever feel like this is it? Did some world event (or a series of them) make you feel like time is running out for getting your preps in order? Have you decided that now is the time to pull up stakes and begin searching for the perfect prepper’s retreat?

Recently I’ve felt a renewed sense of urgency that has prompted me to make some big changes in order to get more prepared.  So many world events lately have pointed toward a looming crisis, and the truly scary thing is, the crisis could be one of many scenarios. Lately it seems that every single month, we are on the sidelines of a dramatic event.   Continue reading “Searching for the Perfect Prepper’s Retreat”

1. In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress.
— John Adams

2. If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.
— Mark Twain

3. Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself.
— Mark Twain
Continue reading “Great Truths”

Vigilant Citizen

In the past few years, Katt Williams has been rather vocal about the shady side of the entertainment industry. Simultaneously, he is involved in a long series of strange and humiliating events.

In 2013, I discussed Katt Williams in the article entitled “Katt Williams: “We Are Against the Illuminati at Our Own Detriment” because he openly addressed the dark side of the entertainment industry. In an interview he stated:   Continue reading “Wrong Side of the Industry: The Bizarre Breakdown of Katt Williams”

Chicago Tribune

The gun used in the shooting of three Chicago police officers last week has been linked to a former Chicago officer who later joined a police force in the northern suburbs, the Tribune has learned.

Chicago police now are trying to figure out how the gun — originally purchased by a man who until Friday was a Lake County sheriff’s deputy — ended up in the hands of 29-year-old Lamar Harris, a convicted felon with dozens of arrests who was killed in the shootout with police.   Continue reading “Gun used to shoot 3 Chicago cops traced to sheriff’s deputy: sources”

Human Rights First – Issue Brief, February 2016

The prison at Guantanamo Bay, which now holds 91 detainees, is vastly more expensive to operate than the equivalent federal prisons. Indeed, it’s come to be called “the most expensive prison on earth.” 1 Meanwhile, operating the Guantanamo military commissions, which have proven highly inefficient, is also much more expensive than conducting terrorism cases in federal courts. Keeping the prison open and trying military commission cases at the U.S. naval base in Cuba is a waste of valuable resources. This is fiscally irresponsible at a time when important programs for soldiers and veterans, and support for military functions, are being reduced due to lack of funding.   Continue reading “The Cost of the Guantánamo Bay Prison”


This video was captured by Emad abu-Shamsiyah, a Palestinian resident from Hebron/ Palestine as he watched and documented the zionist crime today Thursday March. 24th ’16.

It seems to be that it is a zionist habit to “finish” the injured Palestinians as no one seemed to be bothered not from the soldiers, the police officers nor even the paramedics. It is normal and expected as it is an official zionist policy dictated by their Rabbis.   Continue reading “Video: Execution in Cold Blood”

CNN – by Matt Egan

Don’t be fooled by the recent spike in oil prices. The world continues to drown in excess supply.

U.S. oil stockpiles skyrocketed by 9.4 million barrels last week to 532.5 million barrels, according to figures released on Wednesday by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. That’s roughly triple what analysts had been bracing for and adds to “historically high” inventory levels.   Continue reading “Epic oil glut gets worse”